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Government and Politics - Mitchell College

Class Resources

Course Syllabus
History of the Constitution
The United States Constitution - Lecture One
The United States Constitution - Lecture Two
The United States Constitution - Lecture Three
Constitution Worksheet - DUE FEB. 1
Ideology & Political Parties - Lecture Four
United States Citizenship In class Activity
Writing Assignment #1 - DUE FEB. 15
Campaigns/Elections & Electoral College - Lecture Five
Exam I Review
The Legislative Branch - Lecture Six
The Executive Branch - Lecture Seven
Writing Assignment #2 - DUE MAR. 8
The Judicial Branch - Lecture Eight
Exam II Review
The First Amendment - Lecture Ten
Due Process/Search and Seizure - Lecture Eleven
Extra Credit - Due April 19th!
Writing Assignment #3 - DUE APRIL 12
United States Patriot Act - Lecture Twelve
Equal Rights & The Constitution - Lecture Thirteen
Federalism - Lecture Fourteen
Final Exam Review

It was a pleasure having all of you in class!
