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My Page

Welcome to my Page!! Want to know the type of person i am???clickHERE
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The current mood of at
here are some of my favoriteCute Quotes And Sayings
Hi! I just joined recently and I am still trying to figure out how to work everything... K. Well since I am here and have no clue how to do anything fancy I might as well start with the basic writing. Most people reading this SHOULD already know much of this information I am going to spill out...
My name is Jennifer AND I am 19 years old... I was born on November 12th which makes me a SCORPIO.Around here is a picture of the Fortunate couple that was BLESSED with my presence. I have a brother and a sister. I am currently in College.
In the future I hope to get my masters in psychology, or childhood education, depending on many things. Right now i am not really sure of what i want to do but i have a good idea of it. so i will just live my life day by day and see what happens
I am single and I am very content with the way things have worked out to be.I am not looking for anyone, because usually when u go out looking for something u never find it. you just have to let it happen naturally. and that hasnt happened for me - YET.
I write Poetry but lately I have been having some writers block, hence none of my stuff here... but when i feel like i have gotten back up to par with my ability, i will bless with you some ;) I dont know what else to include here but when I think of something I will add it:)~

My Favorites