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A Deeper Meaning
Saturday, 9 July 2005

Hi. I'm Jen and welcome. I write poems and I created this blog to display and share some of my work with others. I hope you like what you see here and I appreciate comments if you have them. All these poems shown here are produced by me and may not be copied or taken without my consent under any circumstances. Thank you.

Posted by ct3/roadtoanywhere at 11:02 AM
Updated: Saturday, 9 July 2005 6:17 PM
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Topic: Miscellaneous Poems
Road Trip
Take my hand and let’s go to all the places we’ve never been.
Show me all the things you’ve seen.
I’ll get the camera and keys to my blue car
and you’ll bring along your black guitar.
We’ll go driving into the horizon
and into the night.
I want to sleep under the star-studded ebony sky.
I long to breathe in ocean breezes
and feel the soft wet sand under my toes.
I would like to see the snow-covered mountain tops
and visit the dry and lonesome desert dunes.
On the road, I’ll tell you my stories and you’ll write them into songs.
I’ll enjoy listening to our favorite radio tunes.
We’ll travel everywhere
from Paris and Rome in Europe all the way to Tokyo and even down under.
We’ve got the time so let’s go see all the world’s beautiful wonders.

Magic Mirror
I’m not just a reflection.
I just want to be myself.
I don’t want to care what others think.
I want to feel understood.
I want to feel accepted,
yet I’m not so very different.
yet I want to see opportunity
and I want to feel like
I love who I am.
I want to feel like
I’m content with my life.
I want to feel all right.
I want to feel great about the fact that I’m me and nobody else.
You have to look harder, look at all the sides,
look under all the layers and then you’ll start to see
something’s that beautiful and special about me.

Crossing the Divide
I see a road so white
that I can just barely see in front of my eyes.
Above me is a gray but sunlit sky.
I’m looking way over yonder
and I’m thinking of tomorrow.
My thoughts fix on you and all the things I left behind,
but I can’t turn around.
Thinking of the distance
between us will only slow me down.
I’ll just wait and find another day
when maybe
it’d be all right
because something will save me
and it’s not going to be the same
like why I left to see
if I could be
true to only me.
I’ll be fine
when I discover my own worth
and meet someone who would be mine.

In a Corner of My Mind
There’s a girl who’s just sitting here
just thinking of all the quiet things
that no one understands,
that no one knows.
She’s afraid of losing touch
with the world she’s known for so long.
Everything’s changing and slipping by
and she doesn’t know the reasons why.
All she wants to do is make everything better
but although she’s trying to be strong,
she’s stumbling and is sick when she thinks
that she lets people push her down too much.
She’s trying to find her place
in a world that seems so distant and strange.
She’s angry with the mess she’s made of herself
and at the people for treating her this way
and society for not realizing the truth
of how it has gone awry.
She’s so small and hates the silence
so she tries so hard to speak up,
hoping that her words with break through
all the walls that around her
so that someone will notice and listen.
The world’s so different
and people can appear so selfish and ignorant.
When she looks up at the gray sky,
She wants so badly to believe that it’s blue
and some where behind that gloom
is a rainbow of all her hopes and dreams from way up high.
She tries to hold her head up high
and keep on walking
so that she won’t think
of all the things she’s left behind
and missed.
The road is rough, dry and cracked
and all she needs is the strength not to look back.
She’s tired and all she wants to do is sit by the road
for a while and rest her feet so that she can
feel that for once time seems like it’s slowing down.
What she wants to do is take a breath
and let out all the things that she’s been keeping inside her.
Her pride is all that keeps her from wanting to
break down and surrender
with all her ends coming loose.
The world’s upside down and has lost sight of its ideals,
sense of decency and promising appeals.
and she has not the sympathy to let the tears fall and cry.
She’s running away from a world so empty
and leaving all its troubles and cares
to seek a guide and a friend
and heal the sore wounds caused by
the unmerciful ravages of confusion in her mind.
She wants to hear the music again
and feel alive knowing that her heart is beating
with a sense of purpose and meaning.

