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Objective: I am moving into a new apartment that is a 2 bedroom apartment with a living room, a dining room, 1 bathroom and a kitchen.  My task is to perform the life cycle analysis for both lighting schemes (incandescent and CFL, or compact fluorescent option) and recommend the most cost effective lighting scheme.

Here are several guidelines for the lighting:

i.   Living room - lighting scheme should provide 10-20 fc (footcandle).

ii. kitchen - lighting scheme should provide 30-40 fc in the whole area and 70-80 fc above the stove.

iii.  Dining room - lighting scheme should provide 30-40 fc.

iv.  bedrooms - lighting scheme should provide 10-20 fc.

v.  hall way - lighting scheme should provide 5-10 fc in the whole area and 70-80 fc above the sink.

vi.  bathroom - lighting scheme should provide 70-80 fc.

Here's the floorplan:


The incandescent bulb I'll be using is 100W bulb that creates 1710 lumens and lasts 750 hours.  It costs $0.49 per bulb.  More information can be found here.

The compact fluorescent bulbs come in two variety: a 23W version that produces 1600 lumens and lasts 10000 hours, and a 18W version that costs creates 1200 lumens and also lasts 10000 hours.  They cost $7.15 and $6.95, respectively.

Detailed calculations to determine the number of bulbs necessary can be found here.

Detailed calculations of the life cycle analysis can be found here.

1.  Which lighting scheme is more economical?

Fluorescent lighting scheme is more economical.   The incandescent scheme would cost $210.34 while the fluorescent scheme would cost $167.45 through the lifetime of the fluorescent scheme.

2.  What is the total energy saved by the more economical scheme compared to the other scheme over the lifetime of the fluorescent light?

19 * 100 - (13 * 23 + 6 * 18) = 1493Wh saved

1493W * 10000 hours = 14930000W = 14930kWh saved.

3.  How much money will be saved by using the more economical lighting scheme over the lifetime of the fluorescent light?

$1650.34 (cost of life cycle of incandescent light scheme) - $460.25 (cost of life cycle of fluorescent light scheme) = $1190.09

4.  What are the environmental consequences (in terms of emissions) of choosing energy efficient lighting for your apartment?  (according to

Emission Reduction and Cost Savings Results:

Your Estimated Annual Cost Savings:  $ 
(Calculated using fossil fuel-based electric generation and natural gas emission factors and average electricity and fuel rates by customer type for the selected state)

Your Energy Efficiency Efforts Will Also Result
in the Following Pollution Reductions:
Type of Pollution Amount of Reduction per Year
Greenhouse Gases (CO2) Pounds
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Pounds
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Pounds
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Pounds
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Pounds
Particulates (PM10) Pounds
Toxic Metals Pollution Amount of Reduction per Year
Mercury (Hg) Milligrams

The emission reduction is very significant, as one can see above.  Imagine if all the household changes over to fluorescent lighting scheme!  This would greatly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas and pollutants being emitted into the atmosphere.


The savings from lighting is VERY significant.  At the end of the 10000-hour cycle, we would have saved $1190.09, all from just using more efficient light bulb!  Plus, the environmental benefit is tremendous.  If all the household in the United States did this, not only would Americans save much money, but the environment would be significantly better, especially since the U.S. is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gas.