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The Eight Sabbats

Samhain ~*~October 31 , Halloween ,Death and Promise , the last harvest;the God and Goddess together in the Shadowland.The veil between the worlds is thin on this night The God passes through the Tomb of dark Goddess to be born from the womb of the mother Goddess.

Yule or Winter solstice ~*~ December 21 , which is the longest darkest night of the year. Marks the beging of the new solar year.The rebirth of the sun,the God is reborn through the Goddess

Imbolc or Candlemas ~*~ February 2, is the festival of the Goddess Brigid,preparing for the planting of spring , the Lady recovers from childbirth

Ostara or Spring Equinox ~*~ March 21, The renewel of the earth seeds are planted , the God and Goddess influence nature to reproduce

Beltane or May-Day ~*~ May 1, The celebration of fertility,planting and pollination, we celebrate the union of the God and Goddess

Litha or Summer Solstice ~*~ June 21 also known as Midsummer , is a time a purification , the fairy festival. tis the height of the earths fertility;the God inpregnates Goddess with Himself

Lammas ~*~ August 1The firt Harvest God as willing sacrifice enters the earth to give his life essence into the grain that supports our lives. And enters the underworld(Shadowlands)

Mabon or Fall Equinox ~*~ September 21, the length of night time is equal to the length of daytime. The secon harvest, Thanks giving. The God departed from the goddess rules in the underwoldand awaits her arrival as Crone.

This set was created with writen permission from Jessica Galbreth.Please visit her site by following the link.

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