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Welcome to Falling-Dreamz[dot]net Title:Dreamz Can Come True Name:Dream Email or AIM-TwistedDreamer26 Rated:PG-13 Disclaimer:I own Dream,Storm and Rain..and all my family and friends I use in the story....all WWE superstars belong to themselves.. Content:Language,Violence..thats about all I kno for now..Anything else you dont aprove of..sorry Summary:For once in her life Dream (me) has everything she wants in life...Until it happens....... Chacters:Dream(crystal a.k.a me),Storm(laura),Rain(amanda),Desire(wendy),Jeff Hardy,Matt Hardy,Shannon Moore,Amy Dumas,Shane Helms and other WWE superstars thru the story Note:PLEASE E-MAIL ME IF YOU LIKE THIS STORY...Its My First One!!!:) ~*Outside Vince McMahon's door*~ I couldnt believe it.I was 25 and I was here.Well,We were here.Finally I was holding a WWE contract with my 3 best friends Laura,Amanda and Wendy."Well here goes nuttin yall"I say as I knock on Vince McMahon's door."Please come in" Vince says"Ah,I see you made it.""Yes,It was a long flight but were here"I say as we sit down in the chairs."well now that yall are WWE superstars we need to think of names and weather your going heel or not."Vince thought."Well we kinna already have names picked out Mr.McMahon"I say."Go on"He says"Well I want to be Dream,Laura wants Storm,Amanda wants Rain and Wendy wants Desire"I say as i point to them."Those are great,I love them.Ok look.Yall are going to be faces.I will start Crystal out by working as a partner with Team Xtreme.That will make them 4 members.And Amanda,Laura and Wendy you all will be working with Shane Helms as faces"Vince says with a smile"Now go to their dressing rooms and talk it over with them."He says"Oh,And hand them these scripts.I had them wrote up with you all in it but no names.Tell them your names and work it all out"He finishes."Thank you so much for this opportunity!" we all say as we leave."Where the hell are their damn dressing rooms?!"Amanda says just as she runs right into Adam Copeland and Jason Reso (Edge and Christian)."Oops,Our bad"Jason says as he helps her up."My name is Jason and this is Adam"Jason says."We know"I say"Hey yall are good friends with the Hardyz and Helms...You wouldnt know where their dressing rooms are at would yall?"I say with my southern Florida accent."Yea,6 doors down to your right"Adam says with his sexy smile.We walk down the hall and they knock on Shane's door,No answer so we knock on Jeff,Amy and Matt's.Jeff opens the door"uuumm...hi?"he says."Hi,Were the new girls Mr.McMahon just signed..Im supposed to be working with You,Amy and Matt tonight and my friends Laura,Amanda and Wendy are going to be working with Shane"I say as I point to my best friends."Oh Yea!Come in..Sorry for the rudeness."He says and smiles at Wendy checkin her out.Little did they know me and Amy had become friends when I used to visit Ft.Lauderdale (thats where she's from) and visit my Aunt and Uncle.We were best friends just far away from each other."Omigosh!Crys Crass is that you?!"Amy yelled."Aumiie??? omigosh long time no see girl!!!"I yelled back as we hugged."You know Amy Dumas and your punk-ass didnt tell me?!"Amanda and Wendy laughed."I woulda never knew"Laura laughed."Yall Crystal here was my only best friend when she used to visit her Aunt Kelly and Uncle Mark way back when I was little Lita!"She said."Yea and doing hurricana's on me into the pool"I laughed"No worse than your bulldogs"She said."Well what are you doing here?A lost fan?"She asked."No,I have a contract here now!"I smiled"Well me,Laura,Amanda and Wendy"I finished."No way!"she said"thats so great Im happy your finally here!"She smiled."So what are yalls in-ring names?"Shane asked checkin me out too."Well mine is Dream,Laura's is Storm,Amanda's is Rain and Wendy's is Desire."I listed them all."Oh by the way here's your scripts and Im working with Team Xtreme and Laura,Amanda and Wendy will be with Shane"I said as I handed them their scripts.Just then Shannon Moore burst thru the door."Matt I need your help man"He panted."Whatchaa need lil doode?"Matt asked."Robis gunna find me and pop the hell outta me with a damn towel..You know I hate that shit"Shannon panted again.Matt just laughed and locked Shannon in the bathroom.Just then there was a knock at the door."Yo Matt,Jeff its Rob"Rob yelled"You seen Shannon?"he yelled again.Matt opened the door and wispered"He is in the bathroom..The door unlocks from the outside"Matt slightly laughed."OH DAMN YOU MATTHEW MOORE HARDY!!!"Shannon yelled as he ran from the room."Ya kno Crys Crass your gunna fit perfect with us.You got your long red and hurri-green streaked hair and your my hight and your brown eyeswith silver make-up will look great with dark black eyeliner."She said as she laughed as she realized she said Hurri-Green."Well I wear that anyway seenin as thats my team colors"I said.They all got confused and I laughed."Silver Stingers #1 National Jr. Div. Spring Cheerfest Champions Myrtle Beach,SC"Me and Laura said."Hey!You wasnt a Silver Stinger you aint allowed to say it!"I laughed."Well lets go over the script and see where to put you"Matt said kinna checkin Laura out. ~*~*RAW*~*~ "Omigosh Im so damn nervous"I said as Laura,Amanda and Wendy shook their heads.I was going to interfear in Jeff and Matt's Tag Match and me and Amy were gunna 3-D the Dudleyz.My music was Marilyn Manson's-mOBSCENE-.Laura's was "Get Low",Amanda's was"Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd and Wendy's was "Beautiful People"by Mariyln Manson. Jeff and Matt's music started to play and the girls went wild."And from Cameron,North Carolina THE HARDY BOYZ"Lilian Garcia said into the mic.Lita came out with them but they all wished me luck before they went.Shane came up behind me as I turned around"Nervous?"He asked with his cute smile."Hell Yea,Ive only been this nervous since competition"I said."Don't worry"He said and kissed me on the forhead."Oh,Love the streaks..Dream"He smiled and walked off."OH MY FUCKIN GOD CRYSTAL WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!?!"Laura screamed to me."What was what about?"I asked..I really didnt know."Oh god,your and your blonde act,Thats my job---."She started but before she could finish Vince told me It was my time to go out.*If only we could fllllyyyy*My music played as I ran down the ramp.Me and Amy nodded heads and 3-D'ed Bubba then got D'Von while Jeff inturrupted referree Brian Hebner.Me and Amy high 5'ed,hit the guns,and i went to ringside with her just as Matt got the 1-2-3.Amy and me jumped into the ring and raised their hands."What a debut for Dream!Interfearring into the Hardyz match and 3-D'ing them right along with Lita!"J.R Said to King"She's hot!"King said.JR rolled his eyes.We got back to the dressing room and Shane was like"That was a great match!You did great Crystal!"Just then Matt got speared by a little blonde streak."Hey no stealing moves!"Adam yelled and we laughed."Gotcha back punk!"Shannon laughed and helped his best friend up.Then the director came in"Shane yall are on in 5""Aight"He said."Hey after RAW yall wanna go clubbin?"Amy suggested."Sure"We all said."Me,Laura,Amanda and Wendy will meet yall in the lobby at 8:00"I said."Im going to shower"I said then got up and took a shower.I got out just in time because Shane's music hit *Stand Back,There's a Hurricane Coming Thru!* He hit the hurri-pose and smiled to the camera."He has such as sexy smile"I said dreamly."Looks like someone has a crush."Amy said from the couch."What makes you think that?"I asked."It obvious."Matt said,"They way you look at him,The way your looking at him now,Hey ya gotta lil drool on your chin"He said again with a laugh.Then Laura's music hit."THERES MUH GIRLS DOIN WHA DEY DO BEST!!!!"I screamed.They laughed.Laura,Amanda,Wendy and Shane made their way up the ramp."What a debut line there is tonight"JR said"Those girls..The blonde was Storm light redhead is Rain and the Brunette is Desire."JR described them."More puppies"King just said. ~**~At The Hotel~**~ '"Man they take a long time to get ready"Shannon said as he sat down. "Quit talkin bout us!"We said and laughed.I was wearing some blue xtra flair mudd jeans that were tight and a Black long sleeve that had "Dream" airbrushed on it fadeing from silver to lime green and I had a pull-over sweater that was dark blue with dice and a 7 on the back.Laura had on a pair of baby blue shorts with a matching spagettie strap with "Storm" Airbrushed in navy.Amanda had on the same thing as me but her jeans were tan and her hoodie was black and her shirt was short sleeve and blended to baby blue from silver.Wendy had a pair of red shorts with a red short sleeve that said "Desire" airburshed blending from Black to white."Sorry we didnt dress up..we figured we were going dancing we wanted to go comfortable."I said as I finished my messy bun."You look great anyway you dress"Shane walked up to me and said.I couldnt help but smile."Thats aight were dressed casual too..were going dancing"Amy said as we left."OH GIMMIE A HELL YEA Destination!!!!!!"I yelled."Hell yea!"We all yelled. ~**~At The Club~**~ "Laura dance wit me sista!"I said just as "Dirrty" by Christina A.came on.Me,Amanda,Laura,Amy and Wendy got out there and everyone was watching.Then Adam,Jay and Chris Jericho came up in the crowd and started yellin "Go yall go yall!" "So..Whatcha think of Crystal,Shane?"Shannon asked and Jeff and Matt looked over.Shane blushed."Well I wont lie,She's hot thats for sure.But theirs something I know about her,Something from when we were all around in North Carolina"Shane said as he took a sip of his Sky Blue.Then the song was over and we all walked over.I took Shane's drink and took a sip of it."Hey thats mine!"Shane said and smiled."I know thats why I took it"I said and winked at him.Just then "Get Low" came on."LAURA YOUR THEME SONG!!!"Me and Wendy and Amanda yelled."Oh hell yea!"She yelled back.I grabbed Shane."I hear your a good dancer.Dance with us"I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him.We smotherd him.We were booty dancin all over him and he was doin it back.We were havin a great time.That song ended and "U got it Bad" by Usher came on."Come on Crystal"Shane said."OK"I smiled as he slipped his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer."Couldnt they be anymore cute together?"Laura wisperd."No I think their perfect like that."Matt said and pulled Laura closer to him."Wow.Their so cute."Wendy said to the guy she was dancing with,Jeff."Yea,It will only be a matter of time until they are together."Jeff said,He also pulled Wendy closer to him."Yo Whassup Aimes and Shan!!"Adam,Jay and Chris said as they walked over."Oh God,Its the 3 stooges"She laughed."Hey yall Whassup?!"Shannon asked."Not much,Whassup wit Shane and Crystal?"Chris asked."Yea their cute together"Jay and Adam added."Nothing that I know of.ButI know she likes him."Amy stated."Yea we found out Shane likes her but he said he knew her from back when they were young in Cameron."Adam said."Ya kno come to think of it,She moved to North Carolina for 3 years when she was about 10."Amy said.The song ended and we came back to the bar."Whew,Im tired"Amanda said.Just as "Jump Jump" came on.We got near the edge of the crowd where Amy and them could see us and they were breakin it down there anyway.I pulled off my pullover and put it on the bar and went to get down with tha home girlz."Look at her"Shane said."Shes so beautiful and fun to be with"He continued."Looks like we have a Hurri-Crush dont we Shane"Amy laughed."Yea I think I