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A Note From The Webmaster...
Hey, If you want to submit any media, I won't mind talking to you as long as you don't piss me off. (Things that can piss me off: Rudeness and Lying.) If you can refrain from being rude or lying you can mail me or AIM me. You can find my AIM address in the Staff of Chaos Control section...
Site Updates
March 12, 2002 Updated by "The Nemesis"
Today I put up the most of the game info sections, but no info is available yet... 
March 13, 2002 Updated by "The Nemesis"
Today I put up my History class project, NutHouse Productons:A Class Act. it is a junior marketing project that I our teacher is counting as the final grade... Also I finished The Staff of C.C. section, I finally put up Bobby Hinojosa's info!
March 14, 2002 Updated by "The Nemesis"
Right now, its about 8:30 and I just got finished talkin on IM with Dennis again. This time I asked him how he got all of those people that appear on his site to update. It seems they all share one file on one server, then when one updates, he informs the rest that he's updating. He downloads the file, from the server, then updates. So, I will try to get my friend Bobby Hinojosa, who gave me the origional tempelate for this site, to get some updates and be in charge or some stuff...

If I can convince him to do this, I will probally put him on the Sonic Game and News Section...
March 19, 2002 Updated by "The Nemesis"
Now I changed it again, will it ever stop!? Oh, well...I updated the sections that I am working on, namely NutHouse and Staff, with the new layout. I also hope Bob can handle the games sections... But I am more concerned with a logo. I gotsta make one...
March 20, 2002 Updated by "The Nemesis"
Well, I've been thinking about getting a larger web server, which I will probally do. So this maybe the last update I do on Angelfire. I actually wanted more space so I could have lots of media. Also, for Sping Break, I goin' to Italy! So I'll see ya lata!
March 21, 2002 Updated by "The Nemesis"
Finally, Chaos Control has a logo of sorts! This is my last update for about a week or two. Bobby will take over in the mean time. I hope to come back refreshed, renewed, and better than ever. And if anyone actually found this site, you can still e-mail me Q&A's, I can chack e-mail in Italy.

Today you will find a new layout to match the main page in the following areas...NutHouse Productions, A Class Act, and the Staff...
March 25, 2002 Updated by Bobby Hinojosa
I guess Chris is in Italy right now, so I'll take this moment to make my first update! This page is so new, though, that I doubt many people have viewed it yet. Still, if you got here from The Megaman Game List then you know who I am. All I'm really doing here is getting the game hints pages up. I've just barely scratched the tip of the iceberg with this, so I'd be glad to give credit for any working tips you can send me. Anyway, now the Sonic the Hedgehog page is up.
April 2, 2002 Updated by "The Nemesis"
Hey everybody, I'm baaaaaaaaaack! And glad to be back! Italy was wild, and alot of fun too. But alas, I've got some updates for you today! My main page, The Nerves Concord Net is up! On this page NutHouse Productions is down. Why? Because it's becoming its own page on the Net! Yeah! I'm going to have more media on the site soon so hang tight!

Hey, Notice the new logo?
April 5, 2002 Updated by Bobby Hinojosa
It's funny how I'm working on this page now and leaving my own out-of-date page alone lately. But, oh well... The Sonic 2 page is up! I tried to put everything important I knew about that game in there, but if you have something else I could use feel free to let me know.
April 10, 2002 Updated by "The Nemesis"
Updates are blossoming as Iam becoming more active with this site! The Links are up! And I will be putting more media up very soon, so stay put, you are about to get knocked offa yer rocker! Chaos Control will be you source for Sonic related info, media, ect.! We will rule the world!!
April 25, 2002 Updated by "The Nemesis"
I'm really sorry for the lack of updates! I just switched over to DSL, which by the way, kicks major a**!! I have to get some school projects straight, and finish the DSL transition, but rest assured, we will be back!!! Guestbook is up, its at the top of the page! A poll to your left! Ha Ha Ha!!
May 12, 2002 Updated by "The Nemesis"
Iam really sorry for being out of the loop for sooooooooo long! First I had finals, then I got punished, man it's been HELL! Anyway... I want to introduce Streak the Hedgehog, our newest staff member! He will be handling all imagery and hoax work! Isn't that great! I also fixed the image problem so we are all set and ready to go! (World Conquest is soon...very soon.....HAHAHAHAHA?!?)

This Miscellanous Movies Section is up too...