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Mario Advance 2:
Super Mario World
The Mario Advance Head Quarters

Site last updated on: 3/11/2004

-3/10/2004: The New site is finally up, can you tell? There is no more frames so the page can be viewed on any computer and should now look the same. Also the pages should load faster. Enjoy!

-7/15/2003: I finally got back to writing when I update stuff. The site is now on Geocities search and has a fast URL so you can access it there. You probably also noticed several new features not mentioned. Please email me your questions, so I can start the FAQ section.

-7/05/2003: Welcome back, I have added my first java applet to the page, under Downloads. Go there to play the game Asteroids. I also have added a search text box to the Links page for searching at Yahoo!

-6/29/2003: If you haven't noticed, I added sound to the main page. Also, all the sections are almost completed, so check them out.

-6/21/2003: Welcome to the new updated site. I finally have all the sections up, all I need now is the info in them. Help me out with the site by emailing any feedback that you may have.

All game item information and pictures on this site are copyright of
Nintendo© of America and subject to them.