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Updated October 2, 2003

Hello, this is my accutane diary. I began accutane on March 25, 2002. I finished accutane at the end of September, 2002

New News October 2003.

Hi everyone! I didn't think I'd be updating this website again, but I've been getting some emails from nice people, so I decided to update. I have been off accutane for a full year. Right now my skin has been pretty clear since about Mid-May thanks to another prescription of Doryx-Doxycyline and a switch to the Yasmin birth control pill. I stopped taking Doryx in July, and have been clear since. I would recommend this prescription as a last shot before accutane. Maybe I'll update again someday soon

January, 2003 Hello! Its a new year, my first year without acne...or is it? As some of you may know, I went on accutane for 5 months in 2002, I have currently been off the medication for 3 full months now. I previously posted that I would no longer be updating, but what the hell, why not? Besides, I've been getting alot of email lately :) Thanks guys! Keep your stories coming! Anyway, here's a 3-month post accutane update! My skin was very clear from the time I finished accutane until just around Christmas. I would usually get like one pimple a month, a small one, during PMS, so I was pretty happy. Unfortunately I did break out a bit during my winter break from college, still nothing as bad as pre-accutane, but noticably different. anyway I am crediting it to a few days where I didn't take my make up off before bed-Big Mistake Ladies!! Always wash your make up off!! So now, I've been washing very carefully and using toner, and my skin is returning back to normal, thank goodness. For a while there I was pretty freaked out, considered calling up the doc and going back on accutane, but this tiny breakout has thankfully turned out to be temporary.

This is a note from September when I finished accutane: I am completely done with accutane, I took my last pill this month so no pills=no changes=no more updating :( Sorry folks but Yes. I am done. I hope my few journal entries are informative for those folks looking to begin their trek on the rocky accutane road. I would just like to say one thing about accutane. It is a very high price to pay for clear skin. My skin wasn't even that extreme, but I went on it anyway because I was so sick of the pimples I did have. Although I never felt the urge to kill myself or fly into any buildings, I did not go through the treatment without any mental mishaps. I would recommend that one have very stable mental health and be very happy with their lives before starting this medicine. Even though accutane has not been formally linked to depression and thoughts of suicide, I can definitly see where they get this suspicion. I am a very happy girl, and I lead a very good life-even though my life was very different when i began then right now when I stop (I just started college this month) And I'd say that a person should have room for the depression and other stresses that the drug may cause. If you are already depressed or mentally unstable when you start this medicine, you may just go over the edge. So please, only take this medicine if you feel you are prepared to deal with the emotional and physical (back and muscle aches, chafing skin and lips, etc)pain. Thank you

I love email, so keep it coming, and I want to hear your stories! Thank you for your support. *~HEB

If you are going to sign my guestbook...please keep in mind, my name is Hillary! (not Heather, i have no clue why people call me Heather in this guestbook, lol)
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