do."Shane said.We were all jumpin up and down when a bunch of my old friends walked in.."Crystal?Is that you?"Someone said.I turned around from the bar."DICKME!!!"I yelled and gave her a hug."oh my god what are yall doin here!"I asked them."Not much.Reunion.Couldnt find you but it looks like me did"Dixie (dickme) said."Who are your friends?"Jeff asked."Oh!"I said."This is my old dance team.The Silver Stingers.'I continued."This is Kristin,Sammy,Terri,Katia,Amber M,Amber G,Dixie,Shawna,Diana,Ruby,Ronni,Kala,Cheyanne,Sammie,Katie,Callen and our old coach CORM!!!"I said."well now they know us who are they?"Shawna said with a smile."This is Amanda,yall kno Laura,This is Wendy,Shane,Shannon,Amy,Jeff,Matt,Adam,Jay and Chris."I finished."Shawna,Lets go break it down like we did in H-Town!"I yelled and we went to the floor as "Tail Feathers"By Nelly and Bad Boy came on.We were at the edge again and soon the Stingers were around us goin "Go Shawna,Go Crystal,Go Sammy!"When Shane and them walked over to see us all breakin down pretty good.We were doin the pop and then me and Shawna quit and it was just Sammy."Man she can break down!"Amanda said."You aint kiddin.She's short but dont doubt Shanana!!"Me and Shawna laughed. ~**~Back At The Hotel~**~ "Ill see yall lata!"I said as we all parted to go to our rooms."I walk you to yours"Shane said as everybody went "OoOoOo!Go Shane!"I flicked them off and we all laughed.We were walking to the room in silence until we reached my door."Well here we are"He said."Wanna come in for a drink?"I asked."Sure I am kinna thirsty"He replied.So we went in my room and I grabbed him a Pepsi."Thanks" he said."Your welcome"I smiled."There's something about you.Did you ever live in North Carolina a long time ago?"He asked."Yea I did for 4 years.I moved there when i was 10 until I was about 15."I said"Why?""Because,Where did you live?"He asked."I lived in Cameron near a big land with a littletrampoline in the back that looked like a ghetto rigged wrestling ring."I said and laughed."Oh my god I knew I knew you from somewhere!"He gasped."What?"I said.I looked confused."He goes you lived next to Jeff and Matt.I was always at their house.He laughed."Oh wait...Oh my gosh I remember!You where the guy in 2nd period who I had a crush on until I moved back!"I said.Then I realized what I said and put my hands over my mouth."You used to like me?"He said.I nodded my head yes."Well to tell you the truth I used to like you too"He said.I go "Well then I saw you on TV with 3-Count so I looked you up and found your official site ( and read all about you and I knew who it was.Then I totally forgot about it but I still watched wrestling"I said."So you mean you dont like me anymore?"He asked playing with his hands."Now who ever said that?"I said."Shane,your a really hot guy,Your sweet too and I wont lie...Yea I still like you..alot"I said."Good.'He said."Cuz I still like you alot too."Then he leaned in a gave me a kiss.I just smiled."Well I better get back to my room before it gets to late and Shannon looks for me"He said getting up."Wait!"I said..I called Shannon and Shane's room and told Shannon me and Shane were going on a walk.All he said was "OoOoO Get it Crys!"And I hung up."Come on,Lets walk the beach"I said as I put on my flip flops I braught incase."Ok"He said. ~**~On The Beach~**~ "Soo..."I started."How do you like being in the WWE?"He asked.*Amy,Matt,Jeff,Laura,Wendy,Amanda and Shannon followed behind but we didnt know.*"Its great.I love being able to accomplish my dreamz.And with my best friends at that.Being in Team Xtreme is great.Im with my best friend Amy and 2 new friends who I didnt remember until now. and You and Shannon are so fun to be with"I said.Then he grabbed me and threw me into the water."What the fuck was that for?!"I yelled."Just cuz.Welcome to Hurri-Town"He said as he helped me up.Instead I pulled him down and he landed on top of me."Haha,Whutcha gunna do now you MFER"I joked.Then we just looked into each others eyes and I got lost."Crystal,I wanna ask you something..."Shane said slowly."Yea,Shoot"I said."Will you be my girlfriend?"He asked."I couldnt think of a reason not to say no."I said and we kissed. ~**~Smackdown! 2 Weeks After~**~ "Crystal,Amanda,Shane,Shannon,Matt,Wendy,Laura,Jeff and Amy.Dad wants to see you in his office"Stephanie said.We all had a worried look on our faces but Stephanie said not to worry it wasnt bad news.Matt knocked on the door and Vince told us to please come in."I have a change in groups,Ive thouht about it since Shane and Crystal are dateing we would have Dream turn on Team Xtreme and go to The Hurricane and Wendy go to Team Xtreme because she also turns on them."Vince explained."We love it"We all said."Oh yes Shannon,Why I called you here also.Would you want to join the Hurri-Powers too?"Vince asked him."Actually I think Im hitting off pretty well in my singles career with-out 3-Count so I would reather stay in a singles career.But thanks for the great offer"Shannon said."No problem,Yall have been nothing but respectful to anyone around here.Tell ya what.The next 2 weeks are for you all.Go home and rest."Vince said."After Smackdown! fly home and dont come back until 2 Thursday's from now."He laughed."You all deserve a break""Thanks so much Mr.McMahon.I was thinking coming in here would be bad!"Amy said and then we all laughed."Now you all go out there and do what you all do best!"Vince said and shooed us out.*If only we could ffflllyyy!* my music hit and I walked down the ramp for my match against Ivory.The match got under-way and we shook hands for good luck.I had to upper-hand most of the match."Dream has moves like Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio"King said."Yes and she is very fast like our very own Gail Kim"JR responded.Just then Ivory gave me to Poison Ivory and pinned me.But then I kicked out."Oh my god no woman has been able to kick out of the move!I can't believe it!"JR shouted.I got Ivory on the mat and did my finisher and got the 1-2-3."What a beautiful 450 splash but Dream calls it the "Falling-Dreamz"And thats damn right."JR said again.I walked back to the dressing room outta breath and my stomach hurt a little."Great match!"Shannon met me at the door."Yea Im proud of you baby."Shane said as he kissed me.'Thanks yall but can you excuse me?I dont feel very well."I said running to the bathroom and I threw up.Laura came in"You aight lil sis?"she asked."Yea just my nerves,you know how they get"I said."Yea I forgot about that."She said.Me and her walked back in."You ok?"Jeff asked."Yea I just get like that when my nerves get to high and I use alot of energy and I didnt eat alot before"I say as grab some black jnco's and a half top like Lita wore that she bought for me when we went shopping a couple of days ago."Your gunna interfear in our match like that?'"Matt asked."Vince told me to be in street clothes."I told him."So your gunna be against Laura and I run down and save Laura and drop kick you right Amy?"I asked."Yea,Well come on you 4 we better go."Amy said walking out the door."Wait."Shane said as he pulled me back and wrapped his arms around me."Are you sure your ok?"He said.His face was full of concern."Im fine,Why would I lie to yall?Im not one to lie unless I really have to"I told him "Ok Im sorry I was just worried something was wrong."He said and we kissed."Watch me on TV"I said and walked out."You really like her dont you Shane?"Shannon asked him."Yea man,I really do."He responded. Half way thru Storm and Lita's match I ran down the ramp in street clothes and pulled Storm away from a Twist Of Fate Lita was about to give her then Lita talked a bunch of junk and I drop kicked her and Storm got the 1-2-3.Matt and Jeff got all up in my face and I grabbed a mic."You know what Jeff.I dont wanna be in your freakin Team.Yall hog all the damn spotlight so Im thru with it.Im joining Storm and The Hurricane!"And I walked out to Laura's music.*From the windows to da walls!*We came back to the locker room and I threw up again."Here have my 3-D Nacho Cheesier chips"Shannon said."Thanks Shan"I thanked him we all got back as Shane and*The Hurri-Powers* left."I guess when we get back we will be doing the line where I go to Shane and Wendy goes to yall"I guessed."Yo Skittlez,We goin clubbin tonight?"Amy asked."Yea if the rest want to."He replied."Im sure they will"I said."Look there they are"Shannon said just as *Stand Back,There's a Hurricane Comin Thru*started."Oh I forgot to say Crystal,Beautiful dropkick!You did it the exact way your supposed to!"Amy said."Thanks,I didnt want to hurt you bad."I said and we laughed.I was just starring at the screen when Stephanie knocked at the door and Matt answered."Crystal,Vince wants to see you"Matt said."Ok"I said.So I walked to Mr.McMahons office and knocked."Come in"He said."Oh Crystal,Yea I have had a change in idea's.I want to put you in a singles career when you get back.Then in the future The Hurri-Powers will break up and you will be in a match and he will save you"Vince explained."Thats great!So it will be like when Jeff and Trish did their on-screen dateing?"I asked."yes"Vince said."You have a great time on your vacation."He said as I walked out.I went back to the locker room and everyone was in there.So i decided to do a lil corny rib.Before I walked in I started to fake cry and I ran in and sat on the couch by Amy and Jeff and put my face in my hands and *cried* more.Shane walked up and got on his knees infront of me and everyone gatherd around."What happend baby?"Shane asked.They all wanted to know.I smiled inside but kept *crying* outside."I....I..Vince..Fired me!!!!!"I cryed more."Oh my god really?!"Laura said.I lifted my face outta my hands"No not really."I said and laughed."Crystal Leann you and your pranks!"Laura said.Shane just put his face on my legs"I dunno what I would do if I didnt have you with me in the WWE"I siad."Well Im still gunna be here but Vince is gunna put in a singles career for a little while and in the futureThe Hurri-Powers will break up and me and Shane will start and story-line kinna like Jeff and Trish did"I explained to them."Cool,Now lets go to the hotel,change and party for a little while and we will leave in the morning"Amy said."Wait where are yall goin on Vacation?"I asked them.Shane,Shannon,Amy,Jeff and Matt said North Carolina.Wendy and Amanda said NewJersey and me and Laura said Florida."Why dont we all just crash in North Carolina"Shannon suggested."Ok"We said."But before my break is over I want to go to Hawthorne.I gotta see my family."I said."No problem"they said."Yea Im going back to Florida with Crystal cuz her family is like my family,Mine is just a bunch of dicks."Laura said."Hey your brother and your dad have those not your mom"I said and we laughed. ~**~At The Club.Again~**~ "Adam!Come dance wit me bouy!"I yelled to him."Why not Shane?!"He yelled back."Shane doesnt feel good.He's sitting at the bar,Plus I want to tell you something!"I yelled back over the music.We danced and I explained to him that we were going to NC and I planned to tell Shane I Loved Him there but I wanted it to be the perfect moment."Any moment if perfect with yall"Adam said as the music stopped and we walked to Shane.I leaned on him and asked him if he was ok."Yea Im fine I just have a little headache."He said back and put his arms around me."Please do the last dance with me"I begged him."OK I will"He said and we walked out to the floor where Matt&Laura,Shannon&Amanda,Adam&Amy,Wendy&Jeff and Jay&some girl were dancing.He pulled me really close to him and they all watched