Jeff Hardy retains title, then shares stage with Flair and Hogan

by Seth Mates at

DETROIT – July 21, 2002 – Jeff Hardy is no stranger to title matches on Pay-Per-View. A former Tag Team, Light Heavyweight, Hardcore and Intercontinental Champion, Jeff currently holds the European Championship, which he successfully defended against William Regal at Vengeance.

But the most memorable part of the night for the North Carolina native came after his successful title defense, when Jeff was congratulated by both Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair on his way back from the ring. It’s a moment Jeff says he won’t soon forget.

“That was real cool,” Jeff told “I had almost already given up on the fact of doing anything with Flair or Hogan, just because it hasn’t happened in the past. But to see Hogan tonight, it makes me think I might get in the ring with him or something. But even if I never do, tonight was enough, just to be involved with him was enough to be satisfied.”

Overall, Jeff says he was pleased with his match.

“I thought it was good,” he said. “I’m glad to still have the title.”

Jeff says wrestling Regal is an interesting experience.

“It’s different,” he said. “It’s a major clash; our styles are so different. They are totally opposite. So I think the match was good for me, and good for him too, because we learn new ways to go about things.”