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Herding Dogs in North America Ring

Herding breeds rule!

"Howl" to Join...
Herding Ring Rules...
  • To join, go directly to the Ring Hub at and click the "Join this Ring" button. Follow the simple directions. It takes only a few moments.
  • All web pages in this Ring must pertain to any of the Herding breeds in North America, as registered by the American Kennel Club, Canadian Kennel Club or United Kennel Club.
  • After you submit your site information, will notify the Ring owner, who will then go to your site and review the information to make sure your site is in compliance with the rules for this ring.
  • Sites about any of the rare Herding and/or Livestock Guardian breeds or pages dealing with working herding and/or livestock guardian dogs are also welcomed and heartily encouraged!
  • At this point, your page will be added to the Ring "queue" where it will remain until it is added to the ring.
  • All members must be North American sites written in the ENGLISH LANGUAGE! Bilingual sites are fine, so long as you include a complete translation or version in English.
  • Note: Getting your page or site in the queue does not mean it has been added to the Ring and is not a guarantee that it will be added. The queue is only a temporary holding area and is cleared automatically every thirty (30) days...
  • Private kennel pages, sites about herding clubs, breed rescue pages or organizations and sites about your family companions and working partners are welcomed and encouraged.
  • The Ring owner will check each site within a few days of notification that the page has entered the queue. If the Ring Navigation Bar is installed properly and everything checks out, your site will be added to the Ring.
  • Sites that promote commercial (for profit) kennels or irresponsible (backyard) breeders or breeding practices are expressly forbidden from this Ring and will be excluded!

  • All pages in the Ring MUST be acceptable for viewing by all age groups.

  • Most commercial product sites will not qualify for entry into this Ring.

  • Acceptance to and continuing participation in this Ring is at the sole discretion of the Ring owner based upon site content, quality and other considerations. If your pages do not or cannot be made to follow the above rules, please do not go further.
This Ring is once again under the care and management of
  • Failure to abide by these simple rules will force the immediate removal of the offending site from this Ring.
Herding dogs in NA Logo
White Shepherd


The whole point of a web ring is that all sites in the ring are connected to each other in a never-ending circle. You click through the ring from site to site and eventually, you will end up right back where you started.

Therefore, before your site can be added to this Ring, you will need to install the Ring Navigation Bar -- the bit of Javascript code that makes the Ring work -- on the first page of your site. (This will be the page your site URL points directly to.) must always be able to find and access the navigation script on your site in order to remain a member of this Ring. If you move or remove the navigation bar or if you turn off Javascript, your site will be removed from this Ring.

We cannot add or allow any pages or sites until these navigation bars are present and properly working because without them, the entire ring fails!

herding breeds

Installing the Ring Navigation Bar...
  1. First, decide where to place the Ring Navigation Bar. The bar should be placed somewhere on the first (main) page of your website -- the one the URL at will point directly to. Read the "Important Information" above for more on this.
  1. DO NOT BURY THE GRAPHIC on a separate "Links" page. The graphic should be plainly visible to all who enter your site. This will enable people to browse easily from one site to the next within the ring. If you MUST use a separate "webrings" page, please provide a link from that page to your main site entry and back again!
  1. If your site has different pages with different topics, you should place the ring graphic on the first page that deals with Herding dogs or topics.
  1. Keep this in mind: If I can’t get your site work reasonably well, you will be asked to move or reinstall the graphic or your page will be removed from the Ring.
  1. As a general rule of thumb, web rings do not work well with sites that utilize frames unless the ring graphic is placed on the main or first page of the frame.
  1. Shown below is the required Navigation Bar for this Ring...