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C's HTML Guide

I am not an expert on html, but I have had a lot of fun experimenting with it.  Here are some instructions for some basic html use when working with text, pictures, and links.


HTML uses tags placed before and after a section text (could be a page, paragraph, word, or a single letter), changing what is between those two tags into what is hopefully, your intended new look!  The first code tells the computer where to start the changes and what kind of changes to make.  The second code is shorter, but the most important.  This "off" tag returns the text to its normal state.

To make text italicized, bold, or underlined you need to know the following codes:

1. To turn on the effect, type <i> for italics, <b> for bold, or <u> for underlining. 

2. To turn the effect off, use the same code with a backslash, </i>, </b>, or </u>. 

*Do NOT forget the backslash!  It could have strange effects if you are using it on a Message Board or other medium. 

To change the size of the text:

<big> </big> or <small> </small>

To change the color of text, the codes are slightly longer, but the concept is the same.   In this case you have to tell the computer how you want to change the text, "font color," and then the specific color you want.  Color codes are done in six digits--a combination of letters and numbers.   Try this page for HTML Colors.

1.  To turn the new color "on"  use this code:  <font color="336666"> replacing the numbers with the code for the color of your choice.

2.  To turn the new color off, and back to the default, use </font color> (you can also use </font> but I suggest only if you are keeping it simple and only make one font style change).

You may also have seen examples of people using color names instead of a six-digit code. Here is a list of the color names that can be used in most places.
Color names and sRGB values
      black = "000000"       green = "008000"
      silver = "C0C0C0"       lime = "00FF00"
      gray = "808080"       olive = "808000"
     white = "FFFFFF"       yellow = "FFFF00"
      maroon = "800000"       navy = "000080"
      red = "FF0000"       blue = "0000FF"
      purple = "800080"       teal = "008080"
      fuchsia = "FF00FF"       aqua = "00FFFF"


The trick with pictures is that your picture must be already stored on the internet somewhere (unless you are creating your own site--then you probably have a server and storage space--in which case you are heading toward skilled html person and this page is probably a little basic for you!)

The code for a picture does not have an off tag--because your picture just needs to be inserted wherever you desire it to be!

<img scr="URL where your picture is"> The URL is going to start with http://...... and will be an entire address pointing to the specific internet location of your picture.

If your picture is just stored on your hard drive--you can't post it (unless as I said, you are uploading it into a server storage space) because people reading your message can't get into your hard drive files (no, I do NOT want to get mail from hackers explaining how it is done!).


Finally, if you want someone reading your text to visit another website, you need to first know the URL (the address) of the website you're using, second you need to know the html code, and third you want a title or name for your link.

1. To start the link you need to use this tag, <a href="URL address">

2. You need to type the title of the website, or a name after the first html tag.  For example, when I posted the link for the HTML Color site--you did not see the entire URL address on this screen--I turned the words "HTML Color" into a link to the right site.  So, after you follow the first step, type the word/s you want to make into a link.

3. Type the off code, </a> 

Your link will look somewhat like this on your screen:  I want you to visit this <a href=" "> HTML Color </a> page.

When you post it to the web, the html tags will disappear, leaving you with:  

I want you to visit this HTML Color page.



I am NOT responsible for any havoc you may invoke! 

(...unless my codes are wrong, in which case, let me know at