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' H e a r t B r e a k K i d '


The Main Event
The Show Stopper

:-/ Disclaimer \-:

This layout was made by ME...TheChosenOne7719. With a little Help from Shane so don't try to take anything.

> Role-Play Number <
> Profile <
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 225lbs
San Antonio, Texas
Sweet Chin Music

:-/ Forward \-:

(WXE cameras are on and a long limo pulls up and the camera pans across the limo and goes to the door to see who is stepping out and its "HBK" Shawn Michaels! The fans give a mixed reaction before booing him. Michaels walks down the hallway with a big grin on his face and looks as if he is making his way down to the ring.............)

(I'm A Sexy Boy hits the arena and fans continue to boo him. Michaels make his way down the ramp but stops towards the middle and looks as if he is going to pose for the fans and have pyro go off but instead stops posing and no pyro goes off for the fans as they expcted it to. Fans put their hands out trying to touch him but qucikly pulls his arm away from everyone and gives the man a dirty look. Michaels finally steps in the ring and gets on the mic)

HBK: Can everyone shutup for a second because I got something to say......(Fans continue to give him heat) Now you fans boo the greatest wrestler of all time, as before you loved me and cheered me and now because I change you dont stand by me? Well everything I do is for myself and not the fans I dont need to be a shallow person and costantly need acceptance like for example a man named Stone Cold Steve Austin. (Fans cheer at the sound of his name) All you fans and Stone Cold can go to hell! I've been to the top and back my mission as a wrestler is complete I've already put the last pieces of the puzzle together. Theres nothing that I havent done because I've done it all!

HBK: Now theres one man back there who just had to stick his face in my business and when you did that you messed with the wrong person. Austin we've fought in that past and I got the best of you as the same where you got the best of me.....but that was then this is now. Austin you dont want to mess with me and my business because I will take you down.....I will take you down for good. When I say I'm going to finish the job I keep my word and Austin dont worry because I will finish the job destroying you. So Austin stay out of my business or else I'll have to do something that you and I will regret......

(Michaels drops the mic with a serious look on his face as his music hits the arena and then smiles and gets a happy look on his face and dances for a while before he exits the ring and goes into the back...)