Moore to marry his childhood sweetheart

from on 10/31/02

Shannon Moore will marry his fiancee, Crystal, this Saturday in a small ceremony in North Carolina.

"She's just like me," Moore told "(We enjoy) being goofy together and stuff like that."

Moore, 23, met Crystal through mutual friends when he was 13. They started dating but eventually split up because they were rarely able to see each other due to living 45 minutes apart.

During Moore's senior year in high school - by then he had a driver's license and a car - they got back together, and have remained "an item" ever since. He proposed to her on Christmas Day in 1999.

Unfortunately, other World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars will be unable to attend, as they'll be wrestling at non-televised events in Halifax, Nova Scotia, or Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Moore has the weekend off, but will return in time for Tuesday's SmackDown! taping in Manchester, N.H.

Jeff Hardy was to be Moore's best man, but Jeff is booked on RAW events for the weekend; Moore's dad will fill in.

Moore said he and Crystal, who will turn 22 in November, will wait until they have saved up a little more money, and have a little more time, before taking a honeymoon.

Originally, the couple wanted to get married on Halloween, but they pushed the date back a few days to give Moore time to rest and recover from the Road to Rebellion tour.