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Hi everybody--It's Caroline!

Hey all! Here's how my site works. Right below this is a box where I give quick updates on my life and the site's content whenever I work on it. Then, scroll down for guest features, like the guest map and message board. Then, keep on scrolling to find the main content! Look through the drop down menu and check out all the different parts of my site and the cool links. Towards the bottom of this page, there is a "quickmailer," which you can use to pass me a note. Also there is a link to a form you can fill out to leave comments and answer questions about my site! So, I hope you have a good time! Enjoy!


12/13::Hey everybody! Happy Holidays! I love Christmastime. I'm going shopping today and a party tonight! Yay! Well seeya later.

10/26::Hey all! It's almost Halloween! Oh my gosh I was watching SNL the other night and I discovered Tracy Morgan's "Brian Fellow" character. It is so hilarious. click here to download clips from SNL, including the Brian Fellow's Safari Planet. Oh, and also go to and look at the Stron Bad emails and the Fluffy Puff commercials. Really funny. Well if I don't update by Halloween, Happy Halloween! Seeya bye!

10/20::Okay so I added a page about what movies, TV Shows and music I like. Click Here to go to it or find it in the main content menu. I hope you like it!! See y'all later.

10/18::Hey all! Last Saturday was the website's One Year Anniversary! Way to go! It's improved very nicely and many people have seen it. I may try to add some more pages soon but not right now. I'm recovering from a weeklong fever. I got it last Sunday and spent 2/3 of my 3-day-weekend sick! Then I spent Tuesday-Thursday at home sick! When I get sick, I get sick! I'm getting better but still coughing a lot. So I drink tea. I think I will go downstairs now and maybe do a little piano practicing, and then watch TV while I work on my drawing for school. Have a nice day!!

9/7::So I've been in school for like a week. It's fun. I really like English and history. Have you ever seen "zoom" on pbs? its on at 3:30 on weekdays! Click Here to listen to the annoying yet catchy theme song. I had a sleepover w/ Annie, Abby, Kim, Fran and my sister obviously. It was fun:) I'm glad we are doing stuff together even though we're at different schools! Well anyways, see you later!

8/29::Hey. Didn't make the soccer team, because they had to cut HALF of the freshmen! Can you believe it? Well that's OK. I decorated my binder and it's very very cool. Did you see the rerun of Will and Grave last night with Madonna? "cut to me, eating the whole cheescake!" That's such a funny show. Anyways, the O.C. is a rerun tonight I think at 9 pm on fox if you didn't see it or wanna see it again (I sound like the commercial) but don't you you love that show?

8/22::Hey y'all. I'm going to soccer practice tomorrow to see if I want to do soccer this fall---wish me luck!!
I put up some new photos in the "my friends" section---check 'em out!!!

7/19::Hey everyone! My musical is coming up! Yay, "Jitterbug Juliet!" Who saw "Bash" on MTV? Most of it was stupid but Nelly's video clips were so funny! By the by, (I hate when people say "by the by" instead of "by the way!") I am typing this from my new desk in my newly painted pink rooom with soft padded off-white carpeting!! Yay! Don't forget to write me @ with comments questions, suggestions or even artwork, poetry, prose or whatever you want me to add to the page! Seeya'll later!:)

6/26::Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I just got back from a vacation in Newport yesterday. I had a great time! Please write to me using the forms available at the bottom of the page. I want suggestions for more things to do with my site. Who knows? A poem you wrote or a piece of art created by you could be on the site if you contact me. I want more stuff from you! :) Well see ya l8er!:)

5/22::WOohoO! School is almost out! Exactly 2 weeks from right now I will be at the dinner dance!!! I have my graduation and dinner dance dresses. I am soooo excited! I'm nervous for finals though! AHHH THey are next week! Well anyways I hope y'all ace your finals if you have them. See ya later!

