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In October 2002 we here in the VLS bunker we became increasingly concerned that a Dr. Strangelove complex had overcome and the big oil interests that fund that show. We held our breath in anticipation that George Bush Jr. would be man enough to accept suggestion by Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan that Bush & Saddam settle their differences by a duel --- sparing billions of dollars in expense and untold numbers of human lives. But it was not to be. So in the interests of peace, our mentor Dr. Sellers contacted US government officials himself to offer the 'whack-a-goon' solution. He urged everyone, and especially all supporters of the rush to war, to seek alternative testosterone release by taking vengeance on Sellers and his band of goons. As an incentive to participate, the vanlose stairway music server offered the classic 1973 Van Morrison performance in London newly transferred to VCD.

CONTEST CLOSED 11-1-02 Top score here All entries won the VCD via the patented VLS WEED - Winning Entry Earmarked Distribution." Thanks for playing!






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