Thursday, October 30, 2003, 8:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Event type: Conferences & Lectures
Sponsored by: Oscar Peterson Concert Hall
Concordia University Science College presents Steven Pinker in a public lecture: “The Blank Slate, the Noble Savage, and the Ghost in the Machine – Why does talk of human nature inspire such fear in so many people?”. Pinker is a Montreal native and world-renowned Harvard University researcher and writer.
Information : 514-848 2424 ext. 2595.

Admission is Free. 

LOY Campus, Room Oscar Peterson Concert Hall
Oscar Peterson Concert Hall
HOLY CRAP! It's a map!


Alright, date's been set for January 7 and 8. First night, drop by around 5:30 or 6:00. After that, come whenever. As for the sushi, I'll let everyone order however much they want. If we make it one big order, it'll be 75 cents a piece, only problem is that you don't get to choose, they give you a mix. Bring music if you want. Also, like I mentioned, there isn't gonna be any booze night 2, for anyone who might have such concerns.

Anyway, write or call me back so I know whether or not you're coming; I do need to do SOME planning around the number of people that are going to be there.

Phone: (514) 634-8679 Cell.: 577-4606
E-mail: (stop laughing)
Address: 371, 52nd ave., Lachine (really easy to find if you take the 55th avenue exit going south off the 20)

Feel free to add me to your MSN list if you haven't already.

Hello one and all; 
Looks like I'm next in line for the turning-18 thing. So here's what 
I'm thinking about doing to make the occasion seem terribly 
My birthday's the 21st, but there's far too many people going on 
vacation, visiting family or some other equally silly activity for 
it to be worthwhile having a party around that time. So instead, I'm 
shooting for somewhere around January 7/8. Long enough after the new 
year for everyone to have recovered, and far enough away from school 
to prevent people gazing into the bottoms of their beer glasses in 
abject depression. 
So here's my idea: I haven't had the best reputation for parties in 
the past, so I wanna do something BIG. Maybe even extend it over a 
couple of days. First night, it's your average drinking, talking and 
merry-making. If everyone just brings a 6-pack of the beer of their 
choice, we shouldn't have any shortages. I'll also try to stock at 
least a basic wet bar. Anybody bringing Hek or equivalent goat urine 
will be turned away at the door. I'll have a bunch of home-bake 
pizza's on hand, and I'll make sure they're actually cooked long 
enough this time, so people aren't ingesting that delightful 
cold-pepperoni-topped white goo. 
Afterwards, anyone who wants to sleep over is welcome to do so. It 
can be quite unpleasant, not to mention dangerous, staggering home a 
city away in the pleasant warmth of a midwinter's night. Next 
morning, I'll make sure I've got plenty of eggs, toast, bacon and so 
on for everyone who stayed in. By sheer luck, my dad's mid-life 
crisis object has turned out to be home coffee-roasting, so there'll 
be some of the finest Ethiopian fresh-ground brew available to all. 
I'm guessing this'll all be around 11am-noon, so we can just screw 
around for the earlier part of the afternoon. 
Later, I thought I could fire up my copy of the Lord of the Rings 
extended edition, and order in some (gasp!) sushi. Why? Because I'm 
just that fscking crazy. There's a good place downtown that has good 
deals on large orders, and although it's not the BEST sushi in the 
city, it's at least DECENT, and be honest: we're not all of us 
practiced connaisseurs anyway. I might have to ask people to pay 
their part of the bill, but just $5 a person should provide enough 
for everyone (who wants some). When that's done, we can screw around 
a little more (time permitting), then go out and see the Two Towers 
in theatres. 
Those are my thoughts on it. Highly subject to change. Tell me what 
you think; what to do, what not to do, and what else to do if it 
really doesn't look like this could work out. 
Soon to be foolishly considered an adult, 

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