as they danced."They're prerfect"Shannon said to Amanda."Amanda I want to ask you something."Shannon said shyly and he blushed."Yea?"Amanda said kind of nervous."Will you be my girlfriend?"He asked her still blushing."Of Course."She said and they kissed. ~**~At The Airport~**~ "I cant wait to get my truck,Wait Im not goin to Florida!"I whined as I fake cried on Laura's shoulder."What kind of truck would a floridian have?"Shannon asked with a laugh as he put his arms around Amanda."Well I have a Chevy like my cousin used to have.Its actaully his truck.He gave it to me for my 19th birthday."I said."What kind?"Jeff asked."An 87 black Chevy,Kinna low to the ground with a kick ass sterio* system."I finished."Hey why dont we change our tickets to Florida and drive up there?"Laura suggested."Yea I wanna see my baby's truck."Shane said and we kissed."Ok"I agreed.So we went and changed our tickets and walked back."We will get there at...See its 3 now so we will be there about 8 and we will meet yall in Myrtle Beach,SC tomorrow at well We will leave about 5:00am and we will meet you at North Myrtle Beach High School at 3:00 or earlier."I said."Why Myrtle Beach?"Shane asked."Thats as far as I kno"I laughed.Then the flight for mine and Laura's flight was called.Me and Shane kissed but this time he wanted some tounge (couldnt think of anything else to say..sorry its corny!)So I did and everyone hugged and Me and Laura ran off."Looks like Shanie got a lil tounge!"Jeff joked."Shutup Skittle Boy"He said as they all left to get on their plane. ~**~Gainesville,Florida Airport~**~ "MY TRUCK!!!"I yelled as i ran up to it and hugged it."What the hell you doin in my truck!"I yelled.My cousin William O'Quinn a.k.a Lil Willie and his girlfriend Valyn laughed as they got outta my truck."I took it home and washed it.We figured you were gunna come back home so we waited.Cuz we got a call from Mr.Vince McMahon."Valyn said."Yea I saw you on RAW and Smackdown! cuz.You kick major ass!"He said as he hugged me."Come on,There's a party at Thomas's for your return"Valyn said as her and Lil Willie hopped in the truck behind them. ~**~Grove Park,Florida and Thomas's Party~**~ "Cwital!"Dakota yelled and ran over to me."Whutcha doin you lil booger!"I said and swung him around."Hey dont do that to my youngin damn girl"Thomas said as laughed.we hugged and I hugged everyone else."So hows WWE life"Josh asked sitting down next to me."Well I do have a boyfriend now and Its great.Im driving up to North Carolina for a week then our next week off were all coming down here"I said."What wrestlers?"My brother Andrew asked."Jeff Hardy,Matt Hardy,The Hurricane,Shannon Moore,Lita,Desire and Rain"I finished"Oh and Storm(laura)and Me!"I said again."Which wrestler are you dateing?"Kala asked."Shane Helms-He's the Hurricane"I said with a big smile."Well he better take care of my lil cuz"My cousin Big William (William Edwards)said."Dont worry,He is"Laura said.Then my Mom,Dad andmy cousin Zylphia and her husband Jason walked up."Hey Kiddo"Zylphia said and I turned around."Booter!!"I said and hugged her and Jason."Hey Mom and Dad"I said and hugged them too."Hey momma and dadday!"Laura yelled and hugged them to."Hey Crystal and the girl who shoulda been Crystal's sisterLaura"My dad said and we laughed."I saw you on Smackdown! last night"My mom said."Why did you turn on Lita?"She asked."Yea" my dad said"Storyline,Vince is going to break up The Hurri-Powers in the future and put me and Shane dateing on-screen"I said."Just like she's dateing him off screen"Laura said then coverd her mouth and went to go grab a Sky Blue out of the cooler."Well!Go Crystal!"My dad says."Yea Im happy for you Crystal"My mom said."Wait a minute,You dateing The Hurricane?!"Jason asked and looked at me like I was crazy."Yea,And he's very good to me"I said.I knew Jason didnt like his charecter on TV but that didnt mean he was like that outside of the ring."Well I guess you can take care of your self now so I dont have to worry"He said.So Me and Lil Willie decided to get Jason with a prank."Hey Whats that Jason?You think you can beat Big Williams ass with a hand tied behind your back?"I said loudly and everyone stopped.Big William looked up then he walked over."Man didnt you say that when Crystal was like 12 and I got in your face and you backeddown real quik?"Big William asked."uumm...uuhhh"Jason just stood there."Ah its alright man,I kno I can kick your ass anyday.Im not the fghtin type unless you piss me off"He said and everyone laughed."Well yall its gettin late,Me and Laura are leaving at 5 in the morning."I said and we got in the truck after we hugged everyone,Turned the music up loud and left. ~**~The Next Morning On They Way To North Carolina~**~ "Man Im still tired,Im gunna sleep"Laura said.So I put in my Linkin Park CD to keep me i really cant wait to see Shane again,I wonder why Jason doesnt like his charector?"Crystal I gots ta pee sis!"Laura said."Aight can you wait a couple of miles?"I said just as my cell rang"Who the hell is Moore,S?"I said out loud."I dunno answer it"Laura said."Doode Talk to me"I said since I didnt kno who it was."Hey baby,I dont get a hi?"Shane said."Oh!I didnt kno who S,Moore was.Hey baby"I said back."Oh we crashed at Shannon's house last night,Where ya at now?I miss my baby girl"He said back.Just then Laura yelled "PEACHES!!"."I take it yalljust got into Georgia"He said and laughed."Yea,Laura has to pee and Im hungry.Ill call you when I get to South Carolina."I said."Ok bye baby"He said."Latah babe"I said and hung up the phone.We pulled into the gas station and I looked at my watch."Damn its only 7:00am!"I said."wow,thats to early for us!"She said and we laughed.So we went pee,got some food and left.Laura fell back to sleep and I put back in my Linkin Park cd *Time wont take this damage anymore dont turn your back on me I wont be ignored!*I sang along with it when my cell rang again.It was Shane."Hello my Sexy Man Beast"I said with a laugh."Hey baby,Where ya at?Were already at the school and its 1:00"He said."Im about 2 miles from there."I said."Ok,Why did you only kno how to get to the school?"He asked."Because thats where I performed for competition,I want to take a look around it to.Would they let me in?"I asked."Yea they will.They are actually having a competitio thing now."He said."Hey look behind you sexy"I said back."Ok?"heaid kinna slow and turned around and I was right behind them.We hung up our cells and then something got threw at me."What the fuck!"I yelled."Hey watch your mouth girl,Put that on its time to go kick some Silver Stinger ass!"My old coach Corm (Mrs.Amy Maccord)said."No prob."I said."Come on yall wanna see me do some moves this is the second thing I do best"I said with a huge smile as I follwed the Silver Stingers.Everyone clobberd me."Your dancing with us?"Terri said."No I came to sign autographs,Yes Im dancing with yall.I got my boyfriend and all my friends here too."I said just as they walked in."Wow Crystal's in a skirt!Never thought I would see that"Laura laughed.So did everyone else."Silver Stingers?Its yalls turn"The manager said."Aight yall lets go do these practices"Amy *(ms maccord) said.So we went up there and practiced the routine we did so many years ago and won with it."Ok yall this time we have more than 3 teams in our group.We have 20"Amy M. said."Damn.You think we will still win?"Dixie said."I dont think I kno"Amy M said.So we all finished that and went to the outside practice one.Shane and them watched me thru the window."She has a beautiful smile."Shane said."Yea she's got the moves too"Jeff said."They are good"Amy said.We walked back in and sat in the bleachers.I leaned back on Shane and we kissed."good luck" he said."Come on Stingers were up in 2 teams.We all got up and Amy and them told us good luck as they moved to the floor to sit infront of us and watch."Ladys and Gentelmen hailing from Hawthorne High School in Hawthorne,Florida The SILVER STINGERS!!!"And everyone on our side went crazy.Shane and them yelled"GO CRYSTAL YOU GO GIRL!!!"And all that junk.Our music started and we did our dance,got all of the stunts up and smiled the whole way thru.Then my time came.A lil bit of Kane's music played and I did a bunch of back and front handsprings and Kristins mom went crazy."I didnt kno she could do that"Amy said."Neither did I"said Laura.We finished and waited in a big group with everyone else on the floor to see what place we got for the Reunion Spring Cheerfest Competition."And our overall winners for everything and with the most exiting welcome back dance...the SILVER STINGERS!!!!"We got up and jumped up and down and me and Dixie went and got the trophy and held it up.Everyone got quite and I said "This is to every bitch in Hawthorne who said The Silver Stingers would amount to nothing and wouldnt win anything!"and we held it up again and walked back.We got out side and Shane gave me a passionate (should i say french or does that sound gay?) kiss and said "Im proud of you baby""Well Crystal,The time has come,I want you to have this trophy.I kno you deserve it."Amy M said.I just broke down and cried and we all had a group hug and did our last Stingers yell for a while.I signed their shirts we got so they would have proof I was their friend when they went back to Florida."We love ya Crystal.Stay strong"Terri yelled as we drove off. ~**~North Carolina~**~ "Well I think we should party,Something,I mean Crystal did win a kickass trophy today"Amanda said."Actually Im so tired I dont know if I can----" said and then passed out on Shanes shoulder."Well there goes the party girl"Laura said as Shane carried me to his room.He layed me on his bed and changed me into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt."What are you doing?"I said still tired."Hey baby you fell asleep on me so I carried you to my room"He said before he was about to walk out."No dont leave me"I said."Whats wrong?"He came back and sat down beside me and I saw Amy,Matt,Laura,Shannon,Amanda,Jeff and Wendy peeking in his door."Jus lay down with me."I said with a pouty smile."Ok,"He said and layed next to me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me,his tounge wanted in and i gladly accepted and soon we were making out."Damn I think we should leave them alone"Shannon wisperd to Amanda.Just then we stopped to catch our breath and I told him."Shane I wanna tell you something."I said kinna nervous."Yea what is it?"he said looking me in the eyes."Be careful what you say Crystal"Laura wisperd to herself.They looked at Laura kind of confused and she said she would tell them later."Shane,I love you."I said still looking into his eyes.He smiled that cute heart melting smile and said "I love you to Crystal,More than anything"He said back and we kissed again and we fell asleep. ~**~The Next Day~**~ I woke up with a terrible headache and my cell phone ringing.I looked at it,It was Josh."Hey bub,Whats wrong?"I said."Nuttin,I just called to see if muh lil sis made it (he isnt really my brother) to NC alright"He said.Then Shane woke up as I got out of bed and stood by the window."Well I did make it ok,Is everything OK in Grove Park?"I said."Yea but Dozier got out this morning and we caught him.He misses you"Josh said."I kno I miss him too,Tell ya what next week when we all come down lets all go on a ride"I said."That will be great,Well I better go,Love ya Sis,Be careful,Bye"He said."Bye bro,Love ya too."I said and hung up."Whos the person you miss?"Shane asked as he came up and put his arms around me and looked out the window."Oh my horse,He got out this