Beyond Evolution - X-Men: Evolution
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Beyond Evolution

Episode Guides
Season Three

Here you can find summaries, quotes, images, and information about each individual episode. Check out the glossary for quick stats definitions, and if you have any information, opinions, or images to add, make sure to use the forum, or contact me at !

Season Three (2002-2003)

Episode 31: Day of Recovery
The X-Men and Brotherhood go into Area 51 to save their captured team mates, but one of them won't be making it back out again!

Episode 32: The Stuff Of Heroes
Juggernaut goes on a rampage and the X-Men still don't know where to find Xavier. How will they be able to handle the unstoppable without their leader?

Episode 33: Mainstream
The X-Kids get a chance to prove themselves and go back to Bayville High, on one condition - no powers at school. What will they do when the Brotherhood show up looking for trouble?

Episode 34: The Stuff Of Villains
With Mystique gone, Magneto looks to regain control of the Brotherhood whether they like it or not. But first they have to prove themselves by helping their old member Quicksilver. Will they toe the line or is it payback time for Pietro?

Episode 35: Blind Alley
Mystique escapes Area 51 with one thing on her mind: vengeance against the person who locked her in there.

Episode 36: X-Treme Measures
Evan's mutation is becoming more and more difficult to control, and so is his temper. He finally finds solace and acceptance in a most unlikely place -- but at what cost?

Episode 37: The Toad, The Witch and The Wardrobe
As Wanda continues the search for her father, Toad goes to extremes to try and win her heart.

Episode 38: Self Possessed
The numerous personalities Rogue has absorbed over the years start waging war for dominance. Will Rogue be able to regain control, or will another personality take over forever?

Episode 39: Under Lock & Key
The original X-Men as introduced in the comics - Cyclops, Jean Gray, Beast, Iceman, and Angel are brought together for a very important mission.

Episode 40: Cruise Control

Episode 41: Coming Soon

Episode 42: Coming Soon

Episode 43: Coming Soon

Guide Glossary:

Stars: Characters that are major players in the episode, the plot revolves around these characters.
Appears: Secondary Characters that appear, but have little to nothing to do with major plot.
Cameos: Characters that appear, but have no relevant dialogue and/or action sequences.
Guests: Characters that are not among the usual roster, but make appearances.
Grade: At the end of every page you'll find the grade. This grade only represents my opinion on the episode, other people may feel differently. The grade will run from 1 to 10 with 10 being the best possible.