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During the year 9 work placement, students are often offered full-time employment by their chosen organization, one they have completed their studies at the college.

The chart shows the number of students that have found employment within Oman.

(SSF) Sultans Special Forces

(RAO) Royal Army of Oman

(RNO) Royal Navy of Oman

(ISS) Internal Security Services

(RF) Royal Flight

(PO) Palace Office

(RYS) Royal Yacht Squadron 

(RGO) Royal Guard of Oman

(DIWAN) Diwan of Royal Court

(OAS) Oman Aviation Services   


(GA) Gulf Air

(ROP) Royal Oman Police

(SQU) Sultan Qaboos University

(PDO) Petroleum Development Oman

(OGM) Other government ministries

(POC) Private oil companies



For more information contact the college's administration:

TEL: 550527    FAX: 550501   
