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Two Different Killers With the Same Killing Ground

Victim #1 Victim #1

On September 28, 1995, a patrol officer made a startling discovery behind a Hartford Road Strip Mall just a hundred yards off of Route 9. Wrapped in plastic and a sleeping bag, a dead young woman shot in the head once. Her age was estimated to be about 17 to 20 years old. Her race was white, possibly hispanic. She weighed 116 pounds, was 5'3, had brown hair and brown eyes. She had a vertical piercing above her naval. She was found wearing white farmer type jeans, white athletic socks, LA Gear shoes size 6 1/2, a size 34B maroon bra, a Gitano watch, a herringbone necklace and a ring with a pink stone on her right hand. There is a $50,000 reward authorized by the State of Connecticut for the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of this crime. The two pictures at left are composite sketches as to what the victim may have looked like.

In Late September of 2009, Police Departments from three states have made strides in getting closer to solving this woman's identity. They have linked her with an older female that was murdered around the same time and found in the Tolland State Forest in Massachusetts. The two are related and believed to be biological mother and daughter. They also theorize that the two women may have spent the better part of a year in the Albany, New York area. To see a sketch of the Massachusetts victim please visit here.

SOLVED: July 23, 2014 The identity of the two females are 17 year old Elizabeth Honsch and her 52 year old mother Marcia Honsch. They were from the town of Brewster, New York. 70 year old Robert Honsch, also known as Robert Tyree was arrested for the murders of his wife and their daughter. Honsch was found guilty of murdering his wife and awaits trial for the murder of Elizabeth Honsch.

In August of 2007 a man looking for a potential hunting sport behind a shopping center at 523 Hartford Road (near Exit 30 of Route 9) made a terrible discovery of a human skull in a wooded area. Searches by police would eventually reveal the remains of three unidentified women. Composite sketches were done of two of the victims and DNA was taken from all three. In 2010, 55 year old Diane Cusack of Oak Street New Britain would be identified as the second of the victims. In October of 2013, 24 year old Joyvaline Martinez was identified as the first victim that was found. In 2014, 40 year old Mary Menard's remains would be identified through DNA testing. Police would continue for years to go back to the scene and look for additional remains but were unsuccessful until May of 2015. With more equipment and highly trained search dog, law enforcement dug up additional ground and found the remains of at least four other people. The four other victims were identified as 29 year old mother of two, Melanie Camilini last seen in Waterbury. Nilsa Arizmendi of Wethersfield , Daniel Whistnant (a man who lived his life as a woman) of New Britain and 26 year old Marilyn Mendez Gonzalez all were last seen alive in 2003. Police also recovered video tapes of their killer, William Devin Howell having sex with two unknown women. Police are trying to find out their identities to see if they are safe or missing. He may also have victims in other states such as Virginia and North Carolina.

In November of 2017, Howell was sentenced to life in prison for six of the seven murders. He was already serving a 15 year sentence for manslaughter in the death or Nilsa Arizmendi.

Unidentified Concertgoer Dies After Attending Grateful Dead Concert

Few clues are available in the mystery of the name of a man who died as a passenger in a fatal car accident on June 26, 1995 in Greensville County in Virginia. The accident occurred as the Driver fell asleep in his van on his way to South Carolina. The driver was identified after his death, but his family has no idea who the deceased passenger was.

At the time of his death the concertgoer of the van was wearing blue jeans, blue FILA Athletic shoes that were size 11 1/2, a necklace. He also wore a red concert T-shirt of the Grateful Dead, Tour 30th Anniversary 1995. He had in his personal possession, two ticket stubs to a Grateful Dead concert that took place the day before at RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C. Police theorize that this man had been hitchhiking when the driver of the van picked him up.

The deceased was around 5'8 inches and 169 pounds. He had all his teeth and no restoration work done on them. He had shoulder length red hair and brown eyes (his hair my have actually been blonde but dyed red). His left arm had had a crude small homemade tattoo of a five-pointed star. His age may have been between the sixteen and twenty-one year old (possibly older).

