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From Eblis to TWF:

Today was Triple Factor's second year motherfucking anniversary. We declared war on this shitty TWF and we took the site on the same day T-F was made two years ago. Now Stephen and Cash, you guys may not give a fuck but you guys are never going to win. Everytime I leave you alone, you guys go and do something stupid that just pisses the hell out of me. I tried to be nice but no you guys think im a big fucking joke. You guys can go ahead and make a new TWF site because pretty soon it will be taken again. I really dont give a shit what you guys think because in the end, Triple Factor always come in as winners.
Now today we celebrate the two year anniversary with great pleasure. Every October 9th something special happens. Last year a few TWF members were hacked, this year TWF was destroyed. I know that Stephen has backups, but they will also be destroyed in a matter of days. Also all the backups that you probably on microsoft word will be deleted. When I say I'm going to take something down, I FUCKING MEAN IT! Triple Factor got the name triple factor because its split into 3 factors, of 10 members in each factor. One factor is run by skull, the other by griffin, and the other EZ Money. I am in charge to see if everything is going right. Trust me Stephen I know everything that goes on at all times.
Now with great pleasure I will introduce to you the people that were hacked by I in the past two years of running T-F....
Steve Bruce
Steve Goldman
The Attacker
Victus Metuo
Some idiots from EWCL...forgot their names
Darren Lionhart
Patman...fucked around with his aim LOADS of times
Dark Angel
Bobby Rage
Travis Smith

These were only some of the people hacked by I, Eblis or atleast the names that I remember. I guarantee you that there's more, but I dont want to go through a long ass list. Have a good day Stephen Jackson, Cash Zillion, VP, to hell with TWF, and you.

Sincerly, Eblis "The Fallen One"