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Married Me



Lewis, Brent, Randolph,
Joshua and Nathaniel

 Thursday, January 15, 1981
Festus, MO

Lewis, Brent, Randolph,
Joshua and Nathaniel

Thursday, January 15, 1981
Festus, MO

Lewis, Brent, Randolph,
Joshua and Nathaniel

Saturday, November 7, 1981

Thursday, November 3, 1983
Hillsboro, MO

Paul, Carol, Lewis, Brent, Randolph, Joshua
and Nathaniel

Saturday, March 31, 1984
Desoto, MO

Paul, Carol, Lewis, Brent, Randolph, Joshua,
Nathaniel and Dale

Palm Sunday, April 12, 1987
Taylor Springs, IL

Paul, Carol, Lewis, Brent, Randolph, Joshua,
Nathaniel and Dale

Palm Sunday, April 12, 1987
Taylor Springs, IL

Lewis, Brent, Randolph,
Joshua, Nathaniel and Dale

Tuesday, February 28, 1989
Litchfield, IL

Lewis, Brent, Randolph,
Joshua, Nathaniel,
Dale and Adrienne



"And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children."

- 3 Nephi 22:13



Words and Music by Doug Stewart and Lex de Azevedo

Who are these children coming down,
Coming down like gentle rain through darkened skies?
With glory trailing from their feet as they go?
And endless promise in their eyes?

Who are these young ones growin' tall, growing strong
Like silver trees against the storm?
Who will not bend with the wind or the change
But stand to fight the world alone?

These are the few, the warriors save for Saturday
To come the last days of the world these are they on Saturday
These are the strong, the warriors rising in their might
To win the battle raging in the hearts of man on Saturday

Strangers from a realm of light who have forgotten all
The mem'ry of their former life, the purpose of their call
And so they must learn why they're here and who they really are.
They must learn why they're here and who they are.

In their sunbright armor they march forth to conquer all
And with their swards ablaze with fir watch the darkness fall
But first they must learn why they're here and who they really are
They must learn why they're here and who they are.





 Every mother has a favorite child. She cannot help it. She is only human.
I have mine--the child for whom I feel a special closeness,
with whom I share a love that no one else could possibly understand.
My favorite child is the one who was too sick to eat ice cream at his birthday party --
who had measles at Christmas --
who wore leg braces to bed because he toed in --
who had a fever in the middle of the night,
the asthma attack, the child in my arms at the emergency ward.

   My favorite child spent Christmas alone away from the family,
was stranded after the game with a gas tank on E, lost the money for his class ring.

   My favorite child is the one who messed up the piano recital,
misspelled committee in a spelling bee, ran the wrong way with the football,
and had his bike stolen because he was careless.

   My favorite child is the one I punished for lying,
grounded for insensitivity to other people's feelings,
and informed he was a royal pain to the entire family.

   My favorite child slammed doors in frustration,
cried when she didn't think I saw her,
withdrew and said she could not talk to me.

   My favorite child always needed a haircut, had hair that wouldn't curl,
had no date for Saturday night, and a car that cost $600 to fix.
My favorite child was selfish, immature, bad-tempered and self-centered.
He was vulnerable, lonely, unsure of what he was doing in this world--and quite wonderful.

   All mothers have their favorite child.
It is always the same one: the one who needs you at the moment.
Who needs you for whatever reason--to cling to, to shout at, to hurt,
to hug, to flatter, to reverse charges to, to unload on--
but mostly just to be there.

   Erma Bombeck

Courtesy of my niece, Shari, of VA  - Mother's Day, 05/11/03
Thanks, Shari!


Adrienne's Angel Lullaby