It is possible that the victim was following the Grateful Dead Tour that summer. He did leave behind one important clue that could point to his identity. A note was found near his body that read "To Jason, Sorry we had to go. See you around. Caroline O. and Caroline T." The note also contained a phone number with a 914 prefix but no area code. It is possible the note belonged to him.

December 11, 2015. He has been identified as then 19 year old Jason Callahan from South Carolina. His mother recognized his picture from an internet posting. Jason was indeed a Grateful Dead fan but had been known to take off for months at a time.

Murder Haunts Family

On August 26th 2011, twenty year old Amanda Plasse was a victim of homicide in her downtown apartment in the town of Chicopee. It happened on a sunny Friday afternoon around 4:30pm at 73 School Street. She had been stabbed multiple times.

The twenty year old waitress worked at Friendly’s Restaurant on Memorial Drive and enjoyed going to various music festivals: Bella Terra, Strang Creek and some others in New York State. She enjoyed playing acoustic guitar and liked folk and bluegrass music. She would design tie-dye shirts and blankets. She also enjoyed tattoos and had a large amount of them on her.

The family believes that there may be individuals that know something and that they need to come forward. The murder took place in a busy area of Chicopee. Any information would be helpful. If you or anyone you know has information about this case, you are asked to call the Chicopee Police at (413) 594-1730. You could also text any information anonymously using Text a Tip by sending a message to 274637. Type SOLVE in the message and then hit “Send.”

2016: Dennis Rosa Roman was convicted in the case and is serving the remainder of his life behind bars .

Murder of University of Colorado Student Still Unsolved After A Decade

The infamous murder in Boulder, Colorado of young Beauty Queen Pagent Winner Jon Benet Ramsey captured the nations attention. The person(s) responsible for the brutal sexual assault and murder of twenty three year old Susannah Chase still eludes Law Enforcement. On December 21st of 1997, Chase left a restaurant at 1:50 am after a verbal fight with her boyfriend. Right near her house she was attacked with a baseball bat at the corner of 18th and Spruce streets. Police then theorize the Connecticut born woman was dragged and forced into a vehicle. She was then found a block away from where she was attacked. She died a day later. At first Susannah's boyfriend was a suspect. But DNA analysis as well as an alibi have ruled him out. It is possible that her murderer could have been a hispanic or native american male. If you have any information about this case, you are asked to call the Boulder Police Department at 303-441-4310. There are rewards form information leading to a conviction of her killer.
UPDATE: January 27, 2008. Thirty-eight year old Diego Olmos-Alcalde is being held on a 5 million dollar bond for the murder and kidnapping of Susannah Chase. He had previously been convicted for a kidnapping offense. DNA tests matched Olmos-Alcalde as the likely murderer. In 2009, he was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. The family of his victim, chose not to pursue the Death Penalty, because ironically Susannah Chase didn;t believe in it.

A Mother's Letter to The Murderer(s) of Her Son

Eva Kiss seeks justice for her son, Zoltan who was brutally gunned down on a city street in Bridgeport on September 28, 2001. Zolten Kiss had been shot 25 times while driving in his car.

Please help her in her quest for justice. December 20th, 2007, Orema Taft, 31, was sentenced to 45 years in prison on murder and conspiracy of murder. Also convicted was Miguel Zapata who is serving 60 years in prison for his role in the murder. Once again the Bridgeport Police have cracked a cold case.