I hope someday to turn my words into something beautiful
just like straw to gold.
I want to make people see the things I feel in my heart
and let them appreciate all the small and simple things that life is about.
so that everything I say would have impact and meaning.
I wouldn’t just be singing the same old, dull song,
but sing instead something clear, beautiful and true.
I need to love myself for what I am,
to satisfy the longing in my soul,
and to reach for my dreams and prove
that I am capable of keeping my promises
for success and doing my best to be strong.

Life’s Little Pieces
Life is a journey that I need to face
so I can discover the truth about myself.
Life is a story with unfilled pages of me
that I must find and complete
and when it’s done,
I’ll have something to tell,
a story of mine.

I’m a flower that still has yet to bloom
and a butterfly that still has not emerged from her cocoon.
I’m a bird that has still yet to find the strength in her heart
and spread her wings and fly.

Life is a river that I must learn to navigate.
I fight on with a cool head against the treacherous rapids
that come thrashing at me.
I’ll direct my path through the unknown waters to find my way
through to find my own meaning,
the meaning of my life
and who I’m meant to be.

Expressions of Glory in the Sky
I am reborn in spirit when the thunder comes beating down
with sounding booms from the drum of the sky
and the stars sparkling from high above
become falling stars, inscribing a message across the still darkness.
The eyes of day and night shine light and shed shadows on a world
immortalized in eternal and everlasting beauty.
I need to see only the moon, the brilliant orb whose image
signals sleep and soothing dreams.
I need to see only the sun rising at dusk,
golden daybreak closing the door
and chasing away the night.
I need to see only the clear blue of the sky,
the blue of the ocean depths reflected in someone’s eyes
and wispy, fluffy clouds as white as sea foam on the edge of a wave.
I need to see only the rosy sunset hues
that blush across the vivid canvas of a bold, flaming desert sky.
I rejoice at the different shades that the sky has worn
and the breath-taking adornments that Nature has brought into my life.

Mood Swirl
Moments of splendor
day light beautiful
expanses of ever blue sky
over aquamarine waves
where the dolphins swim
dark midnight dream
of wanderers alone in a secret garden
I just stand or sit and wonder at
the stars of diamond
and flowers violet and pearl
sunset explosion
hot like my blood
leaving a terribly magnificent dazzle of
crimson in its wake
fiery still darkness
cool showers pouring
and drops drenching the drought in my soul
rain falling like lead and water
and a scene of hands being held
in the shade of a mysterious forest cover
in woods of clear glass and silver
moonlight shining in a lake
green is too much of anything
a child’s dream before me like
golden roads stretching out into an endless horizon of whatever that may be
I might never really know
yet all the while loving and tender
candied thoughts
are hitting me like crumbs of marshmallow fluffiness
and gummy bear rainbows
but what is the meaning of everything
when the butterflies are flown away and gone?
and leave only cratered spaces over the surface of my heart
and what is a blank story that’s carved on my face?
scars so tiny but not completely invisible
I tried to in my deepest dreams to count
and wish upon all faraway stars that don’t talk back
and in the only in my eyes is there is any
truth sorted out from all the lies
and awful feelings that I don’t want to know ever again
and what is left over is all that should be and
everything that has been all been worth while
is a song that I don’t even know I’m singing.

Many Times
Many times I can’t help but cry.
I get tired of having to tell myself that it’s going to be okay
and that things will be fine as long as I can make it through another day.
Many times I’m just waiting for something,
but I don’t really know what I’m missing or what I’m waiting for.
Many times I just want to get by,
but I still know I want something more.
Many times I’m just lost,
I need to pick up the pieces
and just be loved and found.
Life’s uncertainties sometimes get me down,
but at least things are better
because I’ve got you and we’re in this together.
I know you care even though others who look down on me don’t
and I want you around.
It’s amazing because you know me so well
and that you always know exactly the right things to say.
I realize that all the complications don’t really matter
because what’s important is you and me anyway.

