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Rob's Bio, Writings, and Pics Page..

This is what its all come down to. Me making a stupid page. lol Well this is where you all should go!
Ive acutaly got some pics up and running, they really suck balls. but dont mind that, just some draft pictures, ill get better ones up soon.

I mean to say sorry for the shitty page, as of right not, its still under much construction!


Please Sign Our Expressively Yours Greetings Guest Book


-Tristan= What is there to say?! Your one of the best, your there when i need someone to talk to, and when i need advice. Your great with words and you've got a nack for anything that comes your way. If you ever need anything, just give me a message... Good luck and have fun with this last year of highschool! And remember, works not too bad, just as long as you dont drop the cups like corry! lol

-Morgan= Hum..I wonder...if that picture will offend, I just recently meet you, and like ive heard, your one of the easest people to talk to, your great, and you know it, dont let anyone bring you down cuz you've got to much to look foward to! hehe (ps. heres that shoutout you

-Byrd=Why, hello there, thanks alot man, you've always been there, and thanks for those lessons. I hope everything goes well, with that girl. oh yea, and try not to kill me while we are crusing around! hahaha

-Patrick= Pat, your the one man, that i've had forever, i cant even remember when i meet ya. Your awsome. you always know what to say to make me feel better, and i hope you get everything situated in the family...

-Krissy= Well, your one in a hundred billion plus one (hehe), i can always talk to you, and you know you can always talk to me. Whenever i feel down, i know i can always talk to you. When i ever had girl troubles, your that one girl i can turn to without fear. Your always that one person that i can relate to for everything, and anything. I never knew a person as deep as you can be.

-Dorsey= Well well well, gues what the team has begun! and all hell is going to break loose on those opponets! YOU Bet your ass we are going to kick some ass. (pardon my But hey, i hope i got everything fix between you, and your friend. I Hope that i didnt cause any more trouble than ive dealt already....

-Chris= Dude, your great. The team will go so far, and we will get so good everyone will know us for our skill! Just now, you need a job...(lol). But hey, you've gota lower yourself a bit, dont be the guy that thinks between his legs, be the romantic guy you can be, think between the eyes, in that stiff old gray matter up there! lol