morning cuz he misses me."I said.He laughed a lil."Im going to make some coffee I have a headache"I said and walked down to the kitchen and he was behind me.I made some coffee and we drank it."Come on"he said."Lets go on a 4-wheeler ride""Ok"I said"Let me change"So I went and changed into a pair of shorts and a spagetti strap shirt and threw my hair into a pony tail.We left a note for Matt and them and left.Soon they were all up.They got the note and went in the living room to talk."So why were you telling Crystal to watch what she sayd last night?"Matt asked.Laura took a deep breath and looked at everyone."Well it will be a 9 years ago next Saturday.She went out with a a boy on the football team at Hawthorne.He was a Senior and she was in 10th grade.Well she told him she loved him and long story short he raped her.She still hasnt gotten over it."Laura said with tears filling her eyes."Oh my god,Does Shane know?"Jeff said."No I dont think he does,But I never told yall this story."She said."We wont tell anyone"Matt said.Just then me and Shane came back in the house laughing."Have fun?"Wendy asked."Tons"I said."Crystal can I speak with you in the kitchen for a minute?"Laura asked."Sure"I said and we went to the kitchen."When are you going to tell him?"Laura asked."Tell him what?"I said looking confused."You kno it will be 9 years ago next Saturday"Laura said."NO!I dont want to tell him!"My voice was getting louder."Crystal your going to have to!"Laura said back."Since when do you tell me what I can and cant do?!"I screamed and ran out the door crying."What was that all about?"Shane said with a concerned look on his face."You might want to go find her.Maybe she's wise up and tell you what it is."Laura said as she sat down and Shane ran out the door yelling my name.He found me sitting at the little creek we had rode to earlier."Hey baby whats wrong?"He asked,his voice was full of concern.I was still crying."Laura wants me to tell you but I dont think I can"I said sniffing."Come on I wont think down on you or be pissed or anything."He said getting my hair out of my face."Well ok"I said with a big sigh." 9 years ago next Saturday I was in 10th grade and I was dateing a guy off the football team and I made the mistake of telling him I loved him and long story short him and his friends got around me and he raped me."I said and I started to cry again."Ive never told anyone else I dated I love them or had sex since that happend"I said crying as he held me."I never knew.Baby,You'll never loose me and I promise Ill do anything to protect you and I would never hurt you like that or in anyway."He said kind of pissed at the person who did this to me and worried for me."I didnt think you would take it was good as you did.Thank you so much Shane,I feel so safe with you thats why I told you I loved you last night.And I always will"I said as I whiped my tears.He just gave a lil smile and kissed me."Now lets get back before the others start to worry"I said.We got up to the house and Wendy and Laura came running out."Guess what!"They yelled at the same time."What?"I said."Jeff asked me to be his girlfriend!"Wendy yelled andLaura goes "Matt asked me to be his!""Aww Im so happy for yall!"I said and we hugged."So now everyone's a couple,Me&Crystal,Shannon&Amanda,Jeff&Wendy,Matt&Laura and Amy&Adam."Shane said."Wait,Amy and Adam are an item?"We asked."Oh yea we forgot to tell yall"Shane said with a big innocent smile.We walked into the house and it was only 7:00pm."Are there any good clubs around here?"I asked."Yea theirs that club in Raleigh called Lighting."Amy answered."Great lets go!"I said.And we all went to change. ~**~At The Club..Once Again~**~ We all got into the club just as *In Da Club* by 50 Cent came on and the crowd went wild.Me,Laura,Amy,Wendy and Amanda decided to dance and the guys watched us."I cant believe that,She's so Independent"Shane said."Did she tell you what Laura told us?"Matt asked."About the rape?Yes,I cant believe it I just want to find that fucker and beat the hell out of him"Shane said as he took a sip of the water he baught.The song ended and *Im The Worlds Greatest* came on and this guy was trying to get me to dance with him."Yo,Shane look"Shannon said.Shane looked over and say this guy slap me in the face and as soon as he did I speared him and started punching him and banging his head on the floor.Finally the bouncers got me off and threw me out.I had a big red handprint on my face and that was all.I was so pissed and I was standing outside when Shane,Shannon,Amanda,Laura,Matt,Wendy,Jeff and Amy walked out."What was all that about"Shane asked putting his arms around me."Not right now Shane.I might get pissed again and I dont wanna accidentally punch you."I said."Ok,Sorry."He said."What happend int here.You were whoppin ass like the old days"Laura said."The fucker wanted to dance and I said no i dont want to and he wouldnt take no for an answer and he grabbed my hand and I pulled away so he slapped me and I speared him and went to punchin.I hate being slapped in the face.I go crazy mad"I said."Lets just go home,Im tired anyway."Shannon said."Fine with me"I said and got into the car and immidiatly fell asleep on Shane's shoulder."Whats with her and my shoulder?"He said and they all laughed.They got home and Shane carried me to his room and everyone went to sleep. ~**~Back In Grove Park~**~ "Finally Im home!"I said and then I tripped on a hole in Thomas's yard and fell."Im fine."I said and everyone laughed."This is were you lived?"Shannon asked looking around."No but it was like my second home."I said."CRYSTAL YOUR BACK!!!!"Josh yelled as he ran up to me and gave me a big hug and spun me around."Josh..getting..dizzy..cant..breath...."I said."Oh sorry sis."he said and put me down but then I was picked up again by my brother with my head facing the ground and he spun me too."ANDREW JAMES IF YOU DONT PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN IM GOING TO KICK YOU IN THE NUTS!!!"I yelled and he put me down and hugged me."Yall this skinny tall bitch is my brother Andrew and the baby blue eyes bitch is Josh."I said walking over to Shane and I introduced them as everyone else came outside.I introduced them again and told them who everyone was."This is Iris,Lil Willie,Valyn,Big William,Irene,Ashley,Ty,Eric,Thomas,Curtis,Chelsea,Dakota,Daniel and Clifford"I said.Then I heard a big neigh come from the stalls."Dozier!"I yelled as I ran down there.Everyone got to the stalls after me and I was in Doziers."Yall this is my horse Dozier.One of the best things that ever happend to me."I said with a big smile as Dozier nudged me."Can I ride him?"I asked Iris."Sure he's your horse".Iris responded and 5 minutes later I was trotting him around the field."Yo Val put up some barrels!"I yelled."Aight!"She yelled back."What does she mean by barrels?"Shane asked."Just something she kicksass at,You'll see"Valyn said."Aight Im going to time you Crystal,You ready?"Lil William said."Ready"I said."Aight,GO!"He said and I kicked Dozier to a run and took off around the first barrel."Damn! Shes fast!"Amy said.Turned sharp around the second one and close to the 3rd and and kicked the whole way back."Damn Crystal!2 years and you got a 15.0876 seconds!!!"Lil William said."Damn I amgood!"I said and handed Dozier a treat.I unsaddled Dozier and we all went into Thomas' house."So where do yall plan on staying?"Thomas asked."My house,Where else"I said and laughed."Well its late I'll come by and see yall tomorrow.Dont fuck around to much Josh"I said and we went to my house."Wow!Nice house!"Shannon said."its nothing much.I just wanted alot of land and a 2-story house.Its what I always wanted"I said staring at it."And!The best part is..."And me and Laura ran around the house and they heard 2 4-wheelers start up."Oh god I have a feeling were gunna get dirty"Shane said and they laughed.Just then we came around pulling 3 more 4-wheelers.We stopped and I said "Shane hop on back with me,Matt get on back with Laura,Shannon you and Amanda get on one,Amy you get your own and Jeff and Wendy yall take this one.Were goin..."Then I stopped and crancked up and we took off to my back yard where there was huge places to mud and on the other side it was dirt where you could jump things.I stopped again and said"If you dont like to mud...Dont ride"Everyone laughed and I felt Shane lean back kinna to hold on.Then me and Laura yelled "GP MUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!"And everyone stopped and watched then Shane and Matt got off cuz we scared them so they just watched.20 minutes later me and Laura walked around by the pool covered in mud."Looks like yall got a lil muddy"Jeff said."Yea but I love the mud.Makes me feel like a lil kid again."I said.Just then i got speared into the pool."Oh fuck!!My pools dirty!"I yelled as Shane looked me in the eyes and kissed me."Hey no makin out in the pool!"Laura said.Everyone laughed just as Laura got pushed into the pool by Matt and they kissed."Hey I thought you said no makin out in the pool!"Amanda yelled to her and we laughed again....... ~**~The Next Day~**~ It was the day.The day of the year I dread the most.June 27.The day it all happend.I was still laying in bed with Shane's arms around me when I realized it was Saturday.That Saturday.I started to cry.I couldnt help it.Shane woke up."Whats wrong baby?"He said pulling me closer."Its Saturday.The day it all happend."I said and I cried harder.It was only 10:00am but I could tell this day wasnt going to be a good day.Just then there was a knock at the door I was about to get up and get it but I heard Amanda get it then I heard her coming up the stairs.She knocked on my door."Crystal someone is outside for you!"She said."Uumm...Ok hang on"I said back."Shane come down there with me I dont have a good feeling about this."I said and my voice was shaking."ok"he said and we got dressed.I got down the stairs and he was talking with Amanda.It was him.The one who did it to me."You!"I yelled so pissed off."Get the fuck outta my house you damn fucker I dont ever wanna see your damn face around me again"I yelled at him."Please Crystal I came to expli-"he tried to say.I yelled again this time everyone came down.I grabbed knife."You either get out or Ill help you out" I said as I grabbed the knife.And he ran out and I put the knife back and just went into the living room and cried.I couldnt help it."Was it my fault?"Amanda asked."No."Laura said."That was Dan.He's the one who raped her."Laura said slowly."Oh my god!If I would have known!"Amanda said.I walked back in."Its not your fault Amanda,You didnt kno.Good thing he ran tho becuase I would have stabbed him."I said."Lets go out for a 4-wheeler ride"Laura said.So we all went.It was about 2:00pm then when someone pulled up in my yard and a group of guys walked up to my 4-wheeler.I stopped and looked him dead in the eyes."I thought I told you to never come back you fucker"I said as I got angry again.His friends surrounded me again.They didnt even get the chance to do anything because Laura drove over there and took 3 of them out with the 4 wheeler and Amy drove by on hers and clotheslined the other 3 and i put mine in reverse and ran into the one behind me and hit Dan."What now FUCKER YOU WANNA FUCK AROUND NOW?!WELL YOUR MESSIN WIT THA WRONG BITCH!!!!!"I yelled and got off and hit him in the nuts with a cro-bar I had on the 4-wheeler.Him and his friends all limped away."I dont think he will be gettin any for a while"Laura said as we all high-fived.Shane,Shannon,Jeff,Matt,Amanda and Wendy had been watching