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HOLLER!! This is my page and it's not made for little eyes so all u midgets gotta leave!!

Only to see angels face...yet never to feel her true embrace

AIGHT LIKE A SCROTUM, HERE IT IS IN A NUTSHELL! 19 year old born, raised and living in Bridgeport, CT. When I'm home I enjoy drinking 40's of OE and 22's of Smirnoff Ice and St Ides Special brew. I sell childrens clothes at JC Penney and basically just chillax around this beautifully ghetto city where the pick-up line most commonly used on me is "You're cute for a white girl" and people tell me I'm not white cuz I speak spanish and I have a fat ass. I go to Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY where I'm known for playing the drinking game "asshole" with E&J instead of beer. I like midget tossing and petty larsony. I'm big on stealing cable and having bad credit. My favorite past time at school is trying to sleep with oversized security guards. I've earned the title of "Pop-A-Squat Queen" which needs no explaination. Well ANYWAYZ that's enough about me. Enjoy my updated page! But don't sign my guestbook telling me I'm crazy, tell me something i don't know!!! And i don't like hearing about how i should wash old men's balls or being asked for sexual favors so try to be nice. -WHITEY OUT!!!

sign my guestbook guestbook by 
guestworld look at all the crackheads who signed my guestbook

menu (pronounced men ew)

What i believe
A Day In The Life of Me
My art
~A Special Surprise!!!~

oh yeah listen here..!