Beyond Evolution - X-Men: Evolution
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Beyond Evolution

Episode Guides
Season One | Season Two | Season Three

Here you can find summaries, quotes, images, and information about each individual episode. Check out the glossary for quick stats definitions, and if you have any information, opinions, or images to add, make sure to use the forum, or contact me at !

Season One (2000-2001)

Episode 1: Strategy X
Nightcrawler arrives at the Xavier Institute as Toad attempts an infiltration.

Episode 2: The X Impulse
Xavier and Jean try to recruit Kitty Pryde into the X-Men, but Avalanche has other plans for her.

Episode 3: Rogue Recruit
Believing herself a danger to others, a mutant known only as Rogue goes on the run, as both the X-Men and Mystique race to recruit her first.

Episode 4: Mutant Crush
Recruited by Mystique, Blob develops a crush and is determined to make Jean his girlfriend at any cost.

Episode 5: Speed and Spyke
Evan and Pietro, fellow students and constant competitors, discover that they are both mutants with super-powers - which increases their competition to dangerous levels.

Episode 6: Middleverse
After accidentally activating one of Forge's old inventions, Nightcrawler gets stuck between dimensions.

Episode 7: Turn of the Rogue
Scott and Rogue must survive a Geology Club field trip into stormy mountains, while realizing that the people they trust most have been lying to them.

Episode 8: Spykecam - Spyke gets an assignment to document teen life events with a digicam - just as Sabretooth attacks the Institute.

Episode 9: Survival of the Fittest
It's survival training, mutant style. But while the X-Men are proving their mettle in the wilderness, the unstoppable Juggernaut escapes from prison to exact a little revenge against his brother - Professor Xavier.

Episode 10: Shadowed Past
Rogue's recurring nightmares lead Nightcrawler to investigate the truth about his past.

Episode 11: Grim Reminder
A dormant computer chip in Wolverine's brain is reactivated, luring him to Canada and to a hidden lab from his past.

Episode 12: The Cauldron I
As fights break out between good mutants and bad, Scott learns that his brother is still alive after 10 years, and must get to him before Magneto includes him in his dangerous plans.

Episode 13: The Cauldron II
Magneto's ambitious plan for Mutantkind takes shape upon his fortress, Asteroid M.

Season Two (2001-2002)

Episode 14: Growing Pains
Cyclops thinks it's time for the world to know who the X-Men really are. However, when the brotherhood takes it upon themselves to go public, Scott gets a glimpse of public reaction. Will the X-Men be able to survive such a 'revealing?'

Episode 15: Power Surge
Jean Grey's telekinetic powers are evolving at an alarming rate. Unable to silence the inner voices of others, she is thrown into a coma -- her haywire powers keeping everyone from getting close enough to help her.

Episode 16: Bada Bing, Bada Boom
Meet Tabitha Smith, code named Boom Boom. She's having trouble fitting in because she believes in following her own rules. Will she find her place within the X-Men? Or are the Brotherhood more her style?

Episode 17: Fun and Games
When Professor X must be away, the kids do what any normal kids would do. They throw a party at the mansion. But trouble arises when one special guest uses his computer skills to hack into Cerebro and the Danger Room.

Episode 18: The Beast Of Bayville
Hank McCoy has used science to successfully fight his own mutation. But now the formula he uses is no longer enough and the Beast within is starting to win. Will Xavier and the X-Men be able to help McCoy or will the Beast take over for good?

Episode 19: Adrift
Scott takes a trip to Hawaii to visit his brother. While surfing, Alex is pulled out to sea by a riptide. Scott tries to rescue Alex, but now they must face the elements on their own.

Episode 20: On Angel's Wings
A lone vigilante's activities create quite a stir in New York, where media reports of angel sightings become rampant. Rogue and Cyclops are sent to the city to contact and recruit him, but they come across another less-friendly mutant that has the same idea. Who is this "Angel" and will the X-Men be able to find him first?

Episode 21: African Storm
Storm's state of mind is questioned when she believes menacing shadows are haunting her. Are they for real, or are these ghosts from her past?

