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The Shinoda was created by twins...Nightmare and Silara lovers until Silara disappeared leaving Night alone. Months passed and Nightmare fell in love with a rival clan leader's girlfriend named Chastity Frost and decided to kidnap her. Chastity looked alittle like Silara but with a whole new personality,as time went on Chas came to love Nightmare as he loved her.Nightmare decided with Chastity by his side to start the clan again so the two returned back to their home realm to be with their true mother...Nocturnity.

When they returned they were granted the power of the Dark Yin then became allies with the Cradle and Kazama before setting up a stay within the city. Before long the nocturnal assassin clan knows as Shinoda was whole again with new and old members who had come back from the curseful earth that god created,joining within the war to kill the followers they soon became as powerful as the Cradle and Kazama...

Nightmare & Chastity

Shinoda Family

Shinoda Ranks