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Recommended Free Encryption Software - Your key to security!

As more people start using the Internet to conduct their daily business, nearly everyone now needs to consider the issue of online privacy and whether to use an encryption solution to secure their electronic communications. The information you receive and transmit can be routinely monitored, logged, analyzed and stored by third parties.


Keep prying eyes out of your communications and prevent unwanted people from reading your private files or email.

Defend Your Privacy


- Free Cryptography Software -
Your Right to Privacy

Tested collection of free encryption software.
Get the most powerful, small and secure encryption tools available!


Note: All the software on this site has been extensively tested, probed and scrutinised for weaknesses by our experienced security experts.

We encourage you to visit this site often, as we will periodically provide updated and new encryption software that will be important to you. Thank you for visiting our Web site.





Windows Privacy Tools - WinPT

Email Security using Public Key Cryptography

WinPT: Windows Privacy Tools - Easy installation and use of OpenPGP tools based on GnuPG. Excellent encryption program for making text and files unreadable to anyone except who the text or files are intended for.

WinPT is a complete and free replacement for PGP (PGP is the world's defacto standard for e-mail encryption and authentication). WinPT is highly secure, free and open-source software - No "back doors" or secret codes exist - Only 866kb to download.


Anyone using Email that is concerned about the security of the data being transferred should use Public Key Encryption.

The primary benefit of public key cryptography is that it allows people who have no preexisting security arrangement to exchange messages securely. The need for sender and receiver to share secret keys via some secure channel is eliminated; all communications involve only public keys, and no private key is ever transmitted or shared.

If you want to send an encrypted mail to somebody, you encrypt it using the public key. Only the addressee himself will be able to decrypt it using his private key.

WinPT (including the GnuPG encryption engine) is a complete and free replacement for PGP. Because it does not use the patented IDEA algorithm, it can be used without any restrictions. GnuPG is a RFC2440 (OpenPGP) compliant application and is compatible with all versions of PGP. As a new feature WinPT now can handle multiple languages.

Windows Privacy Tools (WinPT) is a collection of applications for digital encryption and signing of content. WinPT is GnuPG-based and free for commercial and personal use under the GPL.WinPT Tray is a "Frontend" which allows access to the Gnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG) encryption engine. WinPT Tray is a Windows application which resides in the System Tray. WinPT Tray can be used as a universal plug-in for all email programs because it allows you to cut and paste from any email application, and encrypt the data while it resides in your clipboard. It has a built-in file browser for the encryption of files on your harddrive. WinPT will also handle all of your key-management and key-server access needs.

This software is Big Brother and Echelon UNfriendly!

Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.x/2000/XP

WinPT Handbook
WinPT Handbook (documentation)
Download WinPT - complete package (including the GnuPG encryption engine). 866Kb EXE

*MD5 checksum: b9ffbfd0bc9e6cd1f623f228d4831752 [winpt_0.5.1_installer.exe]



National Security Agency


- Speak Freely -

We highly recommend Speak Freely, a very robust Internet software that allows real-time encryption of voice over the Internet.

Simple, easy to use voice PC-to-PC Encryption Software

Speak Freely is a Windows Internet telephone application that allows you to talk secure over a network.

Communications can be encrypted with AES, Blowfish, IDEA, DES, a binary key supplied in a file, or any combination. Speak Freely cooperates also with a copy of GPG or PGP installed on your computer to automatically exchange session keys with users on your public keyring. Speak Freely for Windows is compatible with Speak Freely for Unix, and users of the two programs can intercommunicate. Users can find one another by communicating with a "Look Who's Listening" phonebook server. You can designate a bitmap file to be sent to users who connect so they can see who they're talking to. Speak Freely supports Internet RTP protocol, allowing it to communicate with other Internet voice programs which use that protocol; in addition, Speak Freely can also communicate with programs which support the VAT (Visual Audio Tool) protocol.

Download the executable program archive into a directory of its own, unzip the archive, create a shortcut to the executable speakfre.exe on the desktop or Start menu, and Speak Freely, even Big Brother won't know what you're saying.

Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.x/2000/XP

Download Speak Freely/Instruction Manual 686kb ZIP (Release 7.6)

*MD5 checksum: 42299915003dfe9c1fb84d6b5ca0e18c []


Steganography is not Just a Tool For The Bad Guys...

Steganography is the art and science of communicating in a way which hides the existence of the communication. In contrast to cryptography, were the "enemy" is allowed to detect, intercept and modify messages without being able to violate certain security premises guaranteed by a cryptosystem, the goal of steganography is to hide messages inside other "harmless" messages in a way that does not allow any "enemy" to even detect that there is a second secret message present.

Most steganographic methods also encrypt the message so even if the presence of the message is detected you will still need a passphrase to decipher the message. Steganography adds an extra layer of security and is thus complementary to cryptography.