A Cowardly Act of Murder

In August of 1989, A jury took 2 hours to convict Adams Zachs for the murder of 29 year old Peter Carone outside the Prospect Cafe in West Hartford. Carone and Zachs had been sitting watching a basketball game when an argument between the two, who had just met turned heated. Zachs challenged the older Carone to take a step outside. According to witnesses, Carone did not want to fight but stepped outside the bar with Zachs. Minutes later, Carone decided to walk back into the bar. He never made it as he was shot in the back in a cold blooded act of murder. After being sentenced to 60 years in prison, Zachs was allowed out on bail pending his appeal He never went to his appeal as he soon disappeared and the FBI and police have been looking for him ever since. It is believed that Zachs may either be in Israel or in Mexico. He is described as being in his early forties, white, 5'4", around 140 lbs. He has dark hair and blue eyes. He may or not have a beard. If you have seen Adam Zachs please call the FBI tip line at 1-800-435-1284. There are rewards totaling 100 thousand dollars if Zachs is captured and brought to rightful justice.

CAPTURED: 6-30-2011 Adam Zachs has been captured in Mexico after decades on the run. His father was found guilty of aiding and abetting a fugitive and served less than a year in jail. Zachs is now serving his prison sentence in Connecticut.

An Anonymous Phone Call, A Possible Witness to Murder?

At 12:19 p.m. November 8th of 2002, a desperate 911 call was made from the Duchess restaurant on Shippan Avenue. A female caller reported that her neighbor had been attacked in an apartment by a man and that there was loud yelling. Less than a mile away from the call site, Stamford Police found 32 year old Anna-Lisa Raymundo dead in her condominium at the Palmer Landing complex on Harbor Drive. There were signs of a violent struggle and the Harvard educated pharmaceutical worker was pronounced dead at the scene. She had been brutally stabbed and beaten to death. To date, the police have made no arrests and are looking for information as to who may have committed this crime. If you have any information about this crime please call the Stamford Detective Bureau at 203-977-4417. Your call can be confidential. UPDATE 11-20-2007: Stamford police say DNA evidence proves that the killer off Raymundo is Sheila Davalloo. Davalloo is serving a 25-year prison sentence in New York for trying to kill her husband. Police say Davalloo stabbed Raymundo nearly 20 times so she could have the 32-year-old's boyfriend for herself. The two had been romantically involved with the same man. In 2012, she was convicted of murder and sentenced to 50 years in prison.

Homicide of 78 Year Old Shocks Town

At the age of 78 Pat O'Hagan refused to slow down. The active grandmother was an active volunteer who also camped and kayaked on her own. September 10, 2010, was the last time she was seen alive in her house. On October 3rd, just weeks later, her dead body was found by hunters in the woods of the town of Wheelock, just ten miles away. Police have said that she was abducted and there is the likelihood that one more than one person was involved in this act of foul play.

There is a $25,000 reward for information leading the arrest and conviction of the individual(s) responsible for her murder.

There was another murder back in 1982 has similarities to that of O'Hagan. 76-year old Sylvia Gray of Plainfield, New Hampshire had been reported missing in early October. A day later she was located, she was stabbed and bludgeoned to death. Her remains had been found on October 5, 1982 only a few hundred yards from her house. Though almost three decades apart, the murders have some things in common. They were both in their seventies, they lived not far from Interstate 91 and were both found deceased in wooded areas.

NOTE: There are suspects in this case. One has been convicted on another criminal charge. The Police and O'Hagan family need your help in this case.

If you know anything about this case, you are urged to call the Vermont State Police at (802) 748-3111 or call the State Police tip line at (802) 241-5355. You can remain anonymous.

UPDATE: 3-8-2017. Three suspects have been arrested for the murder Pat O'Hagan. Richard Fletcher, Keith Baird and Michael Norrie are all from the town of Sheffield were charged with the murder. Fletcher pleaded guilty to burglary and kidnapping and received 15 years in prison. Norrie pleaded guilty to first degree murder and got 23 years behind bars. Murder charges against Baird have been dropped but he still faces jail time for burglary and kidnapping.

Who was Baby X?