Posted by ct3/roadtoanywhere at 9:55 AM
Updated: Wednesday, 13 July 2005 3:14 PM
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Topic: Nature Poems
Cherry Blossoms
A light pink rain falls.
I lie in spring blissfulness.
Sweetness fills the air.

Mother Nature graces me with a celestial spring gift.
A gentle shower of pink carries me away in bliss.
Time stops under the tree as I am wrapped in the warm embrace of my beloved.

An Afternoon of Tranquility in a Japanese Tea Garden
Silk robes and bamboo trees,
and butterfly and flower delights
are all harmony to my senses.
Birds sing sweetly in the shade
as the afternoon rolls lazily by at my quiet garden tea party.

The Rush of the Ocean
Seagulls cry overhead above a gray white sky.
I take in breaths of salty sea air.
The sea stretches out into the horizon.
The sky is so exquisite and calm.
Foamy white waves break upon the soft open sand,
squishy underneath my bare toes.
I think I want to run along the water’s edge
and look for glassy black pebbles,
precious white sea shells
and maybe a sand dollar treasure or two.
The great majestic sea is commanding and strong.
The sea calls out to me in a song,
waking my senses,
thrilling me through
and it is here that I feel
only the presence of Nature, the Earth, and absolute freedom,
everything vibrant and alive.
There is peace and there is only me
and the gentle breathing of the waves of the sea.

Rain of Pleasure
The rain drops falling outside my window
wash everything clean.
Rain showers rejuvenate the earth
and makes the flowering blossoms grow.
Rain heals the longing in my heart
and makes everything green again.
The rain is just a sweet release,
a gift of Mother Nature’s grace
that cleanses my soul
and clears my mind.
I just want to smile and dance under the pouring rain
because my rainbow is finally painted across a striking canvas of blue sky.

Vision of Snow
The snow is a portrait
of gentle whiteness.
Snow brings silence and peaceful slumber.
Winter slows down the days
and makes the nights seem longer.
I look back at the old days
and try to remember all the good times of another year that has simply slipped by yet again.

Sunrise Symphony
Water drips from drops of dew on the green blades of grass.
Shadowy darkness turns into early morning.
Leaves rustle in the trees as the wind sails in playfully by as it pleases.
If only I could begin the day so carefree and with so much ease.

Sunflower Sonata
Golden fields so tall stand out in the morning light.
Flower and maiden child dance in joy from daybreak until noon.
Yellows and greens sway together in the gentle summer breeze
and these are the bright days I want to remember most vividly in my mind.

Posted by ct3/roadtoanywhere at 9:49 AM
Updated: Wednesday, 13 July 2005 3:14 PM
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Thursday, 7 July 2005

Topic: Love Poems
Love As It Is
Love is a garden where all things grow.
Love is the seed that is planted in the heart
when that right moment comes along.
Love is rare as desert flowers
and love is as sudden as spring showers.
Love makes the wildflowers shoot up in fields.
Love is what puts the birds in song
and love is the golden elixir that heals.
Love is what we all want to know
and love is the sweetness that one yearns for.
Love is the special secret that stays,
the feeling that one holds onto
for however long it may be,
lasting years, months, weeks, or even just days.
Love is simply what is shared between us two
and love is what it is when it’s me and you.

Love Just Is
I don’t know why.
I just feel that love is
when I’m gazing at the moon and stars with you.
Love just is when you’re nearby.
Love just is when we’re holding hands.
Love just is when I’m with you
and love just is when you’re staying right next to me at my side.
Love just is a fine thing,
all at once beautiful and strange and strong and true.
Love just is when we dance together
and love just is when I lean my head on your shoulder.
Love is when I’m holding you close to me
and your arms are around me in a warm embrace.
Love just is being with you from day to day.
Love just is when all I want to see is the story in your eyes,
the music in your heart, and the smile on your lovely face.
Love just is when I hear the sound of your sweet voice and gentle words
and love just is you protecting me from hurt.
Love just is laughing and smiling with you all the time
and love just is talking to you all night.
Love just is everything I want to feel
because that’s how and what I simply want to feel all my life.
Love just is all the things I want to say to you
and tell you because it’s all real.
I just know love just is when I’d do anything for you
as long as you keep on making me feel this way like I do now.
Love just is when you’re on my mind from the moment
I wake up in the morning light to moment I close my eyes
in the dark and dream late at night.
Love just is the one thing you don’t have to figure out or understand.
Love is given and shared openly and freely
because we just feel and just like that, love’s not so much of a mystery.
Love just is complete.

