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SundayLeague. An online football management game with a sense of humour. You be the Manager!

Welcome to the home of the Blind Ninjaz. After a spell with clan[MOD] [BN]Z! and [BN]apocolyp4 decided it was time to start their own clan. And so the Blind Ninjaz were created. Although it has taken a while for the clan to get off the ground (It being a year between the forming of the clan and the introduction of the third member)they are determined to make up for lost time. On this site you will find member profiles of the clan members as well as screennshots, downloads and more.

Please help support the clan by ranking them on vtoplist. To rank this site either click here or click on the link on the left hand side of the page below the csart button. Thank you.

We are currently looking for clans interested in taking part in a clan match. If you think your clan would be capable of taking us on the e-mail me at this address.


Blind Ninjaz! temporarily out of action

Due to other committments Blind Ninjaz! are currently unable to operate. After a glorious run of 0 clan matches (Impressive I know) we decided that the clan just wasn't working out at the moment. We will be back.