It was in the town of Clinton, January 31, 1975 when some children playing behind a store made a gruesome discovery. Just along a path among some weeds was a plastic bag containing the body of a newborn blonde haired baby girl. It was determined that baby had been born sometime in Mid-December of 1974. It is believed the baby died of exposure and possibly suffocation. Because of the nature of the crime, it received national attention and a then 25,000 dollar reward for information. There are few leads in this case even though six years after the discovery of Baby X, police did receive an anonymous phone call from a woman who claimed she knew who abandoned the baby. The anonymous caller had said she would call back but never did. To this day no one knows what Baby X's name is or who abandoned her. Almost thirty years after her death flowers still routinely decorate her grave but by who? If you have any information about this case please call the Clinton Police Department at (860) 669-0451.

3-28-2007 After thirty plus years, Law Enforcement has identified the mother of Baby X. Police believe that she was murdered by her. The States Attorney however, does not feel that there is enough evidence to bring the pair to trial. The Medical Examiner at the time determined the death a homicide but he passed away before the mother of Baby X was identified. The case is resolved yet technically suspended. A murder charge is still be possible.

Dinnertime Bandit Now Getting Meals in Prison

Greenwich Police and the FBI are looking for the whereabouts of Alan William Golder. Nicknamed the "Dinnertime Bandit", Golder is accused of robbing at least 16 residences in wealthy Greenwich and over 50 other burglaries in other states. Golder received the name the "Dinnertime Bandit" because of his knack of stealing valuable items in houses while the residents were home eating dinner. Golder is about fifty years old now and is known for keeping himself in great shape. He did serve prison time for murder even though it is believed he was not the triggerman in the homicide of a Long Island real estate developer in 1978. Golder is described as being 5'9, 150 pounds. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. At the age of 50, Golder's appearance most likely has changed. If you have seen Alan Golder, please contact former Greenwich Police Detective Cornell Abruzzini 203-869-0124 extension 151.

CAPTURED AND CONVICTED: Golder will not get out of prison until about 2022. However, never count the clever cat burglar out.

Fifty year Old Disappearance Resolved

In 1956, 26 year old David MacDonald of Hartford seemngly disappeared on his way to Massachusetts on a business trip. He had last been seen withdrawing 255 dollars from a bank near where he worked. The Korean War Veteran had a job at the Wadsworth Anthenium museum and left behind a pregnant wife. In January of 2008, the nephew of Macdonald was contacted by an individual who claimed that Dave Macdonald had recently died and that started a life under a different name in Seattle, Washington. Few details are available but fingerprints from Macdonald's military records matched the man's body. A bittersweet ending that leaves still many unanswered questions.

Two Brothers Murdered, One Unsolved. The Town of Greenwich is once again in the National Spotlight

For decades, the 1975 murder of Martha Moxley haunted the wealthy town of Greenwich. It was not until twenty five years later that her then neighbor Michael Skakel (a nephew of Ethel Kennedy) was convicted of the brutal crime. The case attracted national attention because of the Skakel family connections to the most famous American political family. But in April 2005, Greenwich once again had an unsolved murder that was attracting the national media. Forty six year old Real Estate Developer Andrew Kissel had been recently charged with stealing millions of dollars from clients. He was found stabbed to death in the basement of his Greenwich mansion, his feet and hands had been bound. Kissel was having marital problems and was facing the prospect of a lengthy prison sentence.

Ironically, his murder was not the first in his family. Robert Kissel the brother of Andrew was murdered in Hong Kong in 2003. His wife, Nancy Kissel poisoned him with a milk shake that was laced with drugs and then bludgeoned him to death. She is now convicted and serving a life sentence in prison. To this date, Greenwich Police have not named any suspects in the murder of Andrew Kissel.

UPDATE: There have been two arrests in the murder of Andrew Kissel; Twenty-one year-old Leonard Trujillo of Worcester, Mass and his cousin forty-seven year old Carlos Trujillo of Bridgeport. Carlos Trujillo was the former driver of Andrew Kissell. In 2011 Carlos Trujillo plead under the Alford Doctrine to the attempted murder of Kissel. He received a sentence of 20 years in prison, twenty suspended after six years. Leonard Trujillo plead guilty to manslaughter and conspiracy to commit murder charges. He is serving a 20 year sentence behind bars.