from the deck of the pool working on their tans.Then Shane got a big shadow over him."Hey whos blocking the sun!"He said with his eyes closed.I swung my leg over and sat on him and leaned foward with my hands on his chest."Does it matter?"I said with a giggle and I kissed him."Ooh its muh bad-ass baby girl"He said and kissed me back and opened his eyes."Hey Crystal your thong's hangin out"Laura said and me n her laughed."All well isnt it pretty?"I said and we laughed again and everyone just shook their heads.Shane wrapped his arms around me and gave that killer smile of his and gave me a wedgie."Aaaww!!Damn you Shane!!"I said as i got up to try and get it out.Just then Josh,Daniel,Nate,Kala,Ronni and Amber came outside.I had sat back on Shane and Josh says "Oh damn,Crystal's a hoe now"and I laughed."Not as bad as you bro"I said and got up and hugged everyone exept Nate."What are you doing here."I said with a serious face on."I heard you were in town and I wanted to see you"Nate said shyly."Well we just came by to say hey sis see ya later!"Josh said and they left."We'll be right back"Laura said and dragged my in the house."Come on lets get Shane and Matt back for last night."She said as we changed into our bikini's and ran outside and I 450 splashed into the pool and Laura spin-flipped.We got Shane and Matt soaked.Along with everyone else."Man now Im wet!"Shane whined.I got out of the pool and dragged him up."Good so am I"I said and I wrapped his arms around me."I see that"he said.Then we heard Matt scream"No Laura dont!!!Ahh!!"then there was a splash and everyone laughed."You wouldnt"Shane said as I inched him toward the pool."I would"I said with a big smile on my face and pushed him in with a big splash."Ah!"I yelled."I just cant win can I?"I said with my arms on his shoulders."You won something."Shane said."What?"I asked him."My heart" he said and he kissed me."AAWWW!"everyone said."So I see you've moved on bitch"some one said from the side of the house.It was Nate."Well,Well,Well" I said climbing out of the pool and I put on a pair of pants and a shirt."If it isnt Nate."Me and Laura said at the same time."Well if it isnt Crystal."Ashley A. said coming from around from where Nate did.I went to jump at her but Laura grabbed me."What you need your friends to hold you back?"Ashley and Nate said together."Yall better get the fuck off my property before I throw you off it"I said getting really pissed."And if we dont what are you going to do?"Ashley said gettin in my face."I kno you aint gettin in my face you fat bitch"I said bunching up my fist as Amanda,Wendy,Amy and Laura got behind me and the guys watched."You think your all that cuz your one of those fake wrestling people"Nate said."Oh you think wrestling is fake?"I said to him and then I picked him up and pump-handle slammed him"Was that fake? Huh?Wait I dont think i can here so"I said as i kicked him in the nuts (i tend to do alot of that in this story dont i?)"You whore"Ashley yelled as she pushed me."Oh no the hell you didnt!"I said and I punched her right in the jaw."You bitch!"she yelled and I dunked before she could punch me."Damn right the biggest one you ever meet!"I yelled and I punched herthen Nate catched her and dragged her off."You got some good fights goin today!"Jeff said as he walked up behind Wendy and put his arms around her."Yea not very many people like Me and Laura in Hawthorne or Waldo"I said."Why?"Amanda asked."Because we can whoop their ass so they try and challenge us."Laura said."I have to go take a shower before I catch Slutbies."I said and we all went into the house.I got out of the shower and I had just dyed my hair back to my original color..dark red and I walked into the living room where Laura had just put in a movie."What movie yall bout to watch?"I asked."The Gift"Laura said."Oh!I love this movie!"I said and sat next to Shane."Jeff did you die your hair?"Matt asked."No not me."Jeff said."It was me.I went back to my original color"I said."And what color is that?"Shane said.Laura screamed."I hate that part"She said holding her chest as Matt pulled her closer."Red..Well darkish red"I said.Just then there was a knock at the door and I answerd it."Hey,Whassup girl!"I said and hugged the person at the door."Hey Laura look who it is!"I said."Danni!"She yelled and ran up to her and hugged her."I saw yall on TV and Josh told me you were home."She said as she sat down."I thought you and Josh didnt get along?"I asked her."Oh!We're on talking terms now.Were dateing"She said with a smile."Hey dont take his eyes.Thats my eyes.I have dibs on them!"I said and we laughed.Shane got a jelouse look and I said"But I got the person I love most right now"and leaned over on Shane and he kissed me."Wow looks like you got yourself a superhero"Danni said."Yea were all hooked up."I said."Yea I can see.Well I just stopped by to say hey.See ya on TV!"She said and left."Who was that?"Wendy asked."Oh just our old partner in crime Danyel a.ka. Danni"Laura said.Just then I screamed."Whats the matter?"Shane asked with his face full of concern.'I just realized something."I said with my eye's wide."Thats why Nate hates me."I said."Why?"Laura asked."Dan didnt rape me,It was Nate."I said."He made me think he was Dan.You kno how much they look alike."I told Laura and everyone."Man"Shane said and he ran his hand along my hair and said"This just isnt your day."He said.Then there was another knock at the door.Laura answerd."SHANNON!!!!!!HEY GIRL!!!"She yelled as she hugged her."Shannon?"Shannon said."SHANNON!!!MY BITCH!!!! HOW YOU BEEN!!!"I yelled as I ran over to her and hugged her."Not bad,I heard about you from so I came over.Who are these people?'"She asked."This is Shannon Moore,Matt Hardy,Amanda Nicholes,Wendy Brewer,Shane Helms,Jeff Hardy and Amy Dumas."I said"Yall this is Shannon Mercer"Laura said.Shannon Moore started to laugh"Name taker"He said.And we all laughed."Well I just wanted to drop by.Love yall.Bye"Shannon Mercer said and walked out."Man people drop by fast dont they"Shane said as he pulled my fowards on his lap and we kissed.Then I heard someone outside yell"MY MOM!!!!!!" really loud.So I pulled up and window that I walked over to and yelled"MY DAD!!!!!!!!""Hey Shawna what the hell you and Diana doin outside at 12:00am its past your bedtime"I said as they walked up to the window."Jus bein bored.Hows the trophy?"Diana asked."Fine.I put it with my other one"I said back"So what are yall doin?"Shawna asked."Well I was about to go to sleep"I said."Aight night fellow Silver Stinger"They said together."Bye fellow Silver Stingers...HEY YOUR MOM NEEDS TO GET THE HELL OUTTA MY HOUSE!!!"I yelled as they walked away."Mom!Get the hell over here!"Diana yelled."What was the mom and dad thing about?"Shannon asked as they all exept Laura looked confused.So I hit my Coach Chilsolm (my old gym coach) voice and said "Well its an old old inside joke,Right Sandy?"I said as scratchy as I could.Laura hit the Sandy voice (like the Brenda lady from Scary Movie 2) and said "Righ Chisholm.Now you betta check these brats fo' dey notebook so we can bake 'em in da sun"They all laughed."Well Im going to bed night yall"I said and walked to my room and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.5 minutes later Shane walked in and saw I was asleep so he just got under the covers and went to sleep to.... ~**~Smackdown 3 Weeks Later~**~ "Ladies and Gentlemen were live from Tallahassee,Florida.Just 3 hours away from Dream and Storms hometown!!"Tazz said.Just then in the locker room my cell phone rang it was Zylphia "Yo sup cuz!"I said."Not much girl,Were all here.Me,Jason,Your mom,Your dad,Josh,Curtis,Andrew,Big William,Lil William,The Silver Stingers,Valyn,Daniel,Thomas,Chelsea and Dakota"She said."Yall all front row?"I said again."Right by the steps right before you get in the ring"She said."Ok good.Ill Gunz yall when I see ya"I said."Aight love ya kiddo bye"She said"Love ya too bye"And we hung up."Good,They all have front row"I said with a big sigh.I was up against Jazz for the Wemons Title tonight.Me and Shane were going great.And so were everyone else.I didnt kno life could be so perfect.Thats when it hit me.Something bad will happen.But I didnt need that stress on me now.Just then Jazz knocked on the door and we talked about our match.I was going to win."Good Luck girl"She said as she walked out.Just then everyone walked in."Nervous?"Shane asked as he kissed me then put his arms around me."Yea,It is my first title shot.I think my singles career is going so great.But Im more nervous because half my freakin family is out there and I get my head slammed right in front of them."I said."You'll do fine.You always do"Laura said."Where's Amy and Matt?"I asked my question was answerd when Matt's music hit and they walked out."Well that answers your question"Wendy said.Matt won his match and they came back."Vince told me to say your on in 10."Amy said."Well here goes nuthin"I said with a nervous sigh."Dont worry"Shane said and we frenched (i kno kinna corny but im tired of kissed.)."Good luck" they all yelled.Me and Jazz had been in a fued since I got back and I was supposed to run straight down the ramp and slide into the ring and spear her and we would get in a cat fight before the match started."Ok go...NOW"Vince said as *If only we could ffflllyyy* came on.I ran straight down the ramp and slid into the ring and jump on her and was giving her hell until referee Brian Hebner pulled me off."Go Dream!"Everyone in my family yelled.I gunz'ed them and smiled.Thru the match I has the upper hand until she slammed my face into the wall right in front of Lil William and Valyn."Damn girl."Lil William yelled to me and I got up to body slam Jazz but she hit my head on the steps.She dragged me into the ring and got a 2 count i hit her in the head prettyhard and did the Falling-Dreamz and got the 1-2-3.I was Wemons Champion.Everyone in the back ran out to congradulate me since I was the last match.Chelsea let Dakota get into the ring and I lifted him on my shoulder.Some one handed me a mic and I said "This is for all the people in Hawthorne,Florida who doubted me.This is for my family and friends.And most of all.The Silver Stingers"I said into the mic.I felt tears running down my cheeks all the way back to our locker room."Man I have a killer headache where Jazz hit my head on the rail and steps."I said as I layed down on the couch."Here take these"Shane handed me two Advil and a glass of water."Thank you baby"I said and I took them."I think we should go clubbin"Jeff said on our way outta the building."I dont kno any good clubs around here."I said."I do"Said Zylphia.They were all standing at my car."Shiney!"Josh said walking like a zombie towards me with my brother."No!"I slapped their hands"This is my shiney thing!"I said and we all laughed."So what club?"Matt asked Zylphia."Club Catastraphie"She said."Lets go.Zylphia yall meet us at The Hamilton Hotel at 8:00pm.Just be in the lobby"I said."Ok"And we all got in our seperate cars and drive off. ~**~The Hotel~**~ "Why are they always late?"Shannon whined."Because their chicks.Chicks are always late.Especially Crystal.Takes that girl forever."Josh said and they all laughed."Hey punk,What did I tell you about talkin to me like that."I said as we came down the stairs.I was in a tight pair of xtra flair Mudd jeans with a tight t-shirt that was plain black and my hair in a bun with some make-up on.Amanda had on some tight L.E.I jeans that were black and a navy blue plain tight tshirt on with her hair in a pony tail with make up also.Laura had on