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Jurassic Jungle

Welcome to the Jurassic Jungle! I'm Kyle Russell, I'm known has "Spino Kyo" or "Spinoboy11" on the Internet. As of now, this site is under construction, but, it will be up and running as soon you know it!!! This website is going to be one of the three series I'm doing on dinosaurs! This website will feature Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Giganotosaurus, and oh, well I can't name the rest of them! Just look around, see what you can find! Thank you for visiting the Jurassic Jungle!!! Please do come again!!!

Jurassic Contents

Dinosaurs of the Jurassic Jungle
Fan Fiction
About Me
Special:Kyle's JP4 Logo
Jurassic Jungle Message Board
Jurassic Jungle Chatroom
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