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The RAZOR Home Page

     OK, so the page isn't up yet. I need approval from higher-ups before I can start building the site. Hopefully, I can start putting stuff up before the school year starts.

     However, I can tell you what the site will be like when (if) it gets online. The site will be based on PDF Files, so the articles will look the same as they do on the paper version of the newspaper. Between issue publications I will also be adding older versions of the paper in an archive. That way, you can read earlier editions as well as the current one. Unfortunately, all I can do now is wait for approval. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail me by clicking on the e-mail link below.

     Thanks a lot for putting up with this really boring site. I promise that it will (eventually) get better.

     Not much else to see here. I suggest you have a look at our main school site and check back here in a few weeks.

If you have any questions or suggestions, e-mail me by clicking on the link below. Thanks.
-Teo Ifrim

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