Andrew Kissel Robert Kissel Nancy Kissel

Notorious Gangster Still On The Run

Perhaps no gangster or mobster is as famous in Massachusetts history as James "Whitey" Bulger. Bulger who grew up in South Boston was the leader of the feared Winter Hill Gang. A survivor of prison stints in Alcatrazz and various gang wars. He is wanted for his involvement in nineteen murders as well as extortion, money laundering and drug dealing. Bulger was not only an intimidating crimeboss but it soon came to light that he and other members of his organization were FBI informants. They disclosed damaging information about the rival Patriarca Crime family that had a heavy presence in Boston. Born September 3, 1929, Bulger is now in his late seventies and rumored to be in Europe with his longtime girlfriend Catherine Greig. Bulger has been wanted by Law Enforcement since 1995. The US Government is offering a one million dollar reward for his capture. If you have seen James "Whitey" Bulger contact the nearest FBI Office or US Embassy. Or call 1-800-CRIMETV.

CAUGHT and CONVICTED: On June 22, 2011, the Boston Gangster was arrested in Santa Monica, California. In August 2013, he was convicted for several murders, extortion, money laundering, and drug dealing. The 83 year old Bulger will now spend the rest of his years in prison.

UPDATE 10-11-2012, she has been identified as Jon-Niece Jones of Harlem, New York City. Likisha Jones her Aunt), James Jones (Uncle), and Godfrey Gibson (husband of Likisha Jones) all of New York City have been charged with hindering apprehension, tampering with evidence and obstruction of justice. The girls mother is believed to have murdered her but she died months later. More details to come in this case.

Suicide of Man Puzzles Investigators

On September 13, 2009 the body of an unidentified man was found deceased in a wooded area in Windham, Maine. The man is estimated to have been there for at least two weeks. He may have weighed around 200 pounds. The Medical Examiners stated that he may have stood around six feet tall. His age is estimated to be between the ages of 18 to 30 years. The deceased had strawberry blond/red hair that was short and straight as well as a scruffy goatee type beard. The Examiners also noticed that the deceased had a large amount of hair in the pubic region which could also be a clue in identifying who he is. Eye color could not be determined because of the extensive decomposition.

There were several items found on the victim which could provide clues to his identity. Silver framed, bottom rimless glasses. A Navy Blue Boston Red Sox baseball Hat with Red letter "B" . Black Dewalt Size 13 Work Boots. A Woven leather belt used as ligature that had a brass colored buckle. Navy blue heavy twill short waisted jacket with quilting, size XL. Wrangler Jeans A light colored T-shirt size XL (no brand) Classic boxers Haines, knit, XL

If you know who this deceased individual is please contact the Medical Examiner at

April 2012, the individual has been identified as 29 year old Kevin O'Brien from Westchester, Pennsylvania. As far back as 2011, an internet sleuth had suggested that O'Brien could have been the unknown man. Few details are available about O'Brien but he has been identified through DNA testing as the Cumberland suicide victim.

Who killed this Hartford Teenager?

  On October 8, 1987, 13 year old Mayra Cruz was last seen alive in the Asylum Hill Neighborhood of Hartford. She was a school bus stop and was seen by a witness getting into small yellow car with a young hispanic male estimated to be about 25 years old in the driver seat. A month later her lifeless body was found in a wooded area of East Windsor, a town more than fifteen miles away. She had been deceased for several weeks. The man she was last seen with was described as having dark hair which was long in the back and parted in the middle. His hair was short on the sides just above his ears.

If you have any information as to who may have killed Mayra Cruz please contact the Hartford Police Department at 860-543-8720.

UPDATE: March 6, 2014. Pedro Miranda has been convicted of the murders Mayra Cruz and Carmen Lopez and is serving a sentence that will keep in prison for the rest of his pathetic life. He is also the prime suspect in the disappearance/murder of Rosa Valentin in 1986.  

