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there once was this girl, who was sprung on this fat cat-lookin mofo... who seemed to be all that mattered to her... but one day the girl realized that everything she had with the cat mofo was fabricated in her mind... she realized that what she thought they had was non-existent.. it was a living dream... in other words complete and utter bullshit. the girl had once said that the other guy's that she had dated were "just time fillers".. she learned that not only was she fooling with her men.. she was fooling herself also... the girl has since learned to differenciate between what is false pretense, made in her mind to satisfy her loneliness and what is real true feeling flowing from her heart... to try this new found knowledge the girl accepted a male's offer to get close.. a guy named big Rick.. the girl knew in her mind that he was no good for her.. but decided to give her heart a chance to decide.. the end to this saga is as follows... the girl ended up caring for Rick but knew that there was nothing more.... but the way things ended was what got to the girl... who since has moved on and gone past such things.... the girl who had been previously oblivious to the opportunity that lied within her own place of work... started to notice the was a certain somebody talked... it was like nothing she had ever heard... blunt yet careful... sweet yet thugged out.... heartfelt yet honest... the girl was instantly hooked.. yet the dude didn't share the same interest as she did... the girl felt that she could probably never get with the guy but she ended up telling the wrong people about her crush.. people who talk and love to play matchmaker.. however the boy was not game... it took the girl a couple of weeks to actually have a conversation with him.. but it got the ball rolling and at this point the girl had stopped trying to impress him with things that weren't really organic to her nature... she gave him all that she had.. and only what she had to give.. in due time he learned to accept it and eventually like it.. on night at precisely 1:38 AM.. it became official.. the girl and the guy have since become closer and the girl enjoys every second she has with him... his touch sends energy, life, and happiness through her body. something she desperatly needs... this girl is me... this guy is Christian... and as i type i'm awaiting his return so she can tell him to come to her and hold her in her arms so she can forget all the bullshit that this mofo cat is putting her through and focus on the only man that truely matters in her heart at the moment... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh that's the man!!! SERAS POR SIEMPRE EL GATILLERO DE MI CORAZON !!!!

Chris is a look-a-like for many famous's another picture of him.. u decide

mighty mouse!

Ronald McDonald!!!
David Blaine!!

For more Pictures of the actual chris