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Four Wheel Drive Online Last updated 10-12-03
Hi and welcome to my lil spot on the web! I own a 79 Ford f150 but you'll hear more about that on my specs page. There will be things about a lot of different trucks and i hope you enjoy your stop here and find it useful!. And also please consider voting for my site by clicking on the link below for top 4x4 sites! Thank you!

Four wheeling pictures
Pictures of my truck
Friends Trucks
News (updated almost every day)
4/25/02:Hey the site is pretty much up and running for now. I have a couple more things in store for the future. Like I still have to open up the tech sections and mabye a couple more sections and definetly some more wheeling pictures soon. I might also add a radom pictures section. Thats all for now thanks for visiting! Stop by again!
5-13-02:Hey everyone! Yeah i know its been a long time since I did a update but I did a major one. I got all the tech section up and running. Check by again for more updates! Also! My site made it on the top 4x4 sites in 207th place. Thanks for getting it up there and please keep voting for it when you come onto my site! Thanks!
5-19-02:I just added a new section were you could vote for 5 different trucks for top 4x4 of the month and at the end of the month the one witht the most votes will have a section on my page about it. you can submit your truck at my email
6-12-02: I know its been a long time since i updated anything. I havent done any real updates yet. Trucks running good. Migh have some new four wheeling pictures of me trying to pull out someones truck soon. Im gonna be installing headers on my truck soon so i'll have a tech artical about it and a tech artical about installing a lift on a 1/2 ton chevy. Until then see ya!
7-28-02: Its been a real long time since i did any updated on the site. But the only update i did was delete my truck of the month page. I didnt get as much submissions as i thought so it wasnt going anywere. Mabye it'll come back some other time.
10-2-02:Hey everyone! Not much new. Finally decided to update. Just deleted a couple of pages that didnt get no activity. I installed a rear detriot locker and 4:10 gears that will be put into more detail in the tech section.Dont forget to vote for my site in the top 4x4 site!
10-3-02:Hey everyone! Not much happening here. I added a new page before i had to go to work on installing a ring and pinion. Check it out!
11-18-02:Hey everyone! I havent updated in a while. I put up my section on the detriot locker. I havent done much wheeling. I just put a timing chain in my truck and put my winter tires back on. I may do some winter wheeling but if not no wheeling till march. Remember to vote for my site by clicking the top 4x4 icon. Thanks and have a great day!
1-13-03: Hey everyone happy new year! I added a couple of pages that I will be building up in the next couple days. I had a couple winter wheeling sessions this winter but still waiting till march. Well dont forget to vote for my site on top 4x4 sites. Thanks and have a great day!
1-27-03: Hey everyone how you doing? I finally updated i added my misc page. There could be a millon different pictures on there not just of trucks. Right now most of htem are of trucks and theres a picture of me and a couple of my friends right now. But when i find the rest of my pics i'll post them ok see ya and dont forget to vote for my site!
8-12-03:Hey everyone i havent updated in a real long time I put more wheeling pictures up and misc pictures. Im gonna start another section of the page soon so keep watching for it. Remember to vote for my site. see ya!
10-12-03:Hey everyone whats going on? Not much here. Havent done much 4 wheeling lately. Stuff has been broken. I gotta relplace a powersteering bracket that cracked and I had to have one of my tires sent back to 4 Wheel parts For abnormal wear. I just got it back today so i dont know how much more wheelin well do till november 15th. (when i put the winter tires on) I made a new tech on installing a B&M Megashifter. Well gotta get going dont forget to vote for my site. Thanks for stopping by.