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The clan now has a new member.
He’s been recruited since last week and shows great skill. So please everyone comment and give
Knightmare a big welcome to the

The clan has no servers at the moment but we are working on getting one, if you want admin contact -=STS=-1337 about it. Also make sure to read the clansforums, we've had some complaints about...(more)

We haven't played any Clans and all we can say right now is that GN clan sucks!!! 5 years and couldn't bet a noobie clan! lololol

STS (15) vs. GN (5)

If you would like to arrange a scrim with us please click the contact link above and email -=STS=-Trance Thank You :)

Welcome To Special Tactics Squadron:

Formed after the lack of leadership in numerous clans Special Tactics Squadron deals with training in many areas other clan chose to ignore. You are ranked by your obedience, tactics, and scores. Ranks determine your responsibility in the clan and the privilege of authority over any rank below you. (within reason of course). Do understand that everyone one of STS's Clan members do agree and abide by the rules/standers we have set....Do you think you have what it takes join the Special Tactics Squadron? Please visit the forums for more info....

The Forums gives you everything you need to know about our clan, so please click the link to the left and read about how we rank, and what are standards are for Clan Members. Also ....Please Click the links below to visit our sponsors and are Allied Clans!

Thank you for Visiting The Special Tactics Squadron Web site.


Special Tactics Squadron's Latest News Release:

What's new with the Special Tactics Squadron Clan? Well other then just starting out, we have 2 new members other then the 5 we started with. Were still working on a server but were having some trouble getting it started

Sponsors and Allies :

Clan War:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In lacinia nibh faucibus leo eleifend tincidunt. Mauris mattis. Pellentesque augue wisi, placerat vitae, molestie ut, tempor id, nibh. Nam justo. Aenean tellus felis, dapibus ac, tincidunt vitae, placerat consequat, dui. Pellentesque suscipit egestas tortor. Aliquam scelerisque dapibus augue. Mauris eu nulla ut felis volutpat porttitor. Aliquam at quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Nunc pharetra. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris ultricies cursus mauris. Vestibulum risus purus, ullamcorper in, porta quis, consectetuer et, neque. Duis vel mauris et tortor malesuada dictum. Nullam nulla tortor, condimentum vitae, tristique convallis, mollis nec, odio. Morbi et felis in turpis eleifend convallis. Suspendisse volutpat molestie mi. Quisque lectus lorem, ornare in, euismod sed, scelerisque eu, est. Sed semper ante blandit urna.