I don’t care where you’ve been or where you’re from.
I don’t know much and I’m so young.
It’s a fact that I cannot doubt or deny
when all I see is you and you’re looking right back at me,
in that one moment between us,
I think I finally saw the love in your eyes
and I was in love with your eyes on me.
All I know is I want you desperately and ever so much
and love is me longing for your passion and your touch.
Love is me needing you to say it all
and me needing to hear it deep, simple and brief.
Love us you telling me all the small things straight out in the right words I need.
I don’t care as long as you’re thinking of me, too.
It’d be nice if you can tell me what you’re all about
and show me the world that I’ve lived without.
Love can be us and it’s all I need.
It’s funny how you make me wonder
if you want me, too and if we can make it and be together.

You make me smile and you make me laugh.
You make me feel this way,
all sorts and kinds of beautiful.
You make my heart flip over, run a million miles and beat fast.
You make me everything I want to be.
You make me catch my breath.
You’ve discovered me.
You make me want to sing and dance.
You’re my rock, my star light, my shoulder, my fortress, my angel, and my sanctuary.
You’re my friend who helps me through it all.
When you love me, you make me fly strong and free.
Without you, you make me weak and you make me fall.
You found me and all I want to find is you and everything you are
in your heart, in your mind, in your soul, and in your eyes.
Can’t you see? We belong together, please. So won’t you
shed all the layers and let me in underneath it all and just be mine?

Posted by ct3/roadtoanywhere at 5:58 PM
Updated: Wednesday, 13 July 2005 2:22 PM
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Topic: Love Poems
Just call me foolish.
I’m looking at the sky, the trees, and the birds twittering outside my window,
but tell me this:
I didn’t think that I could be so wrong.
How was I supposed to know
that it was going to be you that I’ve wanted all along?

You’re like a song that I listen to when I’m down,
so uplifting and soothing.
You’re so completely liquid,
hitting me just like that one drop that makes a ripple in the water,
sound so smooth,
gentle, soft and deep
that I fall asleep,
knowing someone is watching over me
and I would dream of being taken to flower fields,
though open forests, and over lush green hills.
It’s like magic
better than fairies, unicorns and the gift of being able to fly.
That’s what it’d feel like if I could have you, if only you were mine.

You’re so completely liquid that you can slip right through my fingers,
out of my grasp.
You’re so oblivious, not realizing how by not seeming to know or care,
you hurt me all same. Yeah, yes you have.

Hearts that Dream
Your words they spoke to me
and the sound of your voice held me onto me
as I stumbled through uncertainty,
pulling me through
even as I thought I was falling,
pulling me out.
I feel that when I’m with you,
you just erase my doubts.
All the things I knew I could have done I didn’t do
and all the things I said I would do I couldn’t do,
until I met you.
All the things I thought I was never going to say,
all the things I felt
and would never tell anyone else
I wanted to tell you.

If I only could see you
and if only you would notice me.
Isn’t that how things are supposed to be?
If only you were here with me now
by my side
whether it would be your hand in mine
or your arms around me.
Am I ever going to find me
before I find my way to you?
I guess you’d have to wait and see.
I’m only asking you if it’s possible
that we could be, even though I don’t really know
if I should
if I could
ever believe that we are meant to be.

