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Too Much About Me

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I wanna say hi to all my friendz!

    Chicaz first
  • Katie: Another turning point, a fork stuck in tha road... Can I steal your phone? I wanna watch it go Blink! How's Lizzy and Jonathon (haha)? Yoshi died 6 times... Oh, and don't tell Laurie I slept... if only I had the time to put all our inside jokes up here. Cape Cod cranberry, rainbow cookie stix, OH LOOK I'M SUNNY BONO!, You cannot be a Yoshi. You just can't. And how bout that imaginary number 68? LoL I wish their music was in English. LMAO We have too much free time on our hands.
  • Kara: WE WON A GAME! One day...Martha waz bored and she decided to count a 10 pound bag of CAT FOOD! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!
  • Christine: All I gotta say to you iz band party. FLY!!! We gotta go back to that class. Raggedy Ann & Andy! How bout them friends of mine on my s/n??? LoL And our wonderful geometry project. Captain Andy and Raggedy Ann together forever! LoL
  • Christina: Hey Chica! MISS DILBERT! Let's go bowling with "her" again. We really need to go bowling... and looking for your rock! LIKE WHOA N*GGA IN ABERCROMBIE!!! You'll always be my dad's only ash-tray friend! LoL At my party... with Steve... LoL
  • Kasey: I know we haven't been really good friendz for very long, but I think you're pretty cool. Thanx for listening to me. I'm lovin the laces!
  • Breanna: Hey. I know we aren't that close now, but I still consider you a good friend of mine.
  • Jenn: Somehow we survived FOCUS. I told ya we would. I win the greeting card war. =Ŝ Keep your head up chick! I ate a jewel thingy! LoL THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PICTURE!!! AHHHH! I love you JenN!! LoL
  • Melissa: Same to you az I said to Jenn. Franco e chi!!! So does Chris owe you money, or do you owe him now? I lost track... lol
  • Monika: How are thoze Birdz?! My cute lil froggie!!! Stop fighting with Angelene! lol... STAY OUTTA TROUBLE! How bout the lady from your building in the wheelchair goin down the street...? And your retarded rat... I mean dog. LoL
  • Elvira: Hey chika! How come you don't call me anymore?! You and I are still good friends. Even if you do live far away. Good luck with whoever it iz you like now.... WATER FIGHT!!! And next time we go to the movies, let's make sure Scott is there. lol
  • Genisa: I GOT MY CD!!! It's a miracle. ***'s a Hot Boy. But he's really not anymore! I broke your wall. STALKER! You kno who's really blazin...? Can I steal your yearbook??? I fought you for the yearbook. Popcorn seeds. We scared Allison. I'M A BALLERINA!!! Seniors all the way, right?! lol We definitely havta go skating sometime this summer!
  • Kara (D'Aniello): Hey! I know we haven't been friendz for long, but you're pretty cool. I'm lovin your "yellow" ball. It was actually orange, but shh... LoL
  • Amanda: Hey. Thanx for listening to me. You're not worthless girl!
  • Angelene: Hey gurl! I know we aren't all that close, but I know that anytime I need to talk to someone I can talk to you. I hope you feel the same. LoL thanx for walking with me in the 90 degree weather to go and get Juan his frickin juice. What a loser... LoL
  • Amanda (Santoro): Ben iz scarey. VERY scarey. Dave who? STAY AWAY FROM GUYZ IN ORANGE VESTZ! You kno who'z really sexy??? LOL HI AMANDA!!!!!!
  • Stefanie DaCosta: Brain mush. That's all I'm gonna say.
  • Katrina: I'm lovin the lil joke we played on Cihan... lol Don't trip the next time we go to Shop Rite, k? LoL Oh, and thanx for the soda bottles! Keep away from "Matt-the-Woman-Be-Gooder!" ALBANIA!!!! LoL Oh, and watch out for telephone poles now! LoL!
  • Dana: Hey girl! How's life??? I MET THE HARDYZ I MET THE HARDYZ!!! LoL
  • Jamie: Hi!!! I love you THIIIIIS much! LoL Henry still loves you, and I bet Frank does too, right!?! LOL! NICK IS NOT A MUSHROOM! YOU MEANIE!
  • Karen: Yo!! Wud up my white ghetto friend?! LoL! Thanx for bein there for me when certain people make me mad. I'm always here for ya if you need someone to talk to!
  • Angela: Hey chika! The "C" is not for cute! Flock of seagulls! LoL FREE MILLY!!! LoL madd funny! Jose is bad for you! Just like Bryan's bad for me! "I hold the key to James's heart!" Thanx for the soda bottles!
  • Nora: Hey chica, sorry I didn't put you in here sooner! You're madd cool, and I hope we stay friends for awhile. Maybe we should start doin our English work, huh? LoL! Hopefully this year we have a better teacher!
  • Surra: Hey... you and I have been pretty close friends now, and I got your back no matter what you decide to do, kk? Havin fun in the Bahamas? Lucky!!!
  • Melissa (Brown): Who woulda thought 7 months ago that you and I would be as close of friends as we are now? I'm glad tho... It's a lot better than fighting. We really should send the Albanian package to camp for Matt! LoL!!
  • Heather: You're a loser, and you're not really my friend, but since you're bugging me to put your name up here, STOP USING MY NAIL POLISH!
  • Allison: Umm... Hi. LoL I dunno what else to say... but I'd rather have you for a sister than Heather! hahahaha