Episode 22: Joyride
A few of the New Mutants decide to have a little fun with the Institute's high octane modes of transportation. At the same time, Lance makes a surprising announcement. He wants to become an X-Man. Is his change of heart genuine, or is there something more going on?

Episode 23: Walk on the Wild Side
Jean is fed up with Scott trying to be the "hero" all of the time. When some of the X-girls hook up with BoomBoom, they throw the rules out of the window and decide to show the boys just what they can do. But what happens when they take it too far?

Episode 24: Operation: Rebirth
Something very dangerous has been stolen from a high security government facility, and Wolverine is approached to help. Not only because he's their best chance of finding the thief, but because he has a past with the stolen object. A past that stretches back to his association with a most unique soldier, Captain America.

Episode 25: Mindbender
A powerful new enemy steps forward, one that will do anything to get what he wants. When he uses some of the X-Men to do his bidding, the rest of the team are forced to fight their own. Who is this new enemy? And what will happen to the X-Men under his control, will Xavier be able to save them or are they lost forever?

Episode 26: Shadow Dance
Forge has come up with an idea to help Nightcrawler improve his teleporting abilities, but his experiment goes awry. And just in time to cause havoc at the annual Bayville High girl's choice dance.

Episode 27: Retreat
Feeling claustrophobic in the Mansion, Beast takes some of the kids deep into the Redwood National Forest for an Earth Science study, where he assumes they'll be alone.

Episode 28: Hex Factor
Mystique has returned to take over the Brotherhood, but she hasn't come alone. She's found someone with unimaginable power and a grudge against Magneto that surpasses her own, his own daughter and Pietro's sister, Wanda (The Scarlet Witch). What will happen when the new Brotherhood go head to head against the X-Men?

Episode 29: Day of Reckoning I
The X-Men join with their rivals The Brotherhood, forcing one member of the X-Men to leave the group.

Episode 30: Day of Reckoning II
The new alliance of X-Men and Brotherhood goes head-to-head with their arch-nemesis, Magneto and his group of misfits…changing the lives of every mutant in a dramatic twist of fate.

Season Three (2002-2003)

Episode 31: Day of Recovery
The X-Men and Brotherhood go into Area 51 to save their captured team mates, but one of them won't be making it back out again!

Episode 32: The Stuff Of Heroes
Juggernaut goes on a rampage and the X-Men still don't know where to find Xavier. How will they be able to handle the unstoppable without their leader?

Episode 33: Mainstream
The X-Kids get a chance to prove themselves and go back to Bayville High, on one condition - no powers at school. What will they do when the Brotherhood show up looking for trouble?

Episode 34: The Stuff Of Villains
With Mystique gone, Magneto looks to regain control of the Brotherhood whether they like it or not. But first they have to prove themselves by helping their old member Quicksilver. Will they toe the line or is it payback time for Pietro?

Episode 35: Blind Alley
Mystique escapes Area 51 with one thing on her mind: vengeance against the person who locked her in there.

Episode 36: X-Treme Measures
Evan's mutation is becoming more and more difficult to control, and so is his temper. He finally finds solace and acceptance in a most unlikely place -- but at what cost?

Episode 37: The Toad, The Witch and The Wardrobe
As Wanda continues the search for her father, Toad goes to extremes to try and win her heart.

Episode 38: Self Possessed
The numerous personalities Rogue has absorbed over the years start waging war for dominance. Will Rogue be able to regain control, or will another personality take over forever?

Episode 39: Under Lock & Key
The original X-Men as introduced in the comics - Cyclops, Jean Gray, Beast, Iceman, and Angel are brought together for a very important mission.

Episode 40: Cruise Control

Episode 41: Coming Soon

Episode 42: Coming Soon

Episode 43: Coming Soon

Guide Glossary:

Stars: Characters that are major players in the episode, the plot revolves around these characters.
Appears: Secondary Characters that appear, but have little to nothing to do with major plot.
Cameos: Characters that appear, but have no relevant dialogue and/or action sequences.
Guests: Characters that are not among the usual roster, but make appearances.
Grade: At the end of every page you'll find the grade. This grade only represents my opinion on the episode, other people may feel differently. The grade will run from 1 to 10 with 10 being the best possible.