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What's up to all my friends, and stuff... I'm working on my shoutouts, so if your name isn't up here, let me kno!

Guys First

  • Matt: Get the door, it's Domino's! Are you for Barry Bonds? "They're gonna put in Choate, they're gonna put in Choate... WHAT?! They put in Wohlers?! TORRE YOU FAG!" LoL! Love, your friend "The Poltergeist" p.s. Jump here!and all the girls say i am pretty fly for a white guy
  • James: Yo! What's up? How's your computer? lol... We had some crazy times this summer. Stay (half) black! LoL! Hey, can't talk to your friends anymore?!
  • Chris: Yo yo! Even tho we've had our moments (and plenty of them), you're still pretty cool I guess. lol... "I guess." And stop meowing! Only I can do that! Way to steal my phrases!
  • Cody: What's up my crazy ninja? I'll help you get Lita if you help me get Matt!! Good luck with your girlfriend, and don't try swantoning anything else!
  • Jose: I'm glad we finally unbroke up! Even tho it only took like... 2 years. You're madd cool too... thanx for listening to me this summer. And now. I'm glad you're back. You're one of my really good friends. Love ya!i am a grease monkey
  • Smudin: I'M SO GONNA WIN! You may have beaten me last time, but this time, you're going DOWN! You're a really good friend of mine... anytime you need to talk, I'm here for ya.
  • Gabe: Even tho you and I had our moments last year, you're still a really good friend to me. Thank you so much for listening to me. Love ya!
  • Alan: Hey... set anything on fire lately? LoL! You and I have known each other forever, and even tho you moved, we're still close. I'll always be here to listen to you. GO!i am so crazee crazee cRaZeE
  • Andre: Andre... what can I say about you? I love you like a brother, man. Even if you are really slow... and your braids annoy me. LoL! Love ya! And leave my braids alone!
  • Joe: Ever wonder why things happen? I kno I do. And I wonder everyday why we met. But I'm glad we did. I love you bro. Even if you do live in NY, we'll always be close. I hope everything gets better in life... you deserve better.
  • Scott: Hey! I kno I kno, I missed your play again... but next time? LoL! Sorry!!!
  • Juan: What to say, what to say... I don't even kno. What happened between us? I hope we can at least be semi-okay friends.
  • Cihan: Hey yo. I've known you for a madd long time, and we've only been really close this year, but you're one of my really good friends. I'm here if you need anyone to talk to. PS2/Dreamcast! Still waiting to find out why you're mad at me... and if you're wondering why this thing is still up here for you, it's cuz I don't hate you, even tho you hate me. Woohoo!
  • Steve: Captain Napkin for life, right?! LoL! And how are the neighbors??? I miss talkin to ya!
  • Eric: Chicken? Riiiight... Mr. Sylvester's mad at you! haha! Lepre-troll!
  • Frank: Even tho you are kind of annoying, you're always here to listen to me. Thanks! Oh, and no more mirrors, please.
  • Nick: Yo yo negro! Thanx for listening to me all summer long, and all of last year... lol. It really means a lot to me. But we definitely went all the way... even if neither of us remember it. LoL! And you're right, I never do get what I want. I hope everything gets better for you... and I kno that moving to Texas would probably be the best thing for you, but... I'm gonna miss you!!! *tear*
  • Rick: Even tho you don't talk to me much anymore, I still think you're cool and I really appreciate you listening to me in 8th grade. Thanx. (I only put this here cuz Mike said it'd make you mad. hahaha)im just a sweet cookie baking prep
  • Mike: How're ya likin that word processing class?! *sigh* We'll get thru it. Just like we got thru Burt's class last year. 173 baby! Oh yea! *sigh* I still liked calling you a sweet cookie baking prep. LoL
  • Adrian: Yo... LoL! Still think you're "lean"? LoL That was pretty funny. This word processing class is so hard! Cuz like... I've never used Microsoft Word before! LoL!!
  • Jerry: What up? Even tho you and I have had our moments, I still think you're pretty cool. Anytime you need anyone to talk to, I'm here for ya.
  • Andrew: You like my Sobe's, huh? lol... You still owe me a bracelet... and a BMW! hahaha... I wonder how the baseball team's gonna be this year. haha!
  • Mech: Thanx for listening to me complain all the time. Necro is bad. lol... Therefore I won't shoot myself. Thanx for the help with the banner, altho mine's better. haha... Love yaZ!
  • Fred: Can I have a dollar? Can I have a dollar? lol... free French fries at the mall.
  • Dave: What up? How bout that last trip to the pool hall, huh? So much for being "really good." LoL
  • Hassan: Hey... I kno we've only known each other since like... the beginning of the summer, but I think you're madd cool. So are you Toast, Bagel, or English Muffin? lol... Thanx for the swan!

