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Welcome to my Web site. This site was created to help people (12 and up) understand about the topic Obesity. This is a school project and my first web site using front page and I am experimenting. At this site you will learn about what Obesity is, stories about obesity, how to prevent obesity, ideas on how to prevent obesity, and a Links page to other web sites on Obesity.

What is Obesity?

We all need and have fat tissue in our bodies. When there is too much of this body fat the result is obesity. Obesity is not a sign of a person being out of control. It is a serious medical disease that affects over a quarter of adults in the U.S. and about 14% of children and adolescents. It is the second leading cause of preventable death after smoking.


 Cause of Obesity      Story about obesity       Prevention         Treatment                   Site Map     

Links page     Bibliography       

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Last updated: February 2004

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