4/27::This week is the trip to Philladelphia. I have to get a few short-sleved collared shirts for the trip, because it's spring dress code and it would be best to wear pants and a shirt while walking around Gettysburg and stuff. Mom is gonna talk to the head of the upper school about wearing jeans to Gettysburg. I hope it works!!! I'm so excited about the dinner-dance on the boat! I have a cute peasant-top kind of mesh material dress. I'll wear it with those beige sandal heels I got last year. It will be so great! I hope I'm with my closest friends for rooming! My favorite parts of school trips are dinner dances and down-time in the hotel room! That is SOOO much fun! Anyways, I've blabbed on enough, so I'll see y'all l8er! :)

4/20::Yippee! It's Easter! What a beautiful day! I hop we play baseball today with our cousins. Anyways, Happy Easter!:)

4/6::OK, Spring came, left and I think it's coming back. I want it too soon! Anyways I will get my clothing allowance soon! Yay for shopping (responsibly)! Mom's bday is on the 9th! Yay Mom! Well, gotta run. So see ya, cool guys and gals! :)

3/17::Hello everyone! I love that it's finally beginning to feel like spring. I know theres still a little snow but it;s warmer. I got back from sunny NC a few days ago. Now I am looking foward to the rest of my week. Here are sunny things to think of spring!:
Well I gotta go because Kim wil be here any minute!!:)Bye gals and guys!:)

2/17::Hello! So I did see How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days by the way. It was cute and funny! It's snowing a LOT out there! WOW! I can't wait for March break, because I'm going to sunny North Carolina! We're staying in a condo at a resort with tons of fun activities!!! Yay can't wait! :) Wel, anyways, see ya, cool guys and gals! :)

2/9::Hey! Almost-Happy-Valentines Day!! I just bought a cool outfit on w/ my xmas gift certificate. It's a pink tank top and jean capris!! For the spring! See?:
Cool, huh? Ehhh? I saw LOTR:The Two Towers for the 3rd time on Friday (snow day) and in a few minutes I'm going to see Shanghai Knights! Yay! I also wanna see How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Well cya soon, bye guys and gals!:)

1/12::Hey, everyone! How are you? I reorganized the links into a neat little menu and made a few more cool pages. Please check them out!!! Also: Help me decide what to do with my room!!! I am allowed to redecorate it, but I don't knwo what to do with it! Either go to the link in the menu or click here. Thanks, guys and gals!!! *:)

12/23::Yay! Christmas is in two days! I had a party yesterday! Merry Christmas everyone!:) *ps*new

11/03:Hey! Got a friends page up and a stuff i like page up! Check 'em out. Still need more pix!:) cya l8er!

11/01::Hey! Newest addition: wacky laws link. Email me if it's not working, cuz I'm not sure myself. Still need pics, my friends!:)

10/27::Hey guys! I hope u are enjoying the site. TO MY FRIENDS:Please Please Please give me photos of us, i really need some good ones 4 the site!:) ok that's all 4 now, thanx!:)

10/11::Hi everyone!! I started site today. I want to have more funny road signs and newspaper clippings up later. I'm starting to put it together though right now. TO MY FRIENDS: If you have any good photos of us, send them to me so I can put them up here! Tell me what you think of this site!! Thanx guys! Have a nice day!

And if that doesn't work: My email is
*Where are you from?*Click ---->

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Inside Jokes!!!
everyone:"You suck!! Go home!" "This is our home!"/
Pam:"that's neatt."/"so, will you go out w/ me?" "napkin!" "what?" "it's a 'from justom to kelly' reference. dont you get it?" "uh, no." "game over!"
Fran:Codename medley w/ Bag-->Fluff-->Ghost--Babbler!/Fake fight at the cafe!!!/
Kim:Todd Duffey as 'Brian' and as 'scooter mcnutty!'/OFFICE SPACE!!... /"Ni, ni, ni ni ni ni ni, ni..." "that's german you know. nine./"Nigel" in history
Manda:"From Justin to Kelly"--/Keeping up Appearances/Eugene/Chocolate strawberries and Gullah Gullah Island/

The Big Deal

Right above is the menu to the main content of my site! Pull down the menu and choose a link, and then come back and look at a different link! And then come back and look at another link...!

Send me a quick message, straight from the site, without even opening your email!!
Message to Webmaster:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Help me and the site out by quickly telling me what you think and your ideas, comments, suggestions...!! Click here! Thanks
Game Over