Will Reward Bring Justice for Family of Murdered Woman

At 4:44 p.m on May 16, 2006, twenty-six year old Alexandra "Zandra" Ducsay was found in a stairwell in her home on Boothbay Street in the town of Milford. She had been bludgeoned and died as a result of cranial and cerebral hemorrhaging. She had last been seen by friends that day at Bally's Total Fitness in Stratford at 11am that day. While no suspect has been named, family members believe that someone she knew had been sending her threatening messages. There is now a fifty-thousand dollar reward for information leading the person(s) responsible for the murder of the bank analyst, dancer and television actress. Please contact the Milford Police Department if you have any information. They can be reached at 203-877-1465. All calls can be confidential.


UPDATE: March 5, 2015. Matthew Pugh was convicted for her 2006 murder. He had been her ex-boyfriend and had threatened her on numerous occasions. He will most likely die in prison which is where he belongs.

Murder of Pawnshop Owner as Family Looks for Answers

Sometime after Christmas in 2001, 51 year old George Jodoin was shot to death in his own bed at his farmhouse home at 718 Chester Road (Route 121) in the town of Auburn. To date there has been no arrest in the murder of the co-owner of a pawn shop in Manchester. His family is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for his murder. His family believes that he may have known who was responsible for his slaying. At the time of his murder, the killer may have been driving a truck. If you have any information about this case, please call the Auburn Police Department at 603-483-2922.

On May 16, 2012, it was announced by various New Hampshire Law Enforcement Agencies that 43 year old Arthur Collins had been arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder. In the summer of 2015, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison under a guilty plea.

Did Murdered Child Know His Killer?

It was May 25, 1991, when five year old Timothy Wiltsey was reported missing by his mother. The youngster from South Amboy, New Jersey had gone missing from a carnival at Kennedy Park in the borough of Sayreville between 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. His mother claims he vanished when she left him in a carnival ride line while she went to get a soda. A massive manhunt took place and the case garnered national attention.

Less than a year later, Wiltsey's body was located in Red Root Creek off Olympic Drive at Raritan Center. Despite an autopsy, the body had been so badly decomposed that a cause of death could not be determined. Never the less, the case is being investigated as a homicide.

Suspicion in this case has focused on Wiltsey's mother for decades. She has failed lie detectors tests, given conflicting stories and at one point she faked an abduction on herself. There have been other questions about her but she has never been arrested and the case remains open.

If you have any information about this case please call the Sayerville Police at (732)727-4444.

UPDATE: 1-8-2017, the web of lies has finally caught up and Timothy's mother has been found guilty of his murder. 48 year old Michelle Lozinski who lived in Florida will now spend thirty years behind bars.

US Soldier Gunned Down On City Street

Julian Cartie was getting enjoying a night out clubbing in Springfield, Massachusetts for he was about to ship out overseas to Afghanistan. But in the early morning of February 22, 2009, the 25 year old New Britain native was shot to death in cold blood. Around 2 a.m. Cartie and several friends approached a 2006 blue colored Honda Civic or Hyundai that was at the intersection of State and Main streets. There was anywhere between three to four young females and one male passenger in the front seat . It is believed that the women were in their late teens to early twenties. There may been a verbal confrontation when the one male in the car shot Cartie fatally hitting him several times in the upper body.

The suspect is described as a light skinned Hispanic male who was clean shaven and wore a white polo shirt and blue jeans. He is believed to be 5-foot-7-inch to 5-foot-9-inches tall and in his early twenties.

Cartie was a former New Britain high school football star and died of his wounds moments later. Springfield Police think it is possible that his killer(s) could either be from the Springfield area or even from Connecticut cities such as Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport or Meriden. The family is offering a ten thousand dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the persons responsible for Cartie’s homicide.

If you have any information about the murder of Julian Cartie please call the Springfield Police Department at 413-787-6355.

UPDATE: 5-2-2017. Michael Rodriguez formerly of Holyoke, Massachusetts was convicted in the murder of Julian Cartie. He was sentenced to life in prison.

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