In CaSe YoU dOn'T kNo, ThAt'S mE *n* ThE hArDy BoYz!!!

Now Guyz

  • André: have no idea how important you are in my life. Without you...I dunno where I'd be. Thanx. I love you! Cat-dog...Cat-dog... Are you sure you're not slo? How bout that DAVE MIRRA?! And yes, it is possible to get broke on the bunny slope! Do you wanna fight?! No, you're not rotating. LoL BRAIDS ARE BAD!
  • Adam: Joe the turtle iz doing fine. Stop trying to break-dance. How doez my lip gloss taste?!?! Evilness... I'M NOT A WITCH OR A VAMPIRE! Dude, I miss you sooo much already! Keep in touch, aight?
  • Ricky: Hey punk! Thanx for helping me out 2 years ago. You have no idea what that meanz to me. Stop teaching Adam how to break dance. I love you!!! hahaha You're gonna have my number on speed dial, right??? hahaha... Yea, too bad you don't kno how to say hi to anyone anymore. What's the word of the day?
  • Tone: ??? And I kno I'm not supposed to be talking to you, but I'm a lil slow. lol
  • Zastaury: Snowboarding was fun... Maybe we should all pay attention in Mrs. Burt's class... maybe not!
  • Jose: LoL We broke up and we never even went out! Try not to cuss Mrs. Burt out anymore! SWEATERS ARE BAD!!!!
  • Bryan: I seriously, honestly, do not understand you. "Why'd I havta go and meet somebody like you, why'd you havta go and hurt somebody like me?"
  • Cihan: How'd you like that lil trick me and Katie played on you?! LoL You're one of my really good friends now, and one of the few people I trust. Doo-dee-doo...LoL BliNk-BliNk! LoL... too bad his name is NICK! LoL and why do you think I should leave guys alone for now? Then I wouldn't be Debbie!
  • Brett: New nickname every month, huh? At least I wasn't stalked at the mall.
  • Adrian: Do your algebra II homework!!! lol
  • Camacho: Hi.
  • Scott: I think you shoulda came to the movies... I met the Hardyz!!!!
  • Matt: Orange cremesaver, and the soda bottle!!! LoL You and I are pretty good friends now, and I think that's cool. Try to not kill anyone this year. Love, your friend "The Poltergeist!" LMAO DebbieThaPimpMami! LMFAO "They're gonna put in Choate, they're gonna put in Choate... WHAT?! THEY PUT IN WOHLERS?! TORRE YOU FAG!"
  • Cody: SWANTON BOMB BABY! I love you like a brother! I'll help you get Lita if you help me get Matt! LoL
  • Joe: I'm glad you and I are aight now. I love you so much... even tho we live in different states, you'll always be close to me. I love you bro!
  • Andrew: Where's my bracelet?!?!?! OHHHHHHHHHHH LOOK WHO'S GETTIN A BMW!!!
  • Chris: Sorry bout that... LoL Umm... yea, you're one of my sorta kinda good friends. Take that as a compliment, as not many people are lately. I hope everything is cool w/you and Beth for a very long time, and ignore Christina when she cracks on you. LoL Altho it is kinda funny. Tee-Hee
  • Jerry: Hey. Even tho you get on my nerves sometimes (well... a lot), you're still pretty cool. I still owe you those cat-dog cheese nips. LoL
  • Gabe: Hey hun, what's up? Even tho you and I have our moments, you're still pretty cool, and a tru friend. Have fun this summer at ConnCap!
  • Smudin: Hey. Still playin Unreal Tournament, gettin killed online? LoL I'd definitely kill you in Golden Eye. Oh, and as of right now, your Colorado Rockies are 9 games back. HA!!
  • Frank: As annoying as you were stalking me in Science and History, you're still pretty cool, and anytime something was wrong, you'd be there to talk to, tryin to make me laugh. Thanx Frank.
  • Steve: How are the neighbors??? LoL Captain-Napkin for life! I miss you!!!!!!

Well... that's about it for now... half of my webpage got erased, which is just peachy if you ask me... I'll *try* to keep updating this, but it's hard! If I forgot you, or anyone else, let me kno.

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