If you are interested in steganography, S-Tools is an excellent Windows based steganography tool that hides files in BMP, GIF, and WAV files. It supports 24-bit image files and also has an array of encryption routines (IDEA, DES, 3DES and MDC) with many options. It has the option to compress the data to be hidden or store it in raw mode. To solve the problem of identical sets of data encrypting the same, S-Tools prepends some random garbage on to the front of each data. The random garbage together with the data is then encrypted, using the passphrase that is chosen, to generate the key.

The S-Tools application is easy to use and even the novice user can hide a large amount of data with little effort. Once the application has been downloaded and started, you would just drag and drop a sound or picture file into the application’s workspace. Find the file that you want to hide. Simply drag the file over the picture and drop it. You will then see the passphrase GUI, see figure 4, enter your passphrase, select your encryption algorithm, and click on OK. That’s all there is to it.

After downloading, create a folder s-tools and unzip the s-tools zip into that folder. To start the application, just click on the s-tools icon.

Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.x/2000/XP

Download S-Tools/Instruction Manual 272kb ZIP

*MD5 checksum: a6a20de1d01708a512bf3a458cfe59c4 []


Strong 448bit Blowfish encryption for very high security...

Crypto is a single file encrypt/decrypt program. It is able to encrypt any sort of file. A copy of Crypto is required to decrypt an encrypted file.

Crypto uses the Blowfish encryption algorithm. It is very small, quick and very secure. As with all encryption programs, the longer you make the password, the more complex the encryption. Neither the program nor the encrypted file contains the password, nor is it saved anywhere. It will use whatever you put in as a password to decrypt a file; if it isn't correct you will end up with rubbish!!

Wipe action is a multiple overwrite with random characters before deletion. The default is three however if you want to increase the number of overwrites, change, 'NumberToWipe = ' in the associated RYPTO.INI file using a text editor, to the number you want.

Installation will create a shortcut in the SendTo folder so that you can right click a file in Windows Explorer or in an Open File Dialog and send it to Crypto for encryption/decryption.

Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.x/2000/XP


Download Crypto/Instruction Manual 350kb EXE

*MD5 checksum: 85Bghfd5003dfe9c1fb84d6b5ca0e18c [crypto.exe]


The Ultimate Eraser

When you delete a file on your computer, the data in that file can remain on your hard drive for years until something else overwrites the space that it occupied. This is especially important if you use any sort of encryption on your system, since it's very common to decrypt to a file and then to delete it when done, which leaves it's contents plainly visible.

AnalogX SuperShredder is what's considered a 'secure deletion' tool, which means it mangles a file in such a way that the data contained inside is destroyed BEFORE it deletes the file from the system - in this way ensuring that someone can't come back at a later date and retrieve sensitive material.

Super Shredder has three built in databases which can be imported for the type of shredding you want done. Either Gutmann, DOD (Dept. Of Defense), random data - or ALL THREE together! To top off that concept, you can set it to do as many rotations through each of these wipes as you have time for. Set it for a few hundred wipes, starting with Gutmann, rotating to DOD, and then a random pass - and then have it start all over again until it has rotated through these wipes for a few hundred times. The operation of the program is very simple and fast - and let us tell you, when Super Shredder overwrites a file, it OVEWRITES the file. Excellent secure deletion tool, only 157kb to download.

Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.x/2000/XP


Download Super Shredder/Instruction Manual 157kb ZIP

*MD5 checksum: 0210ea88e1edf423a741f5a29b04a81d []


Unbreakable Encryption Software Using One Time Pads

New encryption software package featuring a completely uncrackable encryption scheme. This tool is designed for the requirements of the undercover agents working in foreign countries, but may be extended to be used by journalists, lawyers, doctors, military personal etc. Use Top Secret Cryptography - One Time Pad Version 2.0 to secure all of the private and confidential communications.

We recommend this software (which we use ourself) to anyone.

Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.x/2000/XP

If you require more information about the unique software Click Here



*MD5 checksums

MD5 checksums are a method for verifying the file you downloaded is an exact copy of the original. Any changes to a file will result in a different MD5 checksum. These can be verified using an MD5 sum generator. There are MD5 sum generators available for most operating systems.

Download the MD5 sum generator: You can use this tool to ensure that the content of a file wasn't altered in any way. If e.g. someone tries to insert malicious code into an executable file its MD5 checksum will change and you note that something is wrong. Now with a complete HTML help system. Source code included.

Download MD5 Checksum (46kB ZIP)

*MD5 checksum: 2b63920cbbd2852602f0905d0e2c72e7 []


We strongly recommend everyone to use a good anti-virus software, which is constantly updated. Additionally, NEVER open executable attachments you receive with e-mails!

The Anti-Virus software we recommend are:

The Best:
Free Antivirus Software:


All the software on this site has been extensively tested, probed and scrutinised for weaknesses by our experienced security experts.




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Security and Privacy; Cipher, Computer Security, Security Education, echelon, Corporate Security, High Security, Security Evaluation, Electronic Surveillance, interception, Firewalls, Unix, pgp, gpg, Securnigma, Defense Information, Enemy of the State, Intelligence

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