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FAMILY NEWS (Updated on January 18th 2004)

A Belated Happy Birthday goes out to Peggy McCoy (1-16-04) and Karen Reynold's O'Keefe who by the way turned 25 yesterday (1-17-04)

Congrats to Mary and Tommy on the purchase of their new summer cottage in Guilford on Mulberry Point.

Congrats also goes to Janine and David Braun for the purchase of thier new house in Glastonbury.

Congrats to Karen O'Keefe who was just hired as an Immunologist at the Yale Medical School in November

Congrats to Kevin Fletcher who was recently hired as an Administrative Assistant at the Greater New Haven Transit District as of January 7th 2004

A Happy First Birthday goes out to Julia Ann DelGrego as she will be 1 on January 27th 2004

Upcoming Events (Birthdays)

Updated by on February 17th 2004 at 8:12pm

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