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Connecticut Genealogy

Welcome to the Sharon, Litchfield County, CT

GenWeb Project

Sharon Queries

If you have a query you would like added to this page please e-mail Louise Johns Neu

I am searching for Samuel D. Baxter who married Amy E. Lewis on July 28 1810 according to their family Bible. Some of their descendants removed to Chenango Co., New York in the early 1800s. Any information on ancestors and/or descendants of this couple will be greatly appreciated.


Kay Brownell Reed, VP & Genealogist

Potter Co. Historical Society

Potter County (PA) Historical Society email

or go to links

Potter County (PA) Information Page or Painted Hills Genealogical Society

I am researching Franklin Darius Gray who was born in Sharon on May 17, 1822 and moved to Chicago in 1840. He was the son of Silas A. Gray, a farmer (born in Sharon, d. 1867) and Lucretia Wadhams Gray (born in Goshen, d. 1853). Franklin Gray is said to have left home at the age of 12, and worked as a clerk in the country store in Goshen. He eventually became a banker in Chicago, as a director and vice president of the First National Bank of Chicago. He married Ann Olive Phelps of Norfolk Ct. in 1843. Franklin and Ann had one child, a daughter whose name I am not sure of, but it might be Isabel. Apparently she never married and Franklin had no grandchildren. He died 11/16/1905 and Ann died 7/17/1900.

Gray had a brother, Moses, who lived in New York City.

I am interested in finding descendants of the Gray family.

Would appreciate any leads you might be able to direct me to. I would be happy to provide expanded biographical info on Franklin Gray if anyone is interested.

My business address is below; home address is 1728 Wesley Ave., Evanston, IL. The reason for this research is - Gray donated a pair of very rare English stained glass windows to the Second Presbyterian Church of Chicago, and we are preparing a history of these windows.

Thanks very much for any help! Elizabeth B. Roghair Organization: Chicago Botanic Garden

I saw your name on the Litchfield County CTGenWeb page as the coordinator for Sharon. Are there any celebrations/commemorations planned for the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Ellsworth Ecclestiastical Society on or around July 3rd, 2000? As a descendant of the residents of Ellsworth from the early 1800s and having become enchanted with the area through the writings of Rev. Goodenough and many visits I would love to join in any of the festivities.

Thanks, Bernie Gracy

I asked Bernie for some more background on the society and this is what he sent back to me.

The Ellsworth Ecclestiastical Society is better known as the village of Ellsworth which is in the southeastern portion of Sharon. I'm an amateur genealogist who in researching my family tree stumbled across and became quite enamored with tiny Ellsworth Connecticut. Members of my family "emigrated" to Ellsworth from Morris CT in the early 1800s. The best reference to Ellsworth is Rev G.F. Goodenough's work: "Ellsworth, A Gossip about a Country Parish of the Hills, and its People, a Century after its Birth (1900).

He brings the story of these amazing people alive. The Ellsworth Eccleseastical Society was founded July 3rd, 1800 by people who no longer wanted to "commute" to Sharon to go to church on Sundays -- it was too far away and impossible to reach in the wintertime. Furthermore, there was a culture clash between the people of Sharon and the village of Ellsworth -- the people of Sharon reputedly looked down on the people of Ellsworth as hillbillies.

A Sharon-centric view of events can be found in "General History of the Town of Sharon, Litchfield Co., From its First Settlement" b Charles F. Sedgwick. 3rd ed. (1898) Both books may be purchased at Higginson books or borrowed if you are a member of the NEHGS (check out

"Bernie and Debbie Gracy" Bernie and Debbie Gracy

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Sharon CTGenWeb Project
is created, edited & maintained by
Louise Johns Neu and Linda-Jeanne Dolby © 1996 - 2008
This page may be freely linked to, but not copied without our consent.