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Hey! This is the history of this site's construction.

October 30, 2003: Phew, it's been almost four months since I updated this site. Right in time for halloween. Cool no? Anyways, I added the Comics section with sprite comics done by a friend. It's decent and you people should check it out. That's it. What? You people were expecting more? Well too bad, that's all I'm doing.

July 9, 2003: I added the Advance Wars review to the Reviews Page. More reviews to come soon, so stay tuned.

June 7, 2003: I rarely write in the History page now. This is because it was too much of a hassle to record every tiny update I make. For now, I put up a Timesplitters 2 review, and changed some of the backgrounds. More to come later.
April 17, 2003: So many updates and changes...making my head spin. After countless hours of debating with myself, I have finally come to the conclusion that this site will provide game reviews. Most of all the other stuff will still be there, but the theme will be game reviews. As you noticed, I moved the site to Angelfire and also made a ton of other updates. Enjoy...
March 13, 2003: Added The Harbour and everything else past it. Also added Just Communications to music page.
March 13, 2003: Added Some Personal Favourites in the end of time. My favourite musics.

March 12, 2003: Changed around Magus' answers a bit.

January 27, 2003:Added detail to Magus' Castle. Put some gadgets on, changed some answers and added the picture and background.

January 26, 2003:Started and finished Magus' Castle. Got the basic framework done. Going to add more later.

December 4, 2002:Added one music and changed the music of the picture gallery.

December 1, 2002:Made some major changes to the site. Deleted all the picture pages and put them all into one big pile of a page. Changed the music page a bit too.
November 17, 2002:Well wouldn't you know it. Three months until I updated again. Just a minor one though. Took off the Javascript pop-up on the title page because it got annoying.

August 27, 2002:Wow, it's been around three months since I updated. Deleted the Pokemon backgrounds site because it just didn't look right. Added music to each page.

May 20, 2002:Changed around the homepage text. Took off the examples and put them in the Pokemon Stadium. Added The End of Time page.

May 14, 2002:Added some more DBZ gifs. Not much updates today.

May 13, 2002:Added The Mushroom Kingdom and The Gundam Homebase.

May 12, 2002:Added Pokemon Pictures page with Pokemon gifs page. Decided DBZ, Pokemon, and Gundam Wing gifs, bgs and banners were too big and made only Pokeon bgs and the rest gifs. Made the entire DBZ page. Made Pokemon bg site.

May 10, 2002:This anime gif site is started. Fixed up homepage and made history site. Added some example gifs.