baby green shorts and a baby green tight t-shirt and some make up too.Me and Amy were wearing the same thing.Wendy had on a pair of navy blue shorts with a tight navy blue t-shirt."Hey Ghetto bootie.What took ya so long?"Valyn asked me."Umm..We wanted to look nice I guess."I said.Shane came up to me and kissed me"You look nice anyway."He wisperd inmy ear and took my hand."Off to da club!"Laura shouted and jumped on Matt's back.We all laughed. ~**~The Club~**~ "Im gunna get a drink"All of the guys said."Shane can you come here for a minute?"I asked him."Sure"He said as we walked outside.As soon as we got outside I broke down and cried.He pulled me up to him."Whats wrong sweetie?"He asked with much concern in his voice."Ive been getting phone calls where they say they are going to hurt someone who means alot to me"I said"It doesnt show up on your caller id?"He asked."No and Im scared it might be me or you"I said still crying."I dont kno what I would do if I lost you Shane"I said as I looked him straight in the eyes.He just looked back in complete shock.He didnt know what to say because I wasnt one to come out and say stuff like I just did."Crystal,Ill never,ever leave you.Ill never let you get hurt.I kno most of the time you can whoop a guys ass before I can but I love you too much to let someone hurt you."Shane said as he held up my chin and whipped* my tears away then kissed me."Now come on.You need to dance."He said with a smile.So we went back into the club and they asked us where we had been."Outside talking."I said.Josh could tell I had been crying then "U got it bad" by Usher came on "May I take your lady for this dance?"Josh asked Shane."Yea,Just dont steal her from me"He said as he kissed me."I wouldnt do that,Shes happy with you"Josh said as he took me to the floor."You've been crying havent you?"Josh asked."Yea but it's not becuase of Shane."I said."Then whats wrong?You kno you can tell me anything.Im like your brother Crystal."Josh said with a seriose but concernd face."Well remember the day you brought Nate to my house?"."Yea What about it""Well he came back with Ashley Arillio and was talkin shit thatI thought I was all that cuz Im one of those fake wrestlers so I proved wrestling wasnt fake and pump-handle slammed him and Ashley tried to get up in my face and we got into it a he dragged her off and thats the last I heard of them but Ive been getting these phone calls and the person on the other line keeps saying they're gunna hurt someone close to me or maybe even me."I said as the song ended and we went back over with the group."I think it is Nate.Does he sound like he hasnt went thru puberty?"Josh asked.I laughed a little and said yes."Then I think it is him.That little fucker threatening my lil sis."Josh was getting pissed."Whats with him?"Shane asked as I leaned on him between his legs on the stool."He thinks he knows who the person is that keeps calling me."I said."Well who?"He asked."Nate."I said with a pissed off look."That doode you pump-handle slammed at your house?"He asked."Yep.But dont tell anyone.Only you and Josh know."I said."Promise"He said and kissed my forehead.Just then Dirrty by Christina A. came on.*Ladysmove gentlemen move*"Come on Crystal,Dance wit me sis!"Laura yelled to me and dragged me to the edge of the crowd."One things for sure she can dance"Josh told Shane,Shannon,Jeff and Matt."Yea.Tell me Josh.How long have you known her?"Shannon asked.They were all lookin at him."Well all my life.Were only a few months apart.She used to have the biggest crush on me from when she was like 10 until she was like 15.We tryed going out but it was to awkward for us.So we were just friends with benifits.Then that guy raped her and I had to help her get back to her old self again.Ive always been there for her.After he did that to her she got into drugs and drinking bad.If it wasnt for her horse Dozier me,Laura and wrestling she probably would have killed herself.She's like my little sis and Im glad she has someone like you Shane.She trusts you and really loves you alot."Josh finished."I never knew that"Shane said.Shannon,Jeff and Matt agreed."She doesnt like to tell anybody that much.But I didnt tell you.But forreal take care of my lil sis.I dont kno what Dozier or the Grove Park Bad Navigational Group would do without her."Josh said and walked off.Me and Laura came back over and Shane just held me in his arms tight."I dont ever want to loose you Crystal Leann McMullen"he wisperd into my ear.I just looked him in the eyes and knew that I would always be safe with him."I love you Gregory Shane Helms"I told him and we kissed."He's so prefect for her"Valyn told Lil William."He makes her so happy."Lil William said."I hope he doesnt hurt her like the rest"Big William said."I dont think that will be happening soon"Lil William relpied."Hey Crystal I think were all gunna go.Lil William and them have a long ride home and were tired"Zylphia told me."Ok I'll see yall later thanks for coming love ya""Love ya too"they all said as they hugged me."Ok for all you couples.Last slow dance of the night."The DJ said."Come on Crystal dance wit me baby"Shane said and smiled.I smiled back"No problem"I said and smiled back as he pulled me closer as I started to sing the song that the DJ was playing I keep on fallin in and out of love with you soemtimes i love you sometimes you make me blue sometimes i feel good at times i feel used loveing you darlin makes me so confused i keep on fallin in and out of love with you i never loved someone the way that i love you oh oh oh i never felt this way how do you give me so much pleasure and cause me so much pain cuz when i think ive taken more than would a fool i start fallin back in love with you i never loved someone the way that i love you i,i,i im fallin fallin fallin fallin fallin fallin i keep on fallin in and and out of love with you i never loved someone the way that i love you im fallin in and out of love with you i never loved someone the way that i loved you im fallin in and out of love with you i never loved someone the way that i love you and the song ended."You have a beautiful voice"Shane said "Oh quit lyin."I smiled and play punched him.We all went home. ~**~2 months later~**~ Me and Shane had been dateing for 6 months now.Same with everyone else who was dateing.I had lost the Wemons belt to Molly Holly last month at No Mercy and I was out for revenge.Me and Shane were a couple on screen now since he saved me from the crazed Kane and made Kane the calm Kane again.Amanda was on screen dateing with Shannon also and she was Interconteninal Champion.The second women to ever win it.Amy and Adam (Edge) were dating onscreen,Jeff and Wendy and Matt and Laura were also and The Hardy Boyz were 6 time tag champs."I cant believe were in my actaual hometown!Gainesville,Florida at the O'Connel Center!!!"I said I was so exited I had all of my family and friends here.I turned to watch the TV in our dressing room just in time to hear King and JR."We are live in Gainesville,Florida the hometown of WWE Diva Dream!We thank all you fans at home for watching and everyone for coming here tonight!"JR says and the stage person come in."Crystal your on in 20 you might wanna stretch and get ready for your promo with Val Venis."he said and walked out."Ah!I forgot about Val and mines promo!"Where's his room?"I said just as there was a knock on the door."Come in"I said.It was Val."Hey I figured I would find you.Were on in 15.You know what to say right?"He says to me."Yea I just found the script." said."Aight see yea then!"He said and walked out."Wanna be []D[][]\/[] ]D"Laura grumbled.and we laughed."Welp Im going into the hall.Rob tought me that split thingy he does and Im gunna see if I can get a concussion and try it."I said"Ill go with you"Laura said and we walked out."So how are you and Matt?"I asked Laura as I jumped up on the things I got Rob to set up for me earlier."Were good.I love him alot.How about you and Shane?Yall are so cute and perfect.So much better than you and Nate"Laura said.*Shane and the rest of them were listening at the door.*"Thats good.He loves you alot too.Me and Shane are great.Im glad I found someone who doesnt mentally or physically abuse me.He reminds me alot of Josh too.he's himself and not afraid to show it.Josh told him alot about my past too"I said."Oh yuo mean he knows about your down spell?"Laura said."Yea and I hope I never go there again.It was scary"I said as Val and the camera men walked up."Were on Crystal" as the Camera started shooting."So Dream (everyone in the crowd screams for me) as you know Im making my own adult movie and how would you like to be a part of it?"Val says as I raise my eyebrows and look at Laura."I kno that look you love the idea.We can call it Beautiful Dreamz--"I cut him off."Ya kno what Val?Im taken and as far as your movie goes,Your bad at thinking up names and I think you should just stick to your regular job with that damn towel"And me and Laura walked into our room and slammed the door in his face and he stormed of."Cut!"The camera man yelled and we all came back."That was great he said"and the guyz and Val walked off.We went back to stretching as they started listening again."So have you got anymore phone calls?"Laura asked."No not in about a week.Im so worried I dont want to loose any of you because I kno Ill go right back to the way I was."I said."Yea and we dont need that"Someone said walking up behind me and I almost fell off."Whoa!Be careful cuz!"my cousin Lil William said."Hey cuz!Just stretching.How did you and Valyn get back here?"I asked."The Grove Park way.We snuck"Valyn said."We all saw your thing with Val Venis.I dont know how you do it and not get nervous."He said."Oh trust me I do.Now yall better get back Ill see yall in my match!"I said and they waved as they walked off."Welp I think were stretched"I told Laura and we went back in the room."Where's Shane?"I asked knowing he had already had his match."He went to help Jay and Chris with something"Jeff lied.I just raised an eyebrow and sat down."Crystal your on in 5"the director said."Welp.Here goes nuthin"I said and went to walk out and walked straight into the door."OH FUCK!!!!!"I yelled holding my lip where I had bit it."What the-Oh Crystal baby Im so sorry!I didnt kno you where there"Shane said and helped me up."Im fine"I said and walked out."Whats up with her?"Shane asked sad that I had walked out on him like that."Well you hit her with a door and she was trying to hurry for her match"Matt said."Oh,Im gunna watch her's"Shane said and sat on the couch by the TV.