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My Terryville Fire Department Page

Reasons to join the Department.

Links to other pages.
Terryville Fire Department Home Page
Junior Corps Members
Actual Members
UK FireFighters Forum. Thanks for the link Davy Cartwright
A site I go to to learn more on gaming.

Date: 8-28-02 Welcome to my Terryville Fire Department webpage. It has been born on this date at 5ish p.m. The Department has 8 engines, 1 tower, 1 brush truck, a car, a van, and 1 heavy rescue. The Department is looking for more volunteers to join. If you are 18+ you can be a member. If you are 15-18, you can become a Junior Corps Member (where I am at now). The picture of Tower 1, I got at The Junior Corps consists of 10 or 11 members(I forget) mostly men, only 1 women. The FD has a Hose Company and a Ladder Company. I think there is 1 more but I'm not sure. There will be more updates later on in the year to this site. Date: 8-30-02 I am still getting name info for the members page but I only got that much that's there. I'm trying but I just keep forgetting to get a peice of paper and a pen to write them down. Date: 9-3-02 Ok. I just got done mostly with the members page still working on the JC page. Still I couldn't get the firehouse and terryvillefire links to work... Date: 9-4-02 I got the links to and to work so this site if fully functional. Date: 2-6-03 Finally I get the chance to update the site. If you've been coming here look around and see. Hopefully I will become a Luitenent soon.
