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.Crush.'s Website

copyright © .Crush.
Hey All!
Welcome to my homepage!
I'm .Crush.!
I just made this site on the 9th of November, and am working on it verry hard but i want you to rember i have a life too!

WOW! i have not updated in like, forever! I promise yall that i will be on more often. Im workin on a new layout. it will have my faveorite animal on it. Horses!LOL. So yeah, that should be up soon for y'all to use! c ya later!


Novemhber 9, 2003

Today the site was made, i stayed up till midnight working on it, well, kinda, more or less surfing, but hey! the layout is from an old, dead rpg site i made, i changed the colors and replaced a few things, it should work well! I'm tired and am going to bed! Night

