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Unknown Pink

I received 2 cuttings of this plant in trade 9/22/99.  I noticed the first flower bud 10/12/01.  This was a surprise because I thought my epiphyllums were finished blooming.  The flower opened in the evening of 10/29/01.  It measured about 6.5" across.  The inner petals were funnel-shaped and the outer petals were wide open.  It had a slight fragrance at night.  The flower started to close up on 11/1 and by 11/2 it had passed.  

The flower looks very similar to 'Padre' but the bloom is smaller.  Also, unlike 'Padre' the bud is not yellow.

To view a larger photo, click on the photo.

Unk_Pink_SS_01_10_07.JPG (8097 bytes)Unk_Pink_SS_01_10_11.JPG (7595 bytes)Unk_Pink_SS_01_10_14.JPG (8823 bytes)Unk_Pink_SS_01_10_18.JPG (10690 bytes)Unk_Pink_SS_01_10_21.JPG (10355 bytes)Unk_Pink_SS_01_10_25.JPG (8623 bytes)Unk_Pink_SS_01_10_26.JPG (8821 bytes)Unk_Pink_SS_01_10_27.JPG (8566 bytes)Unk_Pink_SS_03_04_12_3.JPG (8327 bytes)Unk_Pink_SS_03_04_23_02.JPG (93032 bytes)

There were no blooms in 2002
2003: there were 12 blooms between 3/21 and 4/26.
2004: 11 blooms
2005: 15 blooms

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