Now Girls

  • MaryKate: Yo! What's up my 3-shades-lighter-than-chalk-colored friend? lol Oh God we have so many memories... Remember when... At your party, I put the grasshopper on you? ...the m&m cyclones at 10:30? ...I went out with Brad?! EW! LoL!
  • Katrina: I almost killed you at the park! LoL! We've had some pretty interesting moments this summer. Anytime you need to talk, I'm here for ya. Love YaZ!
  • Christina: Yo yo negro! LoL! We've had our moments, but we're amigas now and that's all that matters, right?! We definitely need to go bowling again sometime soon. And looking for your rock. Dr. Grip - Maw! - Walla! - Maw! - Dr. Grip LoL! i am such a little psycho
  • Jenn: Thanx for trying to screw me over this summer. Didn't work, did it? i am soOo mental its not even funny
  • Christine: I miss our band parties. I really do. My clarinet attacking me. How bout McDermott's class last year? That was interesting. I hope you're doing better, and always remember, I'm here for ya hun!
  • Genisa: Am I still invading your space??? LoL! ***'s still a hot boy. No matter what you say! The Downy Wrinkle Releaser! LOL! We're crazy. Everytime we get together, something stupid happens. I'm a ballerina!!! Please don't move!! I'll miss you and the ballerina!
  • Melissa (Brown): Even tho we've had our ups and downs, you're still pretty cool to chill with. We've had some pretty interesting moments this summer, too. We're lesbians, right? LoL!
  • Karen: Thanx for listening to me complain all the time. My life is never boring, I swear. We need to chill more... just not at the pool hall! LoL! Who had the more interesting weekend?
  • Melissa (Fisher): We've had our moments since 4th grade. I hate you. LoL Is your name Lola? Are you a showgirl? LOL We need lives.who is this irresistable creature who has love for the dead
  • Monika: The lady goin down the street in her wheelchair... lol. How are those bricks? lol... Guys suck. They really do.
  • Sada: You and I have had our moments, but like... we're aight now. She's unbe-weave-able! LMAO!!!
  • Mandi: I kno you didn't listen to me about Juan, but I didn't listen to anyone else, so I guess it's all good.
  • Angelene: Hey! Thanx for listening to me when I have a problem... you kno I'm here to do the same for you.
  • Amanda: HI AMANDA!!! I kno I didn't call you, but that's okay. LoL You still love me.
  • Patty: Hey... This summer was definitely interesting. I probably shoulda listened to you about Juan... and Nick. But that's okay. Walk in triangles to confuse the square heads with their circle guns!! LMAO! What were we on that day?
  • Jamie: How's Henry? I kno you miss him, but he's probably happier with the nuns. =)
  • Samantha: Hey girl! I kno you and I have had our moments, but you're a pretty good friend. Thanx for listening to me when I was complaining about Juan. Your brother's a psycho!
  • Nora: How's our favorite class going? See, I told you I never used a computer before. LoL
  • Surra: What's up girl? How's Jeff? Juan's still a loser. But that's okay. Even tho we don't talk much anymore, you're still a good friend of mine. Love ya!

    GoDdEsS's LiNkS