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Great Lakes Betta Society

Welcome to the Great Lakes Betta Society

A great place for all Betta Fanatics!

This is the offical site of the Great Lakes betta society, we are an expanding community of betta owners, breeders, and all around enthusiates. Our mission is to create a friendly community that will help promote the proper care and breeding of bettas. Our group is open to anyone and we are hoping to achieve a club full of diverse people with different levels of experience with the betta splendens species.

The GLBS has a MSN Group, where our members can get together and discuss topics relating to all aspects of betta splendens. We also offer a chat area, so members can hold realtime chats at anytime. (This is where the monthly meetings take place.),

Hot Topics on the Discussion Board

Topic Name: "dyed bettas"

Message:"just had this brought to my attention. death by dyeing says that betta splendens are dyed? anyone know where this would come from? i know my fry developed into their colors. here is a link"

Topic Name: "New tail type??"

Message:"I came across this link on one of the many forums I lurk and I was just curious if anyone here has heard anything about them." Tail Type Link

Topic Name: "Showing Bettas"

Message:"OK, got a few questions for those of you who do show your bettas. I am hoping to have some bettas that I have bred to show. First, how do you chose which are worthy to go to shows? Seems like a silly question. Do you just go by the IBC standards? Second, is there a benefit to showing in the novice class? Third, what classification are MG's judged as? Fourth, are there any tail types to stay away from sending into shows? TIA"

We welcome you to join the GLBS in our discussions on our MSN board!!

Fish owned by: Maggie DeLauder

Contact Us:
President of the GLBS
Vice President of the GLBS

Membership Information*Announcements