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WeLcOmE To ThE HeeBiE MoFo LaNd Of rUpTuReD ChOcOlAtE MoUssE

do you even care what i am mumbling about? well guess what neither do i. i like to ramble and ramble and ramble on and on and on like this until i am supremely bored.

"Isn't it obvious that Ronald McDonald has been killed by Osama's underground army and replaced by an agent of Dr.Evil who has undergone extensive plastic surgery? Clearly Osama's underground army is planning to eat all the cookies when the agent of Dr.Evil assassinates Santa Claus. The only solution is for The almighty fishes to stop Osama's underground army and Dr.Evil, which is impossible unless NATO will pass a resolution to allow the public to own nuclear devices. "

tHe mAtRiX

copyright 2002 DILLON "ThE FiSh" and the "mofo maker" are all part of international copyright laws.