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Mrs. Thomas



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Grading Scale     Class Rules       Supplies     Projects        Links      

Grading Scale        

90-100 = A          80-89 = B           70-79 = C           60-69 = D          0-59 = F

Tests = 30%-40% of grade.    Quizzes = 10%-20% of grade.   Projects = 20%-30% of grade.    Other Assignments = 10%-20% of grade.  Class Participation = 10%-20% of grade.  Cheating = 0%

Check Your Grades on Pinnacle - Check your grades and attendance in real-time

Broward Schools Virtual Counselor - Check your standardized test scores

Class Rules             {TOP}

You and your work are expected on time.  Late assignments will not be accepted. 

You have 2 days for each EXCUSED day of absence to turn in missed work.  Assignments given prior to absence are due on date of return.  Make-up tests are given at 7 AM on Tuesdays.

You are responsible for taking class notes.  You will need to print a copy of the study guide for each chapter before discussing the material in class.  You will need your textbook EVERY day.

Projects will be given reduced credit for each day it is late.  If you are absent on the date a project is due, it is your responsibility to make sure your project makes it to school on the due date.  Remember, it is your project that is due, not you.  See individual rubrics for scoring.

Eating, drinking or sleeping in class is not permitted.  If you are hungry or thirsty, take care of your needs before or after class.  If you have your head on your desk, I will assume that you are either sick or dead.  The classroom is neither a clinic or a hotel; go home.

Dress code will be enforced.  Dress appropriately.  I do not want to see any part of your body - from your shoulders to your knees.  Keep it covered.

Cell phones, headsets, and other contraband are not permitted in class - this includes text messaging.  It will be collected and sent (eventually) to your administrator.

Although students may make-up work after excused absences, it has been my experience that students with excessive absences (3+ per quarter) have great difficulty keeping up with what was missed in class.  Attendance is vital.  I cannot and will not take responsibility for students who are habitually absent and have low or failing grades.  Any work missed will be made up at 7 AM on Tuesdays.

Supplies            {TOP}

1 inch 3-ring binder for notes, assignments, and review. 

Loose-leaf, white, lined notebook paper for tests and assignments.

Blue or black pens.


Projects        {TOP}                           

Students will complete an individual or a group project each quarter. A rubric will be provided.

Economics Project

    Reality Budget

Government Project


American History Projects

    Your Oldest Living Relative - Due October 4

    Website Design

    Newspaper Project

World History Projects

    Your Oldest Living Relative - Due October 4

    The Middle Ages at 6 O'Clock

Links        {TOP}

These are here for your convenience - use them and it will save you a lot of time.   

John Kerry for President

George Bush for President

Ralph Nader for President


            E-mail your teacher at school            E-mail your teacher at home






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05/25/2005 06:19:42 PM

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