*IF ONLY WE COULD FFFLLLYYY* my music hit "Weighing in at 140 pounds from Gainesville,Florida...DREAM" and I walked down the ramp with my tight pants like Trish's but they were black with a top like Lita and it was also black and it said DREAM in Silver.The crowd was going wild and I got my the ring and saw where my friends and family were and slapped their hands and walked up the steps and jumped over the top rope.Then Molly Holly's music hit and everyone booed her.The match got underway and she had the upperhand for about 5 minutes until we were outside the ring by Lil William and them."BAM!!"I hit Molly's head on the stairs then slid her into the ring and gave her a pump-handleslam and climbed to the top for the Falling-Dreamz and got the 1-2-3.I slid out if the ring and hugged my friends and family when Amanda came out to start our fued for Armegeddon. "Hold up bitch!"She said into the mic.I just smiled."You dont deserve that belt its mine!"she said again.So i walked over to Lilian to get a mic and walked back to where I was."You want this belt bitch?"I yelled into the mic."Damn right I do!""Well bring it on at Armegeddon."I said as I dropped the mic and walked past her as she stared.We both walked back into the dressing room."Great match!"They all said."Crystal can I talk to you outside for a minute?"Shane asked."Sure"I said and we walked out to where I was stretching earlier."Why didnt you tell me about your dark times?"He said as he jumped up on the box and sit there.I just stood there."I dont like to talk about it.It gives me nightmares and makes me scared to be alone."I said."Crystal come here."He said and I walked up to him putting my hands up around his waist *cuz he was higher than me*"Yea"I said getting lost in his eyes again.He saw Amy and them peeking out the door so he maked me backup and slipped off and leaned against the box to pull me close to him again."You know I would never let you be alone.I dont want to lose you.From the first night I saw you on your debut I knew there was something about you I liked.Now look 6 months we've been dateing and Im starting to think the guys are the only ones who rememberd its all of ours anniversary."He said and flashed his killer smile at me."Oh my god.Guys are such dorks.Baby our anniversary is tomorrow."I said and laughed."Well we can celebrate it for 2 days."He said with a smile and we kissed.This time it wasnt just a normal kiss.It was one of the best kisses I ever got from him.I poked my tounge on his lips and he let me slide my tounge into his mouth and soon I had him up against the wall with his shirt off."Crystal,If you want to we can go back to the hotel and finish this"Shane wispered."Yea,Ok,Whatever"I said and he grabbed his shirt and we went back into the room."Hey yall were gunna go back to the hotel since RAW is over."Shane said as we grabbed our stuff."We are too"Matt spoke for everyone else and we all left the building. ~**~The Hotel~**~ Me and Shane got to our room but before we could all go in the guyz covered our eyes."Shane what are you doing?"They all heard me say."Ssshhh We have suprises for our ladys"Shane said speaking for the rest of the guyz."Well hurry up I gotta pee damnit"I heard Wendy sayin to Jeff.And we laughed.Shane walked me into our room and uncoverd my eyes.All I could do was gasp."oh my god Shane you didnt have to"I said as I looked at the bed which was coverd with presents in the middle."Open them up"He said as he sat down behind me as I grabbed the first present to open it."oh my god Shane how did you kno I wanted these!"I said as I pulled out a pair of pants that were velet black and across the butt it had Baby Girl written on them"I saw you and Amy window shopping yesterday.I seen yall didnt have yalls purses or anything so after you left I went in a bought them"He said."Keep opening"He said with a smile.The 2nd present was a necklace with a charm that said *Bad Ass* and 3rd was another surprise.He had gotten me a puppy like I told him the one I used to have."Oh my god she looks just like Goldy!"I said as I grabbed the puppy."It took a while but I found her.Whatcha wanna name her?"He asked me."I cant think of nuthin else but Goldy.She even has those freaky eyes."I said as Goldy jumped down on the floor and layed down."Now where were we at the building"I said with a smile"I remember"he said taking off his shirt and we started making out again as i shoved everything he got on the floor.We had been making out for 5 or 10 minutes when there was a knock at the door."Who dare inturrupts us?"I asked Shane.He just shrugged.I went to the door and opened it.I forgot I didnt have on a shirt but just a bra."WhOa!Crystal whut were yall doin?"Amanda asked."Nuthin"I said realizing all I had on was a bra for a shirt."Doesnt look like it."Wendy said and they laughed."What did yall guyz want?"I asked."Well it isnt us but its Laura."Amanda said."Whut is it sis?Everything Ok?"I asked."Everything is great!"She said holding out her hand."OH MY FUCKIN GOD REALLY!!!!!!SHANE GET OVER HERE!!!"I yelled looking at the beautiful engagement ring on Laura's finger.Shane walked up behind me also with out a shirt on and looked over my shoulder at Laura's hand."wow!when did Matt ask you?He's been talking about it forever now"Shane slipped up and said."Really?"Laura said."Yea,When did he ask you?" Shane asked."About 10 minutes ago."Laura said"And thats not all"she finished."What else?"I said."Your gunna be a aunt"Laura said."Im 6 weeks.I found out today when I went to get a check-up with Wendy"she finished again."NO FUCKIN WAY!!!"I yelled and I hugged her forever."Well we're going back to sleep"Amanda said and they all walked off."Oh my god"I said closing the door.I turned around and Shane was right there.He started kissing me again and we were up against the wall again.Shane stopped."Why did you stop?"I asked."Are you ready for this?"He asked concerned."I dont know.Why dont we just keep it at this for a while.I know it happend so long ago but Im just not sure."I said laying my head on his bare chest."Ok Im fine with that"Shane said leading me to the bed."Im tired"I yawned just as my cell phone rang."Hello?"I said."Hi Crystal,This is Vince,Sorry its so late but I called to say that you all can have another 2 weeks off to celebrate everyones anniversary."He said."Thanks so much Vince,I dont know how I will ever be able to thank you"I said."Just come back 2 weeks from Wednesday"He said."Thanks Vince"I said and we hung up."That was Vince?"Shane asked "Yea we have 2 weeks off until next wednesday"I said as I started to call everyone to tell them."I'm happy we have a boss like Vince"Shane said wrapping his arms around me as I layed back down."And Im lucky to have someone as good as you."I said looking around into his eyes when he said"I love you Crystal.""I love you too Shane."And we fell asleep.The next morning we got awoken to Adam,Matt,Jeff and Shannon banging at the door and Shane answered."Yo,Shane,What did yall do last night?!"Adam asked with a small laugh seeing that Shane was only in his boxers."Why does everyone ask that?Am I allowed to sleep in the same bed as my girlfriend in my boxers?"He asked and they laughed."So did she like the presents?"Matt asked."Yea especially the dog,She almost broke down and cried because it looked so much like her old one.And to top it all off Vince gave us all 2 weeks off.I dont want Crystal to go back home because Im scared something bad might happen,I dont know what I would do if I lost her"Shane said shaking his head."Oh congrats Matt I heard about you and Laura and the other surprise."Shane said looking at Matt."What?"Adam asked."Is there something me and Adam dont know?"Shannon looked confused."Yea,Me and Laura are engaged and we found out she's 6 weeks pregnate."Matt said with a big happy smile."Aw!Matt this causes for breakfast!"Adam said."Let me get dressed and Ill leave Crystal a note"Shane said and after he had wrote the note they left.I woke up to find out I was alone.I got kinda scared so I thought I would call Laura and them to come over.They came in."Hey did you know theres a note sitting here?"Wendy asked as she walked past the table."Really?Hand it here."I said starting to read it Crystal, Hey baby,Me and the boyz went to get something to eat.We will bring yall back something.Promise.Take care of Goldy and Ill see you when we get back. Love Always, Shane Helms. "Him and the boyz went to get something to eat"I told them."Well now that we have 2 weeks off where are we gunna go?"Laura asked."Well I really liked North Carolina.I mean Ive seen enough of Florida with Nate and all.I dont wanna go back for a while.Not unless Josh or someone gets married.Which I dont think will be soon because Josh doesnt have a girlfriend and he's always gunna be a pimp."I said with a small laugh"Yea I liked North Carolina to.I wanna stay there again.Less trouble but we are still in Gainesville Crystal so we should stop by everyone's house again.Come on it's only 11:00 everyone should be up."Amanda said.Ok.So we all went and got ready and left.I also left Shane a note.They found it when they walked in. Shane, Hey baby,We decided we wanted to stay in North Carolina to whole vacation because I dont want to get in any stupid fights.I went to tell everyone bye.Call me when you get this baby.Love ya! Love Always, Your Mom...No Im playin..Crystal McMullen So they sat around and talked until we all got back.I walked back in they were holding my nose up and I had bruises on my arms.Same as Laura,Wendy and Amanda.They didnt have as much as me tho."What the fuck happend?"Shane said coming over to me sounding kind of pissed."They jumped her from behind."Laura said helping her down."I had a bad feeling about going but she wouldnt say no."She finished.I motened for her to take off the rag because my nose had stopped."Shane come here."I said slowly.He came over and got down on his knees in front of me."It was Nate,He was the one who raped me that night,He was the one with the phone calls.He said if he cant have me you or no one else can so I told him to fuck off because he was with that fat whore Ashley and I loved Shane alot and we turned to walk of and they jumped us.Trust me he's worse than us to.I broke his nose,Arm and a finger and he has 2 bruised eyes and I dont think Ashley will be gettin some from him anytime soon."I said and I layed my head down on his."Come on yall.Were leaving today.I dont wanna go have to find this Nate guy.No one knows were leaving Ok."He said looking me in the eyes."No one knows.I told them I had to go on tour in the UK."We told him.And we left.We drove all the way to Cameron,North Carolina and didnt get there until 11:00 that night. ~**~In North Carolina Again~**~ Everyone brought there bags into Shane's house and we all sat in the living room.I cuddled up to Shane and Laura did to Matt,Amy did to Adam,Wendy did to Jeff and Amanda did to Shannon.Shane popped in "Scooby Doo Where Are You"(the unaminated version) and about halfway tru the movie all the girlz fell asleep."So Shane when are you gunna ask her?"Shannon wisperd."I dunno guyz,I think Im gunna wait awhile,Im goin to bed,See ya"Shane answerd after he picked me up and walked out.He got me into the bedroom and changed me into my PJ's and just stood there watching me sleep.Then he walked over to the window to look out and just think about everything that had happend in the past 6 months and what he had found out about my life.About 10 minutes later he felt arms slide around him from behind.It was me he jus turned around and gave me that smile and I knew what he had been thinking about."Shane,What I did when I was younger is the past.What happend to me is to.I didnt want to go the route but I guess I got dragged there.Dan didnt want me to but I did anyway.After I thought it was him and his group who crowded me and raped me I broke things off with him.Now Im happy Im away from that hell hole.The only reason I go back is because of my things,my family and the silver stingers.I dont think I would have lived without Josh and them behind by my side in the hospital and I dont know what I would do if I didnt have Team Xtreme,Shannon Moore and The Hurricane to watch on Smackdown! and RAW.You and all them kept me alive.Thanks Shane."I said as he just looked into my eyes."You mean if it wasnt for me,shannon,amy,jeff and matt then everyone you love back home you would have just died?"He asked."Yes.Im serious.I think it was just Kane cuz I wanted to see who he would go after next.But Ive always love your personalitly since WCW and from the first time I saw you