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The Rock

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~Scene~The Rock leaves the workout room and heads back to his lockerroom when good ol' coach decides to follow the rock and ask him about his match this sunday at Ruined Romance where the rock could get his shot at the world title at wrestlemania.

Coach: Rock this sunday at Ruined Romance you are involved in one of the most biggest matches of your career when you step into the ring against 8 other men to determine who goes to wrestlemania to face the world champion. Rock what chanced do you have against 8 other men?

Rock: Coach don't you have anything better to do then follow the rock all around the arena? I mean seriously the rock turns around and behind every corner, every crack in this arena the rock see you. He watches you. But enough about your life the rock is ready for Ruined Romance. You see two days from now the rock gets in with not just one guy but 8 different guys now you see the rock could go on and on about each and every opponent but coach as you may know that is not the rock's style but the rock will have a little fun at their expense. You see this sunday night the rock is in a match that determines the rock's destiny. The winner of the rock's match gets a shot at wrestlemania. Skydome 60,000 strong the rock against world champion whoever it may be. You see the rock is not looking past all his opponent NO NO. You see the rock just knows how ready he is for his match you see the rock as to face the Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin and the whole world knows just how the rock feels about Steve Austin. You seethe rock gets a little annoyed with Stone Cold steve austin wanting to know everything and acting like a man who need a hearing aid. All the rock hears is WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT!!!! The rock plans on beating each and every what out of Stone cold and the rock is not worried if the rattlesnake even makes it to Ruined Romance! You see Stone Cold you and the rcok hate each other and the rock has no problem at all whipping your monkey ass all over the people's ring. This Sunday night Steve watch out cause no one will see the rock coming.

Rock: Now Next on the Rock's Hitlist is Jabba. You see Jabba the rock has heard all you have had to say. You see your little childish remarks do not stop the rock from taking your candy ass out to the cleaners. This sunday night you can not do anything and the rock means ANYTHING to stop the rock. You see the rock has heard you call him the Mute One. Thats real clever for a man who has to hide behind a woman. You see Jabba the rock is ready to take on all challengers. The rock is not afraid on how big you may think you are. The rock is not afraid on how tough you may think you are. The only thing the rock does know is that like the old saying goes the bigger they are the harder they hit Rock Bottom. You see Jabba you may have the love of a good woman but you will never have the love ansd respect of the people! This sunday night the rock Royal Rumble match your ass belongs to the rock.

Rock: Onto Justin sane you see you and the rock have fought each other many times before. You see you and the rock have had a war in the past and the rock has continuously kicked your ass over and over again. You see what you have always failed to realize is just how bad you really are. You see for years you were after Tylene and the destruction of the HBAW. Everytime you stepped in the ring. Weither it be the rock or anyone else for that matter you find someway of losing. Now the rock does not need a fortune teller to realize that you are no problem for the rock. You see when it comes to you it gets real simple. The rock walks into the ring and whips your candy ass its like peanut butter and jelly those two just go together. Justin you and the rock not one on one and heck if the rock had his way you would have no shot in hell at touching the rock's world title! But be that as it may this sunday you step into the ring with the rock and the rock garundamntees your monkey ass will leave just as fast as it came into the ring.

Rock: Now you see this is what the rock was talking about cause you see plain and simple it doesn't matter who gets in the ring with the rock. You see the rock has been on top of the mountain before and the rock knows just what it is like to be the number one contender. You see Wrestlemania 2002 this year will be different you see the rock has been to many wrestlemanias. This wrestlemania after the rock wins this sunday night will be different cause you see the rock plans on going to wrestlemania. The rock is addicted to going to wrestlemania. You see the rock does not care who has the belt at wrestlemania. The long story short is this the rock is going to wrestlemania. The rock is going to compete in front of the MILLIONS........AND MILLIONS OF ROCKS FANS alll over the world. and the rock is without a shadow of a doubt garundamnteeing he will come out on top cause you see the fire in the rock's stomach burns and can only be extinguished by winning the world title!!!



The Great One