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"Screw 'Em Angus!"

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  • Recent Updates

  • 10-1-02, Screw Em Angus!
  • 9-21-02, Weekly Update
  • 9-13-02, Banner Problems =P

    10-1-02 @ 6:50 PM Sieru writes:
       Since the banner won't cooperate, we decided to invoke the sacred oath: "Screw Em Angus!" Our new 'banner' is making a statement, so Bergoo. *Ahem* In unrelated news, the new Babe, Poll, Joke, and Quote are up.

    9-21-02 @ 2:18 PM Sieru writes:
       Well, the banner still won't upload, but the Babe, Quote, Joke, and Poll all are updated, so check them out.

    9-13-02 @ 5:25 PM Sieru writes:
       Hey, everyone's been telling me the banner won't work, and I apparently Angelfire won't upload it =P Hopefully they can get on that soon and we will have bannerage, so please be patient.

    Last updated on 10-1-02.

          This site Copyright © and the Burning Blade Affiliation, 2002.