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Centre Party Manifesto


The Centre Party was founded in an attempt to provide a moderate alternative to the mainstream political parties. The founders of the Party believe that the current political parties do not adaquately reflect their opinions, but they do not believe that the present rise in extremist politics in the UK (either on the right or the left) is an adaquate solution to the problems. Therefore, we have attempted to create a party that reflects our moderate views, and what we believe will be best for Britain. We have taken ideas from the political right and the political left in an attempt to create a manifesto of common sense, which would deliver pragmatic benefits to the country, and would provide a new look at some of our existing problems.

If nothing else then it is hoped that this manifesto might at least start some dicussion within British Politics and encourage people to realise that there are alternative policies to those advocated by the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democratic Parties, but that these alternatives do not have to be far right posturing or left wing anti-war rhetoric.

In the sections below, this manifesto outlines the core ideas of the Centre Party by theme, and they are listed in alphabetical order.

Hopefully they will make sense to you and seem like theu provide a common sense alternative to the existing parties.

The Centre Party Team


Devolution and Local Government




Health Care


Foreign Policy



The Centre Party does not oppose the war in Iraq in principle. However, we do oppose both the motivation for the war and also the poor execution of the occupation. We believe that the war would have achieved international support and would have had a stronger moral backing if from the start it had been conducted as a simple attempt to remove an evil despot who was a risk to regional stability and who mistreated his own people. The issue of WMDs would then be essentially moot, as there would be acceptable reasons for the invasion without entering into a desperate search for these weapons to justify invasion. The "spin" was essentially unnecessary, and damaging to both the British political system and to the attempts to occupy Iraq.

There have been fundemental errors in the way in which the occupation in Iraq has been carried out, including the abolition of the Iraqi police force and army, and a lack of focus on improving living standards. However, the solution to this is not for an end to the occupation, as this would almost certainly abandon Iraq to civil war. It is necessary for Iraq to be carefully governed by an internationally approved force which will help the Iraqis to make the long journey towards democarcy and self-rule.

Law and Order


Northern Ireland

Parliament and the Civil Service

Sport and Culture


Whilst accepting the environmental issues of car use (see Environment) it is a simple fact that the car remains a key economic and social mode of transport. Therefore, whilst investment in other modes of transport, and the encouragement of long term research is important, it cannot be denied that the car is here to stay. Therefore, fuel duty should be kept at its current level for at least 5 years, with raises capped at RPIX-2. Funding for transport initiatives should be encouraged through a system similar to that operated in France, whereby motorways are run on a pay as you use method.
Contact Us:

To join the party, please send an e-mail to this address with "Join" in the Subject line.