in Jeff and them's dressing room I knew I would be with you one day.And once I was I didnt ever want to get out of it.You can even ask Amy and Matt.I was staring at you on the TV and Matt made me think I had drool on my face.I get lost in your eyes everytime I look at you and when you smile I just want to melt.Shane before I met you,You dont know how much and how long I could have thanked you and everyone else.I feel like yall saved my life."I finished saying and just layed my head on his chest.He didnt know what to say so he just lifted my chin and kissed me forever.Well it felt like forever.I stopped him."Shane,I think,I think Im ready."I said."Ok,But Ill go slow.Just tell me if you want to stop."He said and he was just as careful as can be. I woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee.I rolled over and Shane was still there so I decided to get up and get some coffee.I got down the stairs and Shannon,Matt,Adam and Jeff were all sitting at the table."Mornin girl"Shannon said and handed me a glass."Mornin yall."I said back just walking like a zombie as I took the cup from him."Where's Shane?"Jeff asked.I just kinna sniffed."Huh?"I said all zombie like."Where's Shane sleepyhead"Jeff said again."Sleeping."I said as I sat down."Looks like someones not a morning person."Adam said."No Im not.I hate mornings"I said and I folded my arms on the table and soon I was snoring."Damn,Wonder what they did last night."Matt said and they all kinna laughed."Is that all yall ask?"Laura said carefully walking down the stairs.I woke back up."Hey you didnt fall?"I asked and she flicked me off."Really well Matt did that and knocked you up."I said and we all laughed.Just then Amanda was makin her way down."Hey Zombie."Shannon said as he kissed her."Why am I a zombie?"she asked as she stood back up."Well you should see you hair."Shannon said and we all laughed.Just then Laura threw up in the sink and Shane was behind me.I accidentally rammed the chair into him and ran over to Laura."You ok sis?"I said as I put my hand on her back."Fine just morning sickness."She said."Ouch..Pain..Someone help me up"Shane said when I turned around to see him on the floor."How did you get down there?"I asked him as I helped him up."You."He said and kissed me.I looked at the chair."Oh man!Im sorry Shane!"I said."Its fine you got me back for accidentally hitting you with the door."He said and sat me on his lap."Ok,Santa I want a playstation 2,Wrestlemania 18,and I want.....uumm..I want the Hurricane!"I said and they all laughed."You already have him."Shane said and kissed me."Ew!Morning breath!"I said and we laughed."Im hungry Laura cook damnit."I told her."Hey!Why dont you?I always cooked.""Cuz all I kno is scrambled eggs"I said and stuck my tounge out at her.So we all ate what Laura cooked and got dressed.Me and all the girls were taking a shower or getting ready."So Shane,I heard a bed squiking last night was that yall?"Adam said with a laugh.Just then Laura walked down."Crystal's in the shower.Now what is this about beds squiking?"She asked as she sat next to Matt and layed her head on his shoulder."Well he herd a bed squiking last night so we followed the sound and it ended up at Shane's room."Adam said and he started laughing again."Wow you mean you and Crystal--"Laura started."Yes,ok,We did.She told me she was ready so we did.Big deal"Shane said."Shane,you know you where her first in 9 years.Im surprised she didnt go crazy."Laura said to him.They got quiet when I walked in."Are we still goin on a walk?"I asked."Uhh..Yea"Adamsaid and we all went on a walk."Hey thats my old house!"I told everyone."You really did live by us!Come on Matt lets go and see dad."Jeff siad as we walked up the driveway."Matthew!Shane!Jeffery!Shannon!How have you all been?I see you also brought friends"Gilbert said in his southern voice."Yes we did dad"Jeff said as they walked in."This is my fionce`* Laura,Amy's boyfriend Adam you remember Amy,Jeff's girlfriend Wendy,Shannon's girlfriend Amanda and Shane's girlfriend Crystal."Matt said."Congradulations Matt.""Theres also another surprise dad,Your gunna be a grandpa"Matt told his dad."Oh this is great.Ive always wanted this to happen I am very happy for the two of you and all of you"Gilbert said and he hugged Laura."Well dad we just wanted to try some moves in our trampoline"Jeff said."Have fun"His dad replied and went back inside as we headed to the trampoline."Now,Crystal.About the Falling Dreamz"Jeff said as I hopped up on the trampoline."It goes kind of crooked and you hit more mat than body."He continued.I just nodded and paid attintion."So here get up on the top rope and do it onto this dummy.Aim."He said with a little laugh.I looked at Shane and them and took a deep breath.I got up on the top rope and did it perfect on the dummy.I flashed a big smile."Come on yall got me started I wanna whoop someones ass"I said still smiling."Aigh bring it on Dream"Matt said."Just Bring it Bitch!"I said and I did what the Rock did and everyone laughed."No be careful with my girl Matt or I'll have to give you a hurri-ass-kicking."Shane said and everyone laughed.Now I didnt look strong and Matt was more than I could lift but my adrinaline was getting up and he bounced off the ropes to run toward me and I flipped him over my head."Daaaaaaaaaaamn!"Matt said when he got up.But a trampoline takes alot out of me but I was toohyper to notice.."Come on Matt,You aint givin up are ya?"I panted."No way!I aint givin up to a girl!"Matt said and he gave me a bulldog.Then he coverd me and Jeff counted a 2-count."You wont give up will you?"He panted to me."Nope"I huffed back and gave him a dose of his own medicine with a Twist of Fate.I covered him 1-2-kick out."Man!Am I supposed to do like Shannon and hit the mat?"I said and Shannon flicked me off."Well arent you nice"I got in just before Matt picked me up and body slammed me."Oh you did not!"I said as he was going for Version 1 and I rolled out of the way then I set him up for the Falling Dreamz and hit it perfect."1-2-3! Dream wins!"Jeff said as he held up my hand.Then I just passed out.They rushed me in the house and poured water on me 3 times."Oh My Fuckin God Thats Fuckin Cold!!!!!!!!!"I yelled as I jumped up."Oh my god Crystal I thought you died!"Matt said as he rushed over to hug me."Where's Shane?"I asked with a scared look."He is in the computer room crying,He was shaking and all sorts of stuff."Adam said.I ran to the compter room and busted in then I saw Shane crying on the couch that was in there.He must think Im Adam or someone.I thought.So I jumped on his back."Now dont think you can get rid of me that easy"I wispered to him.Then I got off and he turned around.You could tell he had been crying."Come here Shane."I said as I sat down in the computer chair.He came over and just started crying to my chest."Shane look at me"I said to him as he looked up."Do you really think that me getting tierd I would let myself die?"I looked him straight in the eyes and got lost..once again."No its just I dont want to loose you.Crystal,You mean so much to me and I dont know what I would do."Shane said."Gregory Shane Helms I will never ever ever!Leave you.Besides if you left me it wouldnt be that easy cuz I kno everywhere you go"I said with a smile and he laughed."See thats the Shane I love."I said and we (dah,runnin outta words ima come up with stoopid ones..bite me if you dont like them:)) frenched.That night the guyz didnt want to do anything exept watch movies so the girlz decided to have a *Girlz Night Out* So we left and went to the club. We all danced the night away but me and Amy ended up getting drunk.Especially me.I was bad drunk and we staggerd in the house laughing our asses off *me and amy* at about 1:00am and they were still in there watching movies.Me and Amy went to clib up the stairs and fell.We just laughed."What did you let them do"Shane said helping me up as Adam helped Amy."They got drunk.We stopped Amy but we couldnt stop Crystal"Laura said.And Shane took me up to his room."Your gunna have one bad-ass hangover"Shane said to me as he put me on the bed.I just put my face in the pillow and started crying.I couldnt help it."Baby,Whats wrong"he said and he rushed back over."You hate me dont you?"I cried into the pillow harder."No baby why would I and how could I hate you!"He said running his hands thru my hair."Because I went out and got drunk"I said and looked up."Baby,Just because you got drunk doesnt mean I hate you.I could never ever ever hate you."Shane said and kissed my forehead."Now go to sleep and get rid of that headache"He said climbing into bed beside me. The next day I had to worse headache.So did Amy.It hurt to open my eyes so Shane carried me downstairs."You didnt have to do this"I told him and I wrapped my arms around his neck."But I wanna help my girl out"He told me as he sat me on the chair and I automatically put my head down as he got me Advil and a glass of water."Your the best"I said and I still had my eyes closed but I kissed him on the cheek. ~**~Smackdown! 4 Months Later~**~ Me and Shane had been dateing *along with everyone else* for 10 months.Almost a year.I was so happy that my life was going great or so I thought..I was in the room talking to Amy,Amanda,Shannon,Adam,Jay,Chris,Matt,Laura*who was 5 months preg so she just hung out behind stage*,and Wendy."Have any of yall seen Shane?"I asked."No but dont you think he's been kind of..well...drifting away from all of us?"Shannon said."Yea"i said."Im gunna go look for him"and I walked out holding the necklace he bought me for our 6 month anniversary.Shane had been drifting away.He had been hanging out with Bubba,D'von,Bradshaw and Farrooq and drinking more.I ran into D'von just then."Hey D'von have you seen Shane?"I asked him."Yea he's with Steve..Are you ok Crystal?You look like your about to cry."D'von told me."Im fine.Shane has just been drifting away for the past month and Im worried something is wrong."I told him."Well you might be able to get Steve to talk to him."D'von said then he gave me a reasurring hug and walked off.I went to Steve's *stone cold steve austin* door and knocked on it."Yea,Who is it."he yelled to the door like he always does."Steve its Crystal,Can I talk to you for a minute?"I yelled back to the door.Then he came out and I saw a peek of Shane chugging a beer."Yea whats wrong?"he asked me as closed the door."I need your help with Shane.For the past month he has been drifting away.He's been hanging out with D'von,Bubba,Bradshaw and Farrooq more.Im scared for him Steve he told me he would never do any of this and he is.I wanna kno why he is"I told Steve."You want me to ask him about it then when his match is up and Ill call your cell"He told me."Dont worry he probably just needs a break."He reasurred me with a hug also.I went back to our room and sat next to Jay and Chris and just started crying.(i cry alot dont i?)Jay put his arm around me and just let me cry on the shirt I got him for his birthday."You'll be ok Crystal."He told me.""I sobbed.About 10 minutes later I heard Shane's music on the TV *Stand Back!There's A Hurricane Coming Thru*"Well I wonder why Dream isnt with The Hurricane tonight"JR asked.Just then my cell rang."Hey Steve."I said."Hey I found out some stuff.I was right."Steve said back to me."So he just wants a lil break?"I asked."Yea but you should talk to him after his match.If you have to come down here and take my sign and put it on your door."He said with a small laugh."You kno what Steve,Thats what Im gunna do."I told him and we hung up.Yall I have a plan....>