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Special Index page for January 2006 AA-One Phil. 2 Class

Access to lecture notes and power points. The regular Blackboard access should be up by now (Sunday) Go to Please email to say whether you can access the files

Note from Cyndie Birdsond, Distance Learning Dept.

Use this information to connect to the Blackboard system.

As you may or may not be aware, we have a new Blackboard server that our Spring course shells are "living" at, which you can temporarily access at .  IIT will soon be changing the web address to the regular blackboard.sierra url that students will go to next week - this cut-over should happen some time today.  When that happens, the server may be unaccessible.  If you find that you cannot log into the testbb site this afternoon, try logging into the regular site.  If you only see Spring 06 courses, then you are on the new server and the cutover has completed.  If you still see Fall 05 courses or previous, then you are still on the old server and the "cut-over" to the new server has not taken effect yet.  (Do all your updates on whichever server has your Spring 06 course shells.)  If you have any questions, you can email me or Suzanne. 
The logon is still your first initial along with your last name, and the password is 'mayday' unless you've had a chance to change it on the new testbb server.  Let us know if you have any trouble and we can reset your password.

If you're still having trouble loggin on to Blackboard, email me at:

Remember: you can bring two sides of a page of notes to the midterm exam.

See you Tuesday.

Al Cinelli