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My Home Page

Good thigs to know in life

To say that I have neglected this website is to be claimed...true, but I am slowly working my back into updating and getting new pictures all the time. Please accept my appologies. As for a more recent picture other than chillin at the beach with Dowd, here is a recent picture of me from  about an hour after I get home from teaching 6th grade at King Philip Middle School in West Hartford:


My Favorite Web Sites

Acura - Check my soon to be car, the RSX
My Family
Friends II
My Cars
New Pics!!!
First Semester Senior Year

Thanks for visiting my webpage. Thats me on the right and my best friend Tim on the left CHILLIN (like it should be) down at the shore.

The website is still undermajor construction since i just started it, but there will be much more to see in a little while.

The opinions and views found within this page are not the opinions and views held by

This page was created April 3, 2002

This page was last updated November 18, 2003