Posted by ct3/roadtoanywhere at 5:56 PM
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Topic: Love Poems
A Tribute in Memory
Raindrops beat on my window.
It’s a quiet summer rain.
I’m filling in the pages of my journal
with the sweet melody playing in my soul.
It’s all pouring out thought by thought,
flowing like a river of silver dreams.
I start to remember the scent of lilies
and the gentle rolling of waves in the sea.
The sun is shining and I just want to lie
forever in green dewy meadows and stare up into the sky
and watch the bold blue and wispy whites.
The memory takes me back and I drift into
the crimson, warm brown, and golden hues of mid-autumn,
back to when I had so much to hope for yet so little reason to believe
and of when I first met you.
Youth was uncaring and blind, needing change.
I was sick of the same old life
and needed to open up my eyes again
and see different sights.
Your love was a blessing and life seemed so easy back then.
We were running away to our special place and you let me see what was in your heart.
All I had to do was give you my hand and put my trust in you.
It was so long ago but I miss our long walks together now that I’ve had time to reflect on much of my life and live in peace amidst the world.
Now I’ve grown old and the days seem short.
You went first and left me behind
and I grieved because you were something much more.
All that remains of you is a light in my heart and a smile in my mind.

It’s You.
It’s your face that I want to see.
It’s your heart that I want to know
and the secrets that you keep in your soul.
It’s your mind that I want to figure out
so I could see where your thoughts could be
and if it’s me you ever think about.
It’s the way I feel when you’re around
and how much I miss you when you’re not there.
Yeah, it’s true that I care.
It’s also the sound of your voice
that I want to hear that’s so quiet and deep
that leaves me no choice
but to reminisce in silent ecstasy.
I can’t stop myself from acting like this
and when it’s so bad I think
that it’s your lips I would like to kiss.
It’s the beauty in your eyes,
the light in your heart,
and the mystery in your lovely mind.
It’s the way you are when
I am with you that feels so right.
It’s your open, genuine laughter that I appreciate.
It’s way you’re making me feel inside
that’s so great.
It’s the things you say that I love.
It’s only your smile that I’m thinking of.
I’ve fallen for every little thing about you
and there’s only one thing I can do
because it’s you I’m after,
but I won’t chase until I know
what you feel about me, too.
Let me be there for you
to make you happy
like you’ve done for me.
Let me hold you close,
just where I want to be
where I can feel safe and warm
on rainy cold nights
and fall asleep listening
to the raindrop melody,
the rolling thunder outside
from the storm
and the sound of your steady heartbeat.
It might sound like too much,
but it’s tough
to think straight
when the thought of your love
has taken me to a higher place.

Posted by ct3/roadtoanywhere at 5:49 PM
Updated: Saturday, 9 July 2005 6:23 PM
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Posted by ct3/roadtoanywhere at 3:10 PM
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Topic: Love Poems
Who are You?
I want to read you like a book.
It’s like there’s a story- a thousand words in every single look.
Every smile is so secret that it strikes me every time.
I think about what it all means.
I want to know what you’re thinking of,
what’s running through your mind.
I’m not used to feeling this like this at all.
Catch me now before I fall.
I can’t help but wonder if it’s love.
Thinking of you never takes just a while
because I’m so lost in you.
I want you to look my way,
but seeing you makes me forget all the things I want to say.
You are my mystery.
Where are you from?
Why are you here?
What’s your history?
Are you an angel from above?
A messenger sent by cupid so that I could finally find love?
Who are you?
I can only guess.
Figuring you out is such a mess.
Are my prince?
because since the day I met you, I think I’ve loved you ever since.
I don’t want riches or regal splendor.
I just need to know if love is truly tender.
I didn’t want to believe in destiny.
Say that you love me, too.
I want to know if your feelings are true.
If love is real, then tell me how you feel.
I want to believe that love is purity.
Stay with me
because I need your warmth and security.
I want more to life.
Without a passion, I feel so lonely.
I need your company.
Be mine so that we could talk for hours.
Show up at my door and surprise me with flowers.
You are my sanctuary.

Why I Love You
I love him because he is like me.
I love him because he doesn’t judge me.
I love him because he loves me like nobody else.
I love him because he understands me.
I love him because I respect myself.
I love him because he has faith in me.
I love him because he lets me be me,
somebody different than what everyone else sees.
I love him because he doesn’t care what others think.
I love him because he doesn’t care if I don’t wear makeup or dress up in pink.
He doesn’t care about the color of my hair or the size of my nose.
He likes the color of my eyes
and knows the way I feel inside,
but isn’t too picky about my clothes.
I love because he’s handsome.
I love him because he’s tall.
I love him because when we’re together, we have fun.
I love him because he’s never made me feel weak or small.
I love him because he’s funny.
I love him because he trusts me.
I love him because he’s athletic.
I love him because he remembers all the small things.
I love him because he has good taste in music.
I love him because he gave me wings.
I love him not just because he buys me gifts.
I love him because he stands up for me.
I love him because he knows how to kiss.
I love him because he gives me my own space and room to breathe.
I love him for what he sees in me.
I love him because he loves me back.
I love him and that’s simply a fact.

kat was here!!!!

Posted by ct3/roadtoanywhere at 11:01 PM
Updated: Thursday, 7 July 2005 5:45 PM
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Wednesday, 6 July 2005

Topic: Love Poems
Thoughts in the Rain
I look at the rain outside my window.
The world is wet, dark and cold,
but I’m still thinking of you.
I love the look in your lonely, peaceful dark eyes
and your voice is so deep, quiet and shy.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you were here with me?
I could lean my head on your shoulder.
I could tell you all my secrets that I just don’t want to hide anymore.
You’re exactly what I’ve been waiting for.
I feel like I’ve known you forever.
I’ve waited so long for you to come into my life.
I want to hear your whispers in my ear
and have your arm on me and your hand in mine
when we’re walking together.
Everything would be just fine.
I’d follow you anywhere.
Any place would be nice.
With you, I would know that it’s all right,
but right now I just want you here.
It’s a Tuesday and the rain just pours
coming down quick and hard
I wanted to let you know so badly
I rushed through it all to leave a note on your door.
I run home, feeling afraid
that you might not care or feel the same way.
What am I to you now?
Do I even exist in your eyes?
What would you say to me anyway?
I’m just curious.
When we meet in the halls, will you ever walk right past by?
I know what I feel inside and I’m tired of having to pretend to be oblivious.
Are you thinking of me as I’m thinking of you?
Come with me and show me the world.
I still need to see so many things.
I would never be empty or alone,
but here I am sitting on my bed waiting for the phone.
I want your number.
I want your heart.
I want a rose in my locker.
I want you to tell me what I need to hear.
I’m not asking for a fairytale happily ever ending.
I don’t want it perfect.
It’s too much to ask for everything
,but I don’t care as long as I’m with you.
It’s a rainy Thursday.
It seemed like an eternity that I was waiting,
but then you came running all the way to my door
and I saw you smiling in the rain outside beneath my window.
I knew that I loved you and wanted to remember
this one moment and hold it in my heart forever.
You took my hand and held me in the rain.
I was so glad my thoughts finally reached you after all this time.
It was so lovely I think I could have run in the rain with you all night
because there’s finally a rainbow in my sky.

Posted by ct3/roadtoanywhere at 2:37 PM
Updated: Thursday, 7 July 2005 7:44 AM
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Tuesday, 5 July 2005

Topic: Love Poems

It’s hard for me to tell whether I want you or not.
Once I think that I want to be with you,
I think I just might really do,
but something always holds me back
and then I say that I don’t because
I am afraid I shouldn’t
and come up with some excuse
like saying that it might not be right.
Still, I think that I really want to
give the whole just friends thing a chance
and see for myself.
All I want to figure out is
where I’m at and where to stand.
What hurts even more is that a part of me tells me that
and I don’t think I can
tell you and let you know how
much you mean to me
and hold on to the dream that you could be mine.
At the same time, I just want to be as honest as I can
to know that in the end I deserve what is the best for me
because I just want to know whether I can be
or ever will be a part of you.

Posted by ct3/roadtoanywhere at 5:16 PM
Updated: Thursday, 